tencent cloud


China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an international energy giant operating a variety of business lines, such as oil and gas exploration and development, new energy, chemical engineering, new materials, product marketing, capital and financial management, and customer support and service.

Given the extended industrial chains that involve one million employees in more than 100 member companies worldwide, it is quite challenging to ensure their instant communication and collaboration.

Based on WeCom, Tencent has developed IM System 2.0 for CNPC to support its internal mobile collaboration at higher productivity and efficiency, laying a solid foundation for the digital transformation of energy enterprises. The CNPC IM System is now one of the top enterprise apps in terms of the number of registered users, number of daily active users, and use scale.

Challenges & Goals

CNPC has one million employees working in more than 100 member companies worldwide. It is a great challenge to provide a mobile collaboration solution that supports customizable office automation (OA) features while ensuring safe, cost-effective, and high-performance instant communication.

Tencent Cloud Solution

Like many others, CNPC has adjusted its operation mode in response to the booming mobile technology. Considering the changing market needs and the large number of employees, the energy giant needs a new office collaboration system that responds fast in information processing and can be quickly tested in a small scope with low risk. Using state-of-the-art mobile collaboration technology, Tencent provides a mobile application platform based on WeCom and other supporting platforms. The powerful mobile application platform provides a unified mobile portal and supports the development of mobile applications as needed. It enables CNPC to concentrate resources to solve challenges in building mobile offices while guaranteeing the user experience.


In light of its digital transformation strategy and high-quality development requirements, CNPC has introduced Tencent WeCom in the design of its mobile application system to comprehensively improve the user experience of in-house and outsourced employees. The mobile OA application is easy to use and has significantly improved the work efficiency. It sets up an effective mobile office and helps with the management of offline production and operation activities, so that fewer face-to-face interventions are required, leading to lower management costs. Based on WeCom and other supporting platforms, the mobile OA application provides a unified mobile OA portal, making it easy for more employees to stay active on it. It is also protected by a strengthened security system against malicious attacks and passive information leakage, which ensures the safe and stable operation of CNPC’s information platforms and applications.

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