tencent cloud


Digital Guangdong Network Construction Co., Ltd. (Digital Guangdong) was founded in 2017 to explore the informatization and digitization modes of government services. The company was further motivated as the national leadership pointed out in the national conference on the work of cybersecurity and informatization that government agencies should use information technology to disclose government affairs to the public, promote e-government, and build an all-in-one online public service platform.

Digital Guangdong has developed an innovative solution in "3+3+3" mode, which involves the infrastructure, applications, and users. The infrastructure consists of a government cloud platform, a government big data center, and a public support platform. Based on the three fundamental resource platforms, three applications are developed, targeting three user groups. Specifically, the Yue Sheng Shi app is designed for the general public, the Yue Shang Tong app for enterprises and legal persons, and the Yue Zheng Yi app for civil servants and public service employees.

Challenges & Goals

As government agencies push forward their work in service informatization and digitization, their requirements on database products keep rising. The related applications are also constantly upgraded to better versions. The use of databases for government services can be roughly divided into the following four stages:

At the first stage, a plethora of database products of various versions were used at the same time, resulting in a great number of data silos.

At the second stage, government services were merged and migrated to a few popular database products, such as Oracle and SQL Server. However, government agencies still had no overall database plans in place and shared data inefficiently.

At the third stage, departments of a government agency had their respective overall database plans, while the agency as a whole still lacked a unified database plan. The efficiency of data sharing was improved, but the barriers were still there.

At the fourth stage, which goes on till today, Digital Guangdong has built a government cloud platform based on a unified database plan. All government agencies of Guangdong Province are required to deploy their databases on public resource platforms. As a result, data silos are broken down, the efficiency of data sharing is significantly improved, and the progress of database localization is greatly accelerated.

So far, the government cloud platform of Guangdong has supported the databases of more than 50 provincial government agencies. These databases are powered by more than 20,000 CPU cores, more than 130,000 GB of memory, and more than 4 petabytes of storage. Data centers of the government cloud platform are deployed in 2-region-3-DC mode.

Tencent Cloud Solution

1.The government big data center: Digital Guangdong has developed this integrated center for all provincial and municipal government agencies of Guangdong. Based on TDSQL for PostgreSQL and Tencent Big Data Suite (TBDS), the center processes more than 50,000 transactions per second. With streamlined workflows and optimized decision-making processes, the center provides citizens with quick access to government services.

2.The Yue Sheng Shi app: This app is designed for the general public and supports high concurrency. Currently, the number of identity-verified users has reached about 93 million. The peak of hourly visits during the COVID control has exceeded 17 million, with a total of daily visits reaching 180 million. This has demonstrated the industry-leading performance of the app.

3.The Yue Shang Tong app: Designed for enterprises and legal persons, this app has served nearly 6 million commercial entities. It handles 140,000 queries per second and processes 26,000 transactions per second. This amazing performance is made possible by TDSQL for PostgreSQL.

4.The Yue Zheng Yi app: This is a mobile office designed for civil servants and public service employees. It is clear that none of the applications can work effectively without the support of a powerful database, whether they are analytical, high-concurrency, workflow, or comprehensive applications. TDSQL is a key homegrown alternative to foreign database products. In addition to the database service, Tencent Cloud also provides homegrown middleware alternatives.


Yue Sheng Shi is also available as a WeChat mini program. It supports single sign-on from a unified entry, and integrates public services provided by different government departments onto the same platform for centralized management through data sharing and process re-engineering. This allows users to have quick and easy access to government services anytime and anywhere.

According to the Assessment Report on the Integrated Government Services Capacity of the Provincial Governments and Key Cities (2020) released by the E-Government Research Center of the National Academy of Governance in May 2020, Guangdong Province ranked first again in the assessment of online service performance index of provincial governments, with the grade of "Very High".

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