tencent cloud


Billing Description

Last updated: 2024-01-30 16:31:20


    Pay-as-you-go billing will settle charges based on the actual usage of each billing item, corresponding to a postpaid settlement mode where usage precedes payment. You can view the actual usage through VOD on EO - Usage Statistics.
    Daily Billing: Charges are calculated based on the resource usage of the day. Between 12:00 - 18:00 on the following day, the costs incurred by your actual usage from the previous day are settled, then an invoice is generated and the payment is deducted.
    Monthly Billing: Charges are calculated based on the resource usage within the monthly billing cycle. Between the 1st and 3rd of the following month, an invoice for the previous month's charges is generated and the payment is deducted.
    If your business volume is substantial and daily billing does not meet your needs, you can contact our business personnel. Through business negotiations, we can agree upon your billing method and pricing.

    Media Upload Acceleration


    Billable Items
    Price (USD/GB)
    Upload acceleration


    Billing Rule: Charges incurred for upload acceleration traffic usage.
    Billing Formula: Upload Acceleration Cost = Total Upload Acceleration Traffic (GB) x Unit Price (USD/GB)
    Billing Example: Suppose you use the upload acceleration service of VOD on EO on January 1st, and the cumulative usage on that day is 100GB. Then, the upload acceleration fee you need to pay on January 2nd would be: 100 (GB) x 0.08 (USD/GB) = 8 (USD)

    Media Accelerated Distribution

    Charges are based on the downstream acceleration traffic and acceleration region generated during media file accelerated distribution. The fees are collected by Tencent Cloud EdgeOne. For more details, please refer to Billing Overview of Tencent Cloud EdgeOne.
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