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Last updated: 2023-09-28 10:10:07


    TUI components have four built-in themes by default: Light, Serious, Lively, and Dark. They also support the Auto mode (automatically switching the Dark mode on/off to match your system settings). You can switch or modify the built-in themes or add new themes as needed.

    Theme Resources

    You can see the theme resources supported by any TUI component in the Resources folder inside that component. For example, in TUIChat/Resources/ of the TUIChat component, you can see the TUIChatTheme.bundle file, which is the built-in theme resource of TUIChat.
    Locate the TUIChatTheme.bundle file and right-click it to choose Show Package Contents. Then, you can see the four built-in theme resources (the folder names are theme IDs).
    For example, the theme ID of the Light theme is light. Each theme folder contains two items: manifest.plist file and resource resource folder.
    The manifest.plist file stores the values of the image, font, color and other elements used by the current theme. The keys in the manifest.plist files under different themes in the same component are the same.
    The resource folder stores the resources used by the current theme. The following is an example:
    The manifest.plist file under each component must be modified no matter whether you are modifying a built-in theme or creating a theme.

    Applying Themes

    After selecting a theme, you need to configure the theme for TUI components and your app's main project. You can call the -applyTheme:forModule: method of TUIThemeManager to apply the theme for specified components.
    For operation details, refer to the +applyTheme: method of ThemeSelectController of TUIKitDemo.
    + (void)applyTheme:(NSString * __nullable)themeID {
    // Obtain the ID of the last theme used by the app
    NSString *lastThemeID = [self getCacheThemeID];
    if (themeID.length) {
    lastThemeID = themeID;
    // Components: apply/uninstall themes
    if (lastThemeID == nil || lastThemeID.length == 0 || [lastThemeID isEqualToString:@"system"]) {
    // If the theme ID is empty or the Auto mode is used, uninstall the themes that are currently used by all components.
    [TUIShareThemeManager unApplyThemeForModule:TUIThemeModuleAll];
    } else {
    // Apply the last theme for all components
    [TUIShareThemeManager applyTheme:lastThemeID forModule:TUIThemeModuleAll];
    // Dark style of the system: mutually exclusive with a theme
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
    if (lastThemeID == nil || lastThemeID.length == 0 || [lastThemeID isEqualToString:@"system"]) {
    // Automatically switching to match system settings
    UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = 0;
    } else if ([lastThemeID isEqual:@"dark"]) {
    // Forcibly switch to the Dark mode
    UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyleDark;
    } else {
    // Ignore the system change, forcibly switch to the Light mode and use the Light theme
    UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyleLight;

    Modifying Built-in Themes

    You can follow the steps below to customize the colors, fonts, images, and other elements of the built-in themes of TUI components:
    Copy the built-in resource package of TUI components to your project and modify the corresponding theme elements in each theme.
    When your app is started, register the modified theme resource package path to TUI components.
    After you switch to the corresponding theme, TUI components automatically apply the modified theme package.
    For example, in the TUIChat component, the background colors of file messages under different themes are different. Under the built-in Lively theme, the color value of this background color is #FFFFFF. If you want to change it to #FF0000, you only need to perform the steps below:
    1. Copy the TUIChat/Resources/TUIChatTheme.bundle file of the TUIChat component to your primary project and rename it TUIChatCustomTheme.bundle.
    2. Change the value of the key that specifies the file message background color in the manifest.plist file. For meanings of each key in the file, see Chat UI styles.
    3. In the - application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method, call TUIRegisterThemeResourcePath to register the path of the modified theme resource package and use the modified theme package to overwrite the built-in theme package of TUIChat. For more information, see the AppDelegate file of TUIKitDemo.
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Customize TUIChat themes: modify a built-in theme in the theme resource package
    // -- 1. Obtain the customized resource package path.
    NSString *customChatThemePath = [NSBundle.mainBundle pathForResource:@"TUIChatCustomTheme.bundle" ofType:nil];
    // -- 2. Register the customized theme resource package path for the TUIChat component to overwrite built-in themes. Note that only the themes of TUIThemeModuleChat can be overwritten in this case.
    TUIRegisterThemeResourcePath(customChatThemePath, TUIThemeModuleChat);
    // TUIKitDemo theme registration
    NSString *demoThemePath = [NSBundle.mainBundle pathForResource:@"TUIDemoTheme.bundle" ofType:nil];
    TUIRegisterThemeResourcePath(demoThemePath, TUIThemeModuleDemo);
    [ThemeSelectController applyLastTheme];
    [self setupListener];
    [self setupGlobalUI];
    [self setupConfig];
    [self tryAutoLogin];
    return YES;
    4. Start your app again and you can see that the corresponding background color has been modified successfully.
    Before Modification
    After Modification
    Similarly, if you want to modify a built-in icon, you can place the icon resource in the Resource folder under the theme folder and change the value of the corresponding key in the manifest file.

    Creating a Theme

    If the four built-in themes do not meet your requirements, you can create a theme for a component as needed.
    Copy the built-in resource package of the TUI component to your project. In the theme resource package, create a theme resource folder, whose name is the themeID of the new theme.
    Copy the manifest.plist file in the light folder in the built-in theme resource package of the TUI component, and modify the values of id, name, and name_en in the manifest.plist file.
    Create a resource folder in the newly created theme folder to store the resource file of the new theme.
    Modify the manifest.plist file of the new theme as needed.
    When your app is started, register the modified theme resource package path to the TUI component and apply the current new theme.
    Assume that you want to create a theme called Enterprise (themeID: enterprise) for the TUIChat component. The steps are as follows:
    1. Copy the TUIChat/Resources/TUIChatTheme.bundle file of the TUIChat component to your primary project and rename it TUIChatCustomTheme.bundle.
    2. Copy the light folder in TUIChatCustomTheme.bundle and rename it enterprise.
    3. Change the values in the manifest.plist file in the enterprise folder as needed. For the meanings of each key value, see Chat UI styles.
    For example, you can change the file message background color to #C4E3FE.
    4. When your app is started, register the modified theme resource package path to the TUI component and apply the current new theme.
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Customize TUIChat themes: add a theme to the theme resource package
    NSString *customChatThemePath = [NSBundle.mainBundle pathForResource:@"TUIChatCustomTheme.bundle" ofType:nil];
    TUIRegisterThemeResourcePath(customChatThemePath, TUIThemeModuleChat);
    // Apply the theme: set the theme for TUIChat according to `themeID`
    [TUIShareThemeManager applyTheme:@"enterprise" forModule:TUIThemeModuleChat];
    return YES;
    5. Start your app again and you can see the newly created Enterprise theme is successfully applied to the app.

    Theme Styles


    Basic styles

    Storage location

    All basic styles are stored in the TUICore component and are referenced by each component.
    You can view the keys of the basic styles of a theme in the manifest.plist file in the folder of that theme in TUICore/Resources/TUICoreTheme.bundle of the TUICore component.
    The basic styles of TUICore provide common UI specifications, such as the preferred background color and dividing line color. Modifications on the basic styles apply to all components.

    UI styles

    Style Key
    Style Description
    Image name of the topbar return button
    Default profile photo of a Public group chat
    Default profile photo of a Meeting group chat
    Default profile photo of an audio-video group chat
    Default profile photo of a group
    Default profile photo of a user
    Chat page: Video call icon on the "+" tab (More tab)
    Chat page: Audio call icon on the "+" tab (More tab)
    User online status icon
    User offline status icon
    Style Key
    Style Description
    Theme color, indicating the average hue under the current theme
    Color of the common UISwitch component switch when turned on
    Start gradient color, background color of the topbar
    End gradient color, background color of the topbar
    Dividing line color
    Controller background color
    Form: UITableViewCell title text color
    Form: UITableViewCell subtitle text color
    Form: UITableViewCell description text color
    Form: UITableViewCell background color
    Form: Text color of green-theme buttons in UITableViewCell
    Form: Background color of green-theme buttons in UITableViewCell
    Form: Text color of highlighted green-theme buttons in UITableViewCell
    Form: Text color of white-theme buttons in UITableViewCell
    Form: Background color of white-theme buttons in UITableViewCell
    Form: Description text color in UITableViewCell
    Form: Value text color in UITableViewCell
    Topbar text color
    Image name of the topbar return button
    Background color of the search input box

    Chat UI styles

    Storage location

    All chat UI styles are stored in the TUIChat component and are used by chat UIs.
    You can view the keys of the basic styles of a theme in the manifest.plist file in the folder of that theme in TUIChat/Resources/TUIChatTheme.bundle of the TUIChat component.

    UI styles

    Style Key
    Style Description
    "+" tab (More tab): Camera icon
    "+" tab (More tab): File icon
    "+" tab (More tab): Custom icon
    "+" tab (More tab): Image icon
    "+" tab (More tab): Video recording icon
    Message bubble: Background color for messages sent
    Message bubble: Background color for messages received
    Voice message: Normal status background image for messages sent
    Voice message: Normal status background image for messages received
    Chat UI: "Copy" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Delete" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Recall" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Select" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Forward" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Reply" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Quote" icon on the menu page that pops up when you long press a message
    Chat UI: "Voice/Keyboard" switching button icon on the input bar
    Chat UI: "Emoji/Keyboard" switching button icon on the input bar
    Chat UI: "Keyboard" button icon on the input bar
    Style Key
    Style Description
    Chat UI: Background color
    Chat UI: Background color of the input control page
    Chat UI: Background color of the input box
    Chat UI: Text color of the input box
    Emoji tab: Color of the current page of the pagination control
    Emoji tab: Default color of the pagination control
    Text message: Color of the text displayed in messages sent
    Text message: Color of the text displayed in messages received
    File message: Background color
    File message: Title text color
    File message: Subtitle text color
    Combined message: Background color
    Combined message: Title text color
    Combined message: Content text color
    Chat UI: Color of the down arrow
    Voice message: Duration text color displayed for messages sent
    Voice message: Duration text color displayed for messages received
    Chat UI: Background color of the "Back to the latest position" component
    Chat UI: Dividing line color of the "Back to the latest position" component
    Chat UI: Background color of the menu page that pops up when a message is long pressed
    Chat UI: Text color of the menu page that pops up when a message is long pressed
    Chat UI: Text prompt color of the read status of a message

    Conversation UI styles

    Storage location

    All conversation UI styles are stored in the TUIConversation component and are used by the conversation UI.
    You can view the keys of the basic styles of a theme in the manifest.plist file in the folder of that theme in TUIConversation/Resources/TUIConversationTheme.bundle of the TUIConversation component.

    UI styles

    Style Key
    Style Description
    Conversation list UI: UITableViewCell background color of common conversations
    Conversation list UI: UITableViewCell background color of sticky conversations
    Conversation list UI: Background color
    Conversation list UI: Mute Notifications icon

    Group UI styles

    Storage location

    All group UI styles are stored in the TUIGroup component and are used by the group UI.
    You can view the keys of the basic styles of a theme in the manifest.plist file in the folder of that theme in TUIGroup/Resources/TUIGroupTheme.bundle of the TUIGroup component.

    UI styles

    Style Key
    Style Description
    Group/Individual information modification page: Background color
    Group/Individual information modification page: Container color
    Group/Individual information modification page: Title text color
    Group/Individual information modification page: Descriptive information text color
    Group/Individual information modification page: Input box background color
    Group/Individual information modification page: Input box text color
    Group/Individual information modification page: Background color of the clickable state of the confirmation button
    Group/Individual information modification page: Background color of the non-clickable state of the confirmation button

    Contacts UI styles

    Storage location

    All contacts UI styles are stored in the TUIContact component and are used by the contacts UI.
    You can view the keys of the basic styles of a theme in the manifest.plist file in the folder of that theme in TUIContact/Resources/TUIContactTheme.bundle of the TUIContact component.

    UI styles

    Style Key
    Style Description
    Contacts page: New Contacts icon
    Contacts page: Blocklist icon
    Contacts page: Group Chats icon
    Contacts addition page: Text color of my user ID tip
    Contacts addition page: Text color of the tip indicating that the queried user does not exist
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