tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-12-27 17:07:41

    How do I view the online status of a device in the console?

    Click the product name of a device in the product list to enter the product management page. Then, click Device List, find the corresponding device name, and you can see the online status of the device in the Status column.

    How do I view device logs to determine whether messages are successfully sent or forwarded?

    Click the product name of a device in the product list to enter the product management page. Then, click Cloud Log to enter the log query page and filter the time period and device name to find the logs of the device. The Cloud Log page provides logs for all the key nodes in the message link.

    How do I grant topic permissions to a device in the console?

    Click the product name of a device in the product list to enter the product management page. Then, click Permission List to enter the permission management page. Click Add Topic Permission to grant the publishing permission to the corresponding topic. If the device also needs to receive messages from the topic, select Publish and Subscribe as the permission.
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