tencent cloud


Building the Docker

Last updated: 2024-03-05 16:41:48


    This document describes how to build and use Docker in CVM. It is intended for new CVM users who are familiar with the Linux operating system. To learn more about Docker, see Docker's official documentation.
    If you need to build and use Docker in a Windows CVM instance, see Install Docker Desktop on Windows.

    About OS Versions

    This document uses CentOS 8.2 as examples for CVM instance OSs. If you are using a TencentOS Server OS, perform operations based on the actual version:
    TencentOS Server 2.4: a Docker image is preset, and you do not need to install Docker again. You can use Docker directly by referring to Using Docker.
    TencentOS Server 3.1 (TK4): build Docker according to the directions in this document.


    You have purchased a Linux CVM.
    Docker must be built on a 64-bit operating system with the kernel version 3.10 or later.


    Installing Docker

    Proceed according to the actual operating system version.

    CentOS 8.2

    2. Run the following command to add the Docker repository.
    dnf config-manager --add-repo=http://mirrors.tencent.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
    3. Run the following command to view the added Docker repository.
    dnf list docker-ce
    4. Run the following command to install Docker.
    dnf install -y docker-ce --nobest
    5. Run the following command to run Docker.
    systemctl start docker
    6. Run the following command to check the installation result.
    docker info
    If you see the following prompt, it indicates that Docker has been successfully installed.

    Using Docker

    You can use Docker with the following commands:
    Manage the Docker daemon.
    Run the Docker daemon.
    systemctl start docker
    Stop the Docker daemon.
    systemctl stop docker
    Restart the Docker daemon.
    systemctl restart docker
    Manage images. This document uses the Nginx image of Docker Hub as an example.
    docker pull nginx
    Modify image tag to help you identify the image.
    docker tag docker.io/nginx:latest tencentyun/nginx:v1
    Query existing images.
    docker images
    Forcibly delete an image.
    docker rmi -f tencentyun/nginx:v1
    Manage containers.
    Enter a container.
    docker run -it ImageId /bin/bash
    Run the docker images command to obtain the ImageId value.
    Exit the container. Run the exit command to exit the container.
    Enter a container running in the background.
    docker exec -it container ID /bin/bash
    Create an image from the container.
    docker commit <container ID or container name> [<repository name>[:<tag>]]
    For example:
    docker commit 1c23456cd7**** tencentyun/nginx:v2

    Creating images

    1. Run the following command to open the “Dockerfile” file.
    vim Dockerfile
    2. Press i to switch to the edit mode and enter the following:
    FROM tencentyun/nginx:v2 #Declare a basic image.
    MAINTAINER DTSTACK #Declare the image owner.
    RUN mkdir /dtstact #Add the command that needs to be run before the container starts after the RUN command. Since Dockerfile files can only contain a maximum of 127 lines, we recommend that you write and run the commands in the script.
    ENTRYPOINT ping https://cloud.tencent.com/ #The commands that run at startup. The last command must be a frontend command that runs constantly. Otherwise, the container will exit after running all commands.
    3. Click Esc and enter :wq to save and close the file.
    4. Run the following command to build an image.
    docker build -t nginxos:v1 . #The single dot (.) specifies the path of the Dockerfile and must be included.
    5. Run the following command to check if the image has been created.
    docker images
    6. Run the following commands in sequence to run and check the container.
    docker run -d nginxos:v1 #Run the container in the background.
    docker ps #Check the running container.
    docker ps -a #Check all containers including those that are not running.
    docker logs CONTAINER ID/IMAGE #Check the startup log to troubleshoot the issue based on the container ID or name if you do not see the container in the returned results
    7. Run the following commands in sequence to create an image.
    docker commit fb2844b6**** nginxweb:v2 #Add the container ID and the name and version of the new image. after the commit command.
    docker images #List local images that have been downloaded and created.
    8. Run the following command to push the image to the remote repository. The image is pushed to Docker Hub by default. To push the image, log in to Docker, tag and name the image in the following format: Docker username/image name: tag.
    docker login #Enter the username and password of the image registry after running the command
    docker tag [image name]:[tag] [username]:[tag]
    docker push [username]:[tag]
    After the image is pushed, you can log in to Docker Hub to view the image.
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