API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateZone | Creates a site | 20 |
DescribeIdentifications | Queries the verification information of a site. | 20 |
ModifyZone | Modifies a site. | 20 |
DeleteZone | Deletes a site | 20 |
ModifyZoneStatus | Changes the site status | 20 |
CheckCnameStatus | Queries the CNAME status of a domain name | 20 |
IdentifyZone | Verifies site ownership | 20 |
DescribeZones | Queries the list of sites | 20 |
VerifyOwnership | Verifies ownership | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAccelerationDomain | Connects a domain to EdgeOne | 20 |
DescribeAccelerationDomains | Queries accelerated domain names | 20 |
ModifyAccelerationDomain | Modifies an accelerated domain name | 20 |
ModifyAccelerationDomainStatuses | Batch modifies the status of accelerated domains. | 20 |
DeleteAccelerationDomains | Batch remove accelerated domain names | 20 |
CreateSharedCNAME | Creates a shared CNAME. | 20 |
BindSharedCNAME | Binds with a shared CNAME | 20 |
DeleteSharedCNAME | Deletes a shared CNAME | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateRule | Creates a rule in the rule engine. | 20 |
DeleteRules | Batch deletes rules from the rule engine. | 20 |
DescribeHostsSetting | Queries detailed domain name configuration | 20 |
DescribeRules | Queries the rules in the rule engine. | 20 |
DescribeRulesSetting | Queries the setting parameters of the rule engine. | 20 |
DescribeZoneSetting | Queries the site configuration | 20 |
ModifyRule | Modifies a rule in the rule engine. | 20 |
ModifyZoneSetting | Modifies the site configuration | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateFunction | Creates an edge function | 5 |
DescribeFunctions | Queries the list of trigger rules | 20 |
ModifyFunction | Modifies an edge function | 20 |
DeleteFunction | Deletes an edge function | 20 |
CreateFunctionRule | Creates a trigger rule for an edge function | 20 |
DescribeFunctionRules | Queries a trigger rule for an edge function | 20 |
ModifyFunctionRule | Modifies a trigger rule for an edge function | 20 |
ModifyFunctionRulePriority | Modifies the priority of trigger rules for an edge function | 20 |
DeleteFunctionRules | Deletes a trigger rule for an edge function | 20 |
DescribeFunctionRuntimeEnvironment | Queries the runtime environment of an edge function | 20 |
HandleFunctionRuntimeEnvironment | Operates the runtime environment of an edge function | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAliasDomain | Creates an alias domain name. | 20 |
DescribeAliasDomains | Queries the information of alias domain names. | 20 |
ModifyAliasDomain | Modifies an alias domain name. | 20 |
ModifyAliasDomainStatus | Modifies the status of an alias domain name. | 20 |
DeleteAliasDomain | Deletes an alias domain name. | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateSecurityIPGroup | Creates a security IP group | 20 |
DescribeSecurityIPGroup | Queries security IP groups | 20 |
ModifySecurityIPGroup | Modifies a security IP group | 20 |
DeleteSecurityIPGroup | Deletes a security IP group | 20 |
DescribeOriginProtection | Queries the origin protection configuration | 20 |
DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings | Queries bindings of a policy template | 20 |
ModifySecurityPolicy | Modifies the web and bot security configurations | 20 |
BindSecurityTemplateToEntity | Binds/Unbinds a domain name to/from a security policy template | 20 |
DescribeSecurityIPGroupInfo | Queries security IP groups (deprecated) | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateL4Proxy | Creates Layer 4 proxy instances | 20 |
ModifyL4Proxy | Modifies a Layer 4 proxy instance | 20 |
ModifyL4ProxyStatus | Modifies Layer 4 proxy instance status | 20 |
DescribeL4Proxy | Queries a Layer 4 proxy instance list | 20 |
DeleteL4Proxy | Deletes a Layer 4 proxy instance | 20 |
CreateL4ProxyRules | Creates Layer 4 proxy forwarding rules | 20 |
ModifyL4ProxyRules | Modifies Layer 4 proxy forwarding rules | 20 |
ModifyL4ProxyRulesStatus | Modifies Layer 4 proxy forwarding rule status | 20 |
DescribeL4ProxyRules | Queries a Layer 4 proxy forwarding rule list | 20 |
DeleteL4ProxyRules | Deletes Layer 4 proxy forwarding rules | 20 |
CreateApplicationProxy | Creates an application proxy (legacy) | 20 |
ModifyApplicationProxy | Modifies an application proxy (legacy) | 20 |
ModifyApplicationProxyStatus | Modifies the application proxy status (legacy) | 20 |
DescribeApplicationProxies | Queries the application proxy list (legacy) | 20 |
DeleteApplicationProxy | Deletes an application proxy (legacy) | 20 |
CreateApplicationProxyRule | Creates an application proxy rule (legacy) | 20 |
ModifyApplicationProxyRule | Modifies an application proxy rule (legacy) | 20 |
ModifyApplicationProxyRuleStatus | Modifies the status of an application proxy rule (legacy) | 20 |
DeleteApplicationProxyRule | Deletes an application proxy rule (legacy) | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreatePurgeTask | This API is used to create a cache purging task. | 20 |
DescribePurgeTasks | Querying the cache purging history | 20 |
CreatePrefetchTask | This API is used to create a pre-warming task. | 20 |
DescribePrefetchTasks | This API is used to query the pre-warming task status. | 20 |
DescribeContentQuota | This API is used to query content management quotas. | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeDDoSAttackData | Queries the time-series data of DDoS attacks. | 100 |
DescribeDDoSAttackEvent | Queries DDoS attack events. | 100 |
DescribeDDoSAttackTopData | Queries the top-ranked DDoS attack data. | 100 |
DescribeOverviewL7Data | Query monitoring traffic time sequence data (to be discarded) | 100 |
DescribeTimingL4Data | Queries the L4 traffic data over time | 100 |
DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData | Queries the traffic analysis data over time | 100 |
DescribeTopL7AnalysisData | Queries the traffic analysis data | 100 |
DescribeTimingL7CacheData | Queries the cache analysis data over time | 100 |
DescribeTopL7CacheData | Queries the ranked data of caching | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DownloadL7Logs | Downloads L7 logs. | 100 |
DownloadL4Logs | Downloads L4 logs | 100 |
CreateCLSIndex | Creates a CLS index | 20 |
CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask | Creates a real-time log delivery task | 20 |
ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask | Modifies a real-time log delivery task | 20 |
DeleteRealtimeLogDeliveryTask | Deletes a real-time log delivery task | 20 |
DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks | Queries the list of real-time log delivery tasks | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreatePlan | Creates plan | 20 |
UpgradePlan | Upgrades plan | 20 |
RenewPlan | Renews plan | 20 |
ModifyPlan | Modifies plan setting | 20 |
IncreasePlanQuota | Purchases additional plan quota | 20 |
DestroyPlan | Terminates plan | 20 |
CreatePlanForZone | Purchase a plan for a new site | 20 |
BindZoneToPlan | Binds a site to a plan. | 20 |
DescribeBillingData | Queries billing data | 50 |
DescribeAvailablePlans | Queries plan options available for purchase | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeDefaultCertificates | Queries the list of default certificates | 20 |
ModifyHostsCertificate | Configures the certificate | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateOriginGroup | Creates an origin group | 20 |
ModifyOriginGroup | Modifies an origin group | 20 |
DeleteOriginGroup | Deletes an origin group | 20 |
DescribeOriginGroup | Obtains a list of origin groups. | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeIPRegion | Queries IP location information | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateCustomizeErrorPage | Creates a custom response page | 20 |
DescribeCustomErrorPages | Queries the custom response page list | 20 |
ModifyCustomErrorPage | Modifies a custom response page | 20 |
DeleteCustomErrorPage | Deletes a custom response page | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateConfigGroupVersion | Create Configuration Group Version | 20 |
DeployConfigGroupVersion | Release Configuration Group Version | 20 |
DescribeConfigGroupVersionDetail | Query Configuration Group Version Details | 20 |
DescribeConfigGroupVersions | Query Configuration Group Version List | 20 |
DescribeDeployHistory | Query Version Release History | 20 |
DescribeEnvironments | Query Environment Information | 20 |
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