tencent cloud

AWS S3 Migration Tutorial
Last updated: 2024-12-26 19:54:49
AWS S3 Migration Tutorial
Last updated: 2024-12-26 19:54:49

AWS S3 Migration Tutorial

Agent Semi-Managed Migration


In Agent semi-managed migration mode, you need to manually deploy the Agent on the service of the cloud vendor that hosts your source data, so that the Agent can pull the source data over a private network and push it to Tencent Cloud COS.
Outbound traffic is not billed during Agent semi-managed migration if a direct connection is established between the source-data cloud vendor and Tencent Cloud COS. Therefore, we recommend that you perform Agent semi-managed migration if direct connect is available.
The following describes how to configure an Agent semi-managed migration task to migrate data from the source object storage in AWS S3 to Tencent Cloud COS.



1. Check whether a direct connection is established between the source-data cloud vendor and Tencent Cloud COS

If you want to perform Agent semi-managed migration with direct connect, before the migration, confirm with the your sales rep that the COS SDK used by the server in AWS S3 can access COS with direct connect.

2. Create an AWS IAM account and grant required permissions

i. Log in to the AWS console.
ii. In the navigation pane, choose Users > Add user and enter a user name for the new user.
iii. Select Programmatic access and AWS console access for Access type.
iv. Select Next: Permissions. On the Set permissions page, specify a permission assignment mode for the user. Grant the user bucket read and write permissions under the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) account.
v. Click Create user.
vi. To view the user’s AccessKey pair (AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret), click Show next to the target password and AccessKey pair. To save the AccessKey pair, download the CSV file for the pair, which contains the AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret.

Tencent Cloud COS

1. Create a destination bucket

Create a bucket to store the migrated data. For more information, see Creating a Bucket.

2. Create a sub-user for migration and grant the required permissions

i. Log in to the Tencent Cloud Console.
ii. Search for Access Management or click Account Information under the user name to go to the Cloud Access Management page.
iii. In the left sidebar, click User Management to go to the User List page.
iv. Create a sub-user, enter the required information, and select Programmatic access and Tencent Cloud Console access for Access mode.
v. Search for and select the QcloudCOSAccessForMSPRole and QcloudCOSFullAccess policies.
vi. Finish creating the sub-user and save the sub-user name, login password, SecretId, and SecretKey.
vii. Click here to download the Agent.
You can use Migration Service Platform (MSP) with your root account. However, for security reasons, we recommend that you create a sub-user, use the sub-user’s API key for migration, and delete the sub-user after migration.

3. Migration Speed Limit

MSP provides a Query Per Second (QPS) limit for object storage mode and a bandwidth limit for URL list mode. During Agent-based migration, you can set a speed limit on the migration server and select No Speed Limit when creating a task on MSP.
1. Run the following command to view the SN of the NIC
[root@VM_10_12_centos ~]# ifconfig
2. Run the following command to test the download speed before applying speed limiting:
[root@VM_10_12_centos ~]# wget https://msp-test-src-1200000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/bkce_src-5.0.2.tar.gz
3. Run the following command to install the iproute tool. iproute has been installed in CentOS 7.x by default. If this is the case, you can skip this step.
[root@VM_10_12_centos ~]# yum -y install iproute
4. Run the following command to limit the speed of eth0 to 50 Kbit:
[root@VM_10_12_centos ~]# /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 50kbit latency 50ms burst 1000
eth0 is the SN of the NIC, which is obtained in Step 1.
You can also limit the NIC speed to 10 Mbit.
5. Run the following command to check whether the download speed is limited:
[root@VM_10_12_centos ~]# wget https://msp-test-src-1200000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/bkce_src-5.0.2.tar.gz
6. Run the following command to remove the speed limit when needed:
[root@VM_10_12_centos ~]# /sbin/tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tbf

4. Migration implementation

1. Create a temporary server (primary server) for migration at the migration source. You need to enter the IP address of the Agent primary server when creating a migration task. This IP address is a private IP address for communicating with the Worker server in the migration cluster. Therefore, prepare a virtual machine with the CentOS 7.x 64-bit operating system in AWS before creating the migration task.
2. Create a migration task on Tencent Cloud MSP. i. In the Mode Selection section under Select migration mode, select Create a migration task and download the Agent manually to start migration. ii. In the Master Node Private IP section, enter the private IP address of the server created on AWS, such as 172.XXX.XXX.94.

If the migration source and the destination source contain files with the same name but different contents, we recommend that you select Skip (keep the file with the same name in the destination bucket) for File with the same name. By default, Overwrite (the file in the source bucket replaces the file with the same name in the destination bucket) is selected.
Perform secondary migration if the object (file) content is changed during migration.
3. Click Create and Start after setting all the parameters. In Agent mode, the task does not automatically run after creation. Instead, you need to manually start the Agent on the AWS primary server as follows:
4. Deploy and start the Agent on the primary server.
i. Decompress the Agent toolkit to a directory.
ii. Modify the configuration file.
# Enter the Tencent Cloud API AccessKey pair for migration.
secret_id = 'Enter the Tencent Cloud API AccessKey ID here'
secret_key = 'Enter the Tencent Cloud API AccessKey Secret here'
iii. Start the Agent.
# chmod +x ./agent/bin/agent
# cd agent/bin //Start the Agent from the **bin** directory. Otherwise, you may not be able to find the configuration file.
The Agent periodically retrieves detailed task configurations from MSP. You do not have to start the Agent repeatedly when multiple migration tasks are created.
Scale out the migration cluster by adding Worker servers.
The Agent mode supports distributed migration (multi-server collaboration). To increase the migration speed, add Worker servers to the migration cluster when the available bandwidth allows.
Ensure that the added Worker servers can communicate with the primary server.
If migration is performed through direct connect, ensure that the Worker servers can directly access COS with direct connect.
You can configure the Worker servers as needed, but we recommend that you configure them in the same way as the primary server. The Agent is deployed and started in the same way as the primary server, and you need to change secret_id and secret_key in agent.toml. Because the primary server is designated when the task is created, the newly added Agent works as a Worker node to communicate with the primary server and receive the task.You can add Worker servers to the migration cluster at any time. However, we recommend that you create all Worker servers and the primary server and configure and start the Agent before creating a task. In this way, the primary server can effectively schedule segments during task startup.

5. Estimating the file migration duration

The migration speed is determined by the lowest speed during each stage of the migration process and is affected by factors such as the network transmission speed and the maximum concurrency. The following table describes these factors.
Influencing Factor
Read speed of the migration source
The read speed of the data source varies depending on different service providers. The transmission speed typically ranges from 50 Mbit/s to 200 Mbit/s. The file reading concurrency ranges from 500 to 3000. The transmission of a large number of small files is subject to this concurrency.
Direct connect bandwidth
The data transmission speed between access points depends on the available bandwidth of direct connect.
Write speed of the migration destination
For Tencent Cloud COS, the write speed is 200 Mbit/s and the write concurrency ranges from 500 to 800. Generally, the migration speed ranges from 6 MB/s to 25 MB/s, that is, 21 GB/h to 87 GB/h.
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