tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-07-05 18:00:24


    In some cases, you may need to mark a conversation, for example, as "favorite", "collapsed", "hidden", or "unread", which can be implemented through the following API.
    To use this feature, you need to purchase the Premium edition.
    This feature is available only in SDK enhanced edition v6.5.2803 or later.


    With this feature, you can implement the following conversation mark effects in your app:

    API Description

    Marking a Conversation

    Call the markConversation API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to mark or unmark a conversation.
    When a user marks a conversation, the SDK records only the mark value and will not change the underlying logic of the conversation. For example, if a conversation is marked as V2TIM_CONVERSATION_MARK_TYPE_UNREAD, the unread count at the underlying layer will not change.
    Parameters of the API for marking a conversation are as described below:
    List of conversation IDs
    Up to 100 conversations can be marked at a time.
    Mark type
    A conversation can be marked as a favorite, unread, collapsed, or hidden.
    A conversation can be marked/unmarked.
    The SDK provides four default marks ("favorite", "collapsed", "hidden", and "unread"). If they cannot meet your requirements, you can customize extended marks, which must meet the following conditions:
    1. The value of an extended mark cannot be the same as that of an existing one.
    2. The value of an extended mark must be 0x1LL << displacement value of n (32 ≤ n < 64 indicates that n must be equal to or greater than 32 and less than 64). For example, 0x1LL << 32 indicates "Online on an iPhone".
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    List<String> conversationIDList = new ArrayList<>();
    // Mark type
    long markType = V2TIMConversation.V2TIM_CONVERSATION_MARK_TYPE_STAR;
    // Extended mark type
    // long markType = 0x1L << 32;
    V2TIMManager.getConversationManager().markConversation(conversationIDList, markType, true, new V2TIMValueCallback<List<V2TIMConversationOperationResult>>() {
    public void onSuccess(List<V2TIMConversationOperationResult> v2TIMConversationOperationResults) {
    // Marked the conversation successfully
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    // Failed to mark the conversation
    // Mark type
    // Extended mark type
    // NSNumber *markType = @(0x1LL << 32);
    // Mark a conversation
    BOOL enableMark = YES;
    // Unmark a conversation
    // BOOL enableMark = NO;
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] markConversation:@[@"c2c_yahaha"] markType:markType enableMark:enableMark succ:^(NSArray<V2TIMConversationOperationResult *> *result){
    // Marked the conversation successfully
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
    // Failed to mark the conversation
    template <class T>
    class ValueCallback final : public V2TIMValueCallback<T> {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const T&)>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    ValueCallback() = default;
    ~ValueCallback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess(const T& value) override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    V2TIMStringVector conversationIDList;
    // Mark type
    uint64_t markType = V2TIMConversationMarkType::V2TIM_CONVERSATION_MARK_TYPE_STAR;
    // Extended mark type
    uint64_t markType = static_cast<uint64_t>(0x1) << 32;
    auto callback = new ValueCallback<V2TIMConversationOperationResultVector>{};
    [=](const V2TIMConversationOperationResultVector& conversationOperationResultList) {
    // Marked the conversation successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Failed to mark the conversation
    delete callback;
    V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetConversationManager()->MarkConversation(conversationIDList, markType, true,

    Conversation Mark Changed Notification

    After a conversation is marked or unmarked, the markList field (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) in V2TIMConversation of the conversation will change. You can call the addConversationListener API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to listen for such a change notification.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    V2TIMConversationListener listener = new V2TIMConversationListener() {
    public void onConversationChanged(List<V2TIMConversation> conversationList) {
    for (V2TIMConversation conversation : conversationList) {
    // Get the new mark information of the conversation
    List<Long> markList = conversation.getMarkList();
    // Delete the conversation group
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addConversationListener:self];
    - (void)onConversationChanged:(NSArray<V2TIMConversation*> *) conversationList
    for (V2TIMConversation *conv in conversationList) {
    // Get the new mark information of the conversation
    NSArray *mark_list = conv.markList;
    class ConversationListener final : public V2TIMConversationListener {
    void OnConversationChanged(const V2TIMConversationVector& conversationList) override {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < conversationList.Size(); ++i) {
    const V2TIMConversation& conversation = conversationList[i];
    // Get the new mark information of the conversation
    const UInt64Vector& markList = conversation.markList;
    // Other members …
    // Add a conversation event listener. Keep `conversationListener` valid before the listener is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    ConversationListener conversationListener;

    Pulling a Specified Marked Conversation

    Call the getConversationListByFilter API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to pull a specified marked conversation.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter = new V2TIMConversationListFilter();
    V2TIMManager.getConversationManager().getConversationListByFilter(filter, new V2TIMValueCallback<V2TIMConversationResult>() {
    public void onSuccess(V2TIMConversationResult v2TIMConversationResult) {
    // Conversation list obtained successfully
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    // Failed to obtain the conversation list
    // Pull a specified marked conversation
    V2TIMConversationListFilter *filter = [[V2TIMConversationListFilter alloc] init];
    filter.count = 50;
    filter.nextSeq = 0;
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] getConversationListByFilter:filter succ:^(NSArray<V2TIMConversation *> *list, uint64_t nextSeq, BOOL isFinished) {
    // Obtained the conversation list successfully. `list` is the conversation list.
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
    // Failed to obtain the conversation list
    template <class T>
    class ValueCallback final : public V2TIMValueCallback<T> {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const T&)>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    ValueCallback() = default;
    ~ValueCallback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess(const T& value) override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter;
    filter.nextSeq = 0;
    filter.count = 50;
    filter.markType = V2TIMConversationMarkType::V2TIM_CONVERSATION_MARK_TYPE_STAR;
    auto callback = new ValueCallback<V2TIMConversationResult>{};
    [=](const V2TIMConversationResult& conversationResult) {
    // Conversation list obtained successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Failed to obtain the conversation list
    delete callback;
    V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetConversationManager()->GetConversationListByFilter(filter, callback);
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