tencent cloud


Using Guardrails

Last updated: 2024-09-26 15:35:06


    When users execute fault actions via CFG, some unforeseen impacts may occur. To ensure these impacts remain within a controllable range, the platform provides guardrails to help users minimize losses and protect normal business operations.
    Guardrails can be triggered and recovered by users through the Guardrail TencentCloud API. For details, see Trigger/Restore Guardrails Cloud API Interface Documentation. Current guardrails support two policies:
    Pause the Experiment: When the guardrail is triggered by the user, the experiment will automatically pause.
    Sequential Rollback of Actions: When the guardrail is triggered by the user, the pending recovery actions will be automatically executed. Once the necessary recovery actions are completed, the experiment will automatically pause.
    If the guardrail is in the Trigger status and you manually continue to execute fault actions, the above policies will still be applied.
    We do not recommend injecting faults into the same instance simultaneously. Otherwise, automatic recovery may fail, and users will need to manually execute the corresponding recovery actions.

    Guardrail Use Method

    Select Guardrail Policy

    In Step 4 Global Configuration of Create an Experiment, you can select the guardrail policy for the current experiment, such as the Sequential Rollback of Actions policy. You can click How to trigger the guardrail? to view trigger code examples.

    Guardrail Trigger Method

    When selecting a guardrail policy, click How to trigger the guardrail? to view example code for calling the Trigger/Recover Guardrail TencentCloud API.

    Execute an Experiment and Trigger Guardrails

    After the experiment is created, execute the shutdown experiment. During the shutdown process, actively trigger the guardrail by calling the Guardrail Trigger TencentCloud API.
    1. After triggering the guardrail by calling the TencentCloud API, the system will automatically execute the startup recovery action. Once completed, the experiment will be automatically paused.
    2. You can click the Guardrail Policy tag to view the guardrail trigger records. In the guardrail trigger event, you can click Guardrail Details to view the guardrail's name and specific details.
    3. You can click the Experiment Log button in the upper right corner to view the experiment logs, where you can see the guardrail execution logic logs.
    4. Call the TencentCloud API to recover the guardrail. Once the guardrail is recovered, you can continue executing the experiment.
    5. Continue executing the shutdown fault injection. If the fault injection is successful, the recovery action will not be automatically executed, and the experiment will not be paused.
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