tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-01-16 11:35:12

    Risk Control Engine (RCE) Overview

    Tencent Cloud Risk Control Engine (RCE) is a risk management engine developed on the basis of Tencent's AI technologies and 20 years of experience in risk management. It is provided in the form of a lightweight SaaS service and designed to quickly designed to prevent frauds in key scenarios such as payment, registration, login, and marketing campaign and combat black and gray market activities in real time.


    High accuracy and reliability

    Based on Tencent's 20 years of experience in managing numerous risk characteristics and combating black and gray market activities, RCE has been serving nearly 100 customers with widely recognized high accuracy through its smart risk management system backed by Tencent's diverse businesses.

    Fast connection and ease of use

    RCE is provided in the form of lightweight service APIs accompanied by detailed API documentation and connection demos. It needs to be connected only once for use in multiple scenarios such as registration, login, campaign, and payment.

    Real-Time analysis

    Backed by Tencent Cloud's advanced architecture, RCE responds in milliseconds to concurrently return risk management results and more quickly discover risks. It supports dynamic scaling and ensures that each request is assessed instantly based on real-time analysis of input parameters.
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