Domain name for API request:
This API is used to create a cluster.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateClusters. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-01-07. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. |
Zone | Yes | String | AZ |
VpcId | Yes | String | VPC ID |
SubnetId | Yes | String | Subnet ID |
DbType | Yes | String | Database type. Valid values: |
DbVersion | Yes | String | Database version. Valid values: MYSQL : 5.7 and 8.0 |
ProjectId | No | Integer | Project ID. |
Cpu | No | Integer | It is required when DbMode is set to NORMAL or left empty.Number of CPU cores of normal instance |
Memory | No | Integer | It is required when DbMode is set to NORMAL or left empty.Memory of a non-serverless instance in GB |
Storage | No | Integer | This parameter has been deprecated. Storage capacity in GB |
ClusterName | No | String | Cluster name, which can contain less than 64 letters, digits, or symbols (-_.). |
AdminPassword | No | String | Account password, which must contain 8-64 characters in at least three of the following four types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and symbols (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;'<>,.?/). |
Port | No | Integer | Port. Valid range: [0, 65535). Default value: 3306 |
PayMode | No | Integer | Billing mode. 0 : pay-as-you-go; 1 : monthly subscription. Default value: 0 |
Count | No | Integer | Number of purchased clusters. Valid range: [1,50]. Default value: 1 |
RollbackStrategy | No | String | Rollback type: noneRollback: no rollback; snapRollback: rollback by snapshot; timeRollback: rollback by time point |
RollbackId | No | Integer | snapshotId for snapshot rollback or queryId for time point rollback. 0 indicates to determine whether the time point is valid |
OriginalClusterId | No | String | The source cluster ID passed in during rollback to find the source poolId |
ExpectTime | No | String | Specified time for time point rollback or snapshot time for snapshot rollback |
ExpectTimeThresh | No | Integer | This parameter has been deprecated. Specified allowed time range for time point rollback |
StorageLimit | No | Integer | Storage upper limit of normal instance in GB If DbType is MYSQL and the storage billing mode is monthly subscription, the parameter value can’t exceed the maximum storage corresponding to the CPU and memory specifications. |
InstanceCount | No | Integer | Number of Instances. Valid range: (0,16] |
TimeSpan | No | Integer | Purchase duration of monthly subscription plan |
TimeUnit | No | String | Duration unit of monthly subscription. Valid values: s , d , m , y |
AutoRenewFlag | No | Integer | Whether auto-renewal is enabled for monthly subscription plan. Default value: 0 |
AutoVoucher | No | Integer | Whether to automatically select a voucher. 1 : yes; 0 : no. Default value: 0 |
HaCount | No | Integer | Number of instances (this parameter has been disused and is retained only for compatibility with existing instances) |
OrderSource | No | String | Order source |
ResourceTags.N | No | Array of Tag | Array of tags to be bound to the created cluster |
DbMode | No | String | Database type Valid values when DbType is MYSQL (default value: NORMAL ): |
MinCpu | No | Float | This parameter is required if DbMode is SERVERLESS .Minimum number of CPU cores. For the value range, see the returned result of DescribeServerlessInstanceSpecs . |
MaxCpu | No | Float | This parameter is required if DbMode is SERVERLESS .Maximum number of CPU cores. For the value range, see the returned result of DescribeServerlessInstanceSpecs . |
AutoPause | No | String | This parameter specifies whether the cluster will be automatically paused if DbMode is SERVERLESS . Valid values:Default value: yes |
AutoPauseDelay | No | Integer | This parameter specifies the delay for automatic cluster pause in seconds if DbMode is SERVERLESS . Value range: [600,691200]Default value: 600 |
StoragePayMode | No | Integer | The billing mode of cluster storage. Valid values: 0 (pay-as-you-go), 1 (monthly subscription). Default value: 0 .If DbType is MYSQL and the billing mode of cluster compute is pay-as-you-go (or the DbMode is SERVERLESS ), the billing mode of cluster storage must be pay-as-you-go.Clusters with storage billed in monthly subscription can’t be cloned or rolled back. |
SecurityGroupIds.N | No | Array of String | Array of security group IDs |
AlarmPolicyIds.N | No | Array of String | Array of alarm policy IDs |
ClusterParams.N | No | Array of ParamItem | Array of parameters. Valid values: character_set_server (utf8|latin1|gbk|utf8mb4), lower_case_table_names . 0: case-sensitive; 1: case-insensitive). |
DealMode | No | Integer | Transaction mode. Valid values: 0 (place and pay for an order), 1 (place an order) |
ParamTemplateId | No | Integer | Parameter template ID, which can be obtained by querying parameter template information “DescribeParamTemplates” |
SlaveZone | No | String | Multi-AZ address |
InstanceInitInfos.N | No | Array of InstanceInitInfo | Instance initialization configuration information, which is used to select instances with different specifications when purchasing a cluster. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
TranId | String | Freezing transaction ID Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DealNames | Array of String | Order ID Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ResourceIds | Array of String | List of resource IDs (This field has been deprecated. You need to use dealNames in the DescribeResourcesByDealName API to get resource IDs.)Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ClusterIds | Array of String | List of cluster IDs (This field has been deprecated. You need to use dealNames in the DescribeResourcesByDealName API to get cluster IDs.)Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BigDealIds | Array of String | Big order ID Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
This example shows you how to create a cluster.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: CreateClusters
<Common request parameters>
"Count": 1,
"StoragePayMode": "0",
"VpcId": "vpc-1ptuei0b",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-3",
"AdminPassword": "passwd@admin",
"DbType": "MYSQL",
"ProjectId": "0",
"DbVersion": "10.0",
"Storage": 100,
"PayMode": "0",
"ClusterName": "newInstance",
"StorageLimit": "100",
"RollbackStrategy": "noneRollback",
"Memory": "4",
"SubnetId": "subnet-1tmw9t4o",
"Cpu": 2,
"HaCount": "1"
"Response": {
"ResourceIds": [
"RequestId": "132075",
"TranId": "20190522160000003106844584180998",
"ClusterIds": [
"BigDealIds": [
"DealNames": [
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.CreateOrder | Failed to create the order and make a payment. |
FailedOperation.InsufficientBalance | Insufficient account balance |
FailedOperation.OperationFailedError | Operation failed. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service. |
FailedOperation.QuerySpecBySpecCodeError | Failed to query specifications. |
FailedOperation.TradeCreateOrderError | Failed to create the order and make a payment. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service. |
InternalError.DbOperationFailed | Failed to query the database. |
InternalError.GetSubnetFailed | Failed to get the subnet. |
InternalError.GetVpcFailed | Failed to get the VPC. |
InternalError.InternalHttpServerError | An exception occurred while executing the HTTP request. |
InternalError.UnknownError | Unknown internal error. |
InvalidParameterValue.DBTypeNotFound | Unsupported instance type. |
InvalidParameterValue.IllegalPassword | The password does not meet the requirement. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDBVersion | Invalid instance version. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidParameterValueError | Invalid parameter value. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidSpec | Invalid instance specification. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidZoneIdError | Invalid AZ |
InvalidParameterValue.ProjectIdNotFound | The ProjectId was not found. |
InvalidParameterValue.RegionZoneUnavailable | The selected region and AZ are unavailable. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetNotFound | The selected subnet could not be found. |
InvalidParameterValue.VpcNotFound | The selected VPC could not be found. |
LimitExceeded.UserInstanceLimit | The number of instances exceeds the limit. |
OperationDenied.InsufficientBalanceError | Insufficient account balance. |
OperationDenied.UserNotAuthenticatedError | You need to verify your identity to make a purchase. |
UnauthorizedOperation.NotRealNameAccount | Users who haven't completed identity verification can’t make purchases. |
UnauthorizedOperation.PermissionDenied | CAM authentication failed. |
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