tencent cloud

Cluster Asset
Last updated: 2024-01-23 15:44:44
Cluster Asset
Last updated: 2024-01-23 15:44:44
This document describes the cluster assets feature and how to view the details of clusters, Pods, Services, and Ingresses.

Viewing the Cluster Module

The cluster module displays the total number of clusters and the number of clusters of each type.

Viewing the list of clusters

1. Log in to the TCSS console and click Asset Management on the left sidebar.
2. On the Asset Management page, click Clusters to enter the Security Check page and view all clusters.

3. On the Security Check page, click the search box and search for clusters by keyword such as cluster name, ID, type, and region.

Custom list management

1. On the Security Check page, click

to pop up the Custom List Management window.
2. In the pop-up window, select the target type and click OK.

Viewing the Pod Module

The Pod module displays the total number of cluster Pods and the numbers of running and pending Pods.

Viewing the list of Pods

1. On the Asset Management page, click Pods to enter the Pod list page and view all Pods.

2. On the Pod list page, filter Pods by cluster name, namespace, or region; click More filters to filter them by Pod status, workload type, workload name, cluster ID, Pod IP, node IP, container name, container ID, or image name; or click the search box and search for Pods by Pod name.

3. Find the target Pod and click the Pod name to pop up the drawer on the right, which displays the Pod details, including the basic Pod information, Service information, and container information.

Custom list management

1. On the Pod list page, click

to pop up the Custom List Management window.
2. In the pop-up window, select the target type and click OK.

Viewing the Service Module

The Service module displays the total number of cluster Services and the numbers of Services of the ClusterIP and NodePort types.

Viewing the list of Services

1. On the Asset Management page, click Services to enter the Service list page and view all Services.

2. On the Service list page, filter Services by cluster name, namespace, or region; click More filters to filter them by cluster ID, Service type, load balancer IP, Service IP, label, or port; or click the search box and search for Services by Service name.

3. Find the target Service and click the Service name to pop up the drawer on the right, which displays the Service details, including the basic Service information, Pod information, YAML information, and port mapping rules.

Custom list management

1. On the Service list page, click

to pop up the Custom List Management window.
2. In the pop-up window, select the target type and click OK.

Viewing the Ingress Module

The Ingress module displays the total number of cluster Ingresses.

Viewing the list of Ingresses

1. On the Asset Management page, click Ingresses to enter the Ingress list page and view all Ingresses.

2. On the Ingress list page, filter Ingresses by cluster name, namespace, or region; click More filters to filter them by Ingress name, VIP, label, or backend service, or click the search box and search for Ingresses by Ingress name.

3. Find the target Ingress and click the Ingress name to pop up the drawer on the right, which displays the Ingress details, including the basic Ingress information, forwarding configuration, and YAML information.

Custom list management

1. On the Ingress list page, click

to pop up the Custom List Management window.
2. In the pop-up window, select the target type and click OK.

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