tencent cloud


Cost Explorer

Last updated: 2025-02-27 17:32:53

    Cost Explorer

    Cost Explorer is a basic feature of cost management. It helps you analyze your bill data flexibly and efficiently and gives you a clearer understanding of your cloud costs.
    To use Cost Explorer, log in to the Billing Center, and click Cost Management > Cost Explorer in the left sidebar to enter the Cost Explorer page.

    Cost Explorer Features

    Time period

    Cost data can be displayed for a specified time period or a relative time period at hourly, daily, and monthly granularities.
    Specified period: Select the start date and the end date in the calendar.
    Relative period: Select a time period from the top of the calendar. This is mainly used to automatically update a regularly occurring cost report.
    Daily granularity supports the last 7, 14, and 30 days, and the month to date.
    Monthly granularity supports the last 3, 6, and 12 months, and the year to date.
    Hourly granularity supports a maximum of 30 days.Daily granularity can display data from within the last 180 days. Monthly granularity can display data from within the last 12 months.


    You can select different categories to aggregate and display your costs based on different dimensions.
    One category can be selected at a time. The chart displays the categorized cost data over a certain period of time.
    Categories include spend type, bill type, product, subproduct, component type, component name, resource ID, region, availability zone, transaction type, billing mode, tag, project, payer account, and user account.
    The organization account administrator can assign cost analysis viewing permissions to member accounts under "finance authorization". For more details, please refer to Adding Organization Member.
    The chart displays only the first 10 items for the selected category. Any remaining items are summarized as "others". You can view and download the full data in the Cost Details table displayed under the chart.

    Chart types

    You can change the chart type to stacked bar chart, line chart, and bar chart, and supports display in full screen.

    Cost details

    The detailed cost data supports pagination queries and downloads. Simply click the download button to export the data.
    The Settings button allows for the customization of table row height and shading, as well as the number of decimal places in charts (supports two and eight places).
    After selecting the growth rate as needed, click download button. The downloaded data includes total cost summary by categorization dimensions , growth rate calculation data by categorization dimensions in two sheets.

    Advanced filters

    Advanced filters allow you to further refine the target costs you want to display. You can filter costs by selecting multiple criteria to be included or excluded.
    Advanced filtering capabilities include MoM growth rate, YoY growth rate, spend type, bill type, product, sub-product, component type, component name, resource ID, region, availability zone, billing mode, transaction type/consumption type, tag, project, payer account, and user account.

    MoM/YoY Growth Rate

    The MoM/YoY rate data information will be displayed in the cost analysis data.
    Month-over-month: It compares with the previous adjacent statistical cycle, indicating the development and change of statistical indicators from period to period. Month-over-month focuses on reflecting the short-term changes in data. When using the month-over-month growth rate to reflect indicator changes, it has strong timeliness and is sensitive.
    Year-on-year: It compares with the same period of the previous year, that is, comparing a certain time period of this year with that of the same period last year. It can be understood as the comparison between the nth month of this year and the nth month of last year. Compared with month-over-month, it focuses on reflecting long-term trends and can overcome the influence of seasonal fluctuations to a certain extent.
    For the same field, when both historical development trends and short-term changes need to be considered, it is recommended to conduct comparative analysis by putting year-on-year and month-over-month together.
    The calculation formula is:
    Growth rate = (Current period cost data - Previous period cost data) / Previous period cost data * 100%
    Year-on-year rate = (Current period cost data - Same period cost data of the previous year) / Same period cost data of the previous year * 100%
    Detailed description of month-over-month/year-over-year calculation for different time granularities:
    Time Granularity
    Cumulative comparison with last month
    Calculate the year-on-year indicator: cumulative comparison of this month with the same period last year.
    Compared with the previous day
    Calculate the month-on-month indicator: compared with the same day of the previous month. In day-on-day comparison, if the amount for the current day cannot be found for the same day of the previous month, for example, if data for April 31st cannot be found when comparing with May 31st, obtain it according to the proximity principle and compare it with the data of April 30th.
    By hour
    Compared with the previous hour
    Calculate the daily year-on-year indicator: compared with the same hour of the previous day.
    If there is no data or the data is 0 in the previous period, the year-on-year and month-on-month rates are displayed as -. The calculation result is rounded to two decimal places, such as 88.88%.
    Note that when querying by hour, the fee for the last hour of yesterday needs to be updated on T+2, so the growth rate corresponding to the last hour is -.

    Spend types and bill types

    Spend types and bill types are integrated into standard analytical dimensions, supporting categorized summary queries and advanced filtering.
    Spend Type: The default display is the total amount (the total price after discounts), which can be broken down into payment types such as cash, coupons, and gift money in the categorized summary. You can switch to the original price, and the data will reflect the original price bill, allowing for a comparison of the original price and the total cost difference in the categorized summary.
    Bill Type: You have the option to toggle between bills and consumption bills (which needs to be enabled first). In the classification summary, both can be compared side by side on the same screen.

    Cost Report

    The cost report feature allows you to save the results of cost analysis as a report that can be easily referenced and shared. You can create a cost report from the Cost Explorer page, and you can edit or delete a report after it’s created.
    The report will save all the settings you configured in Cost Explorer. If the time is set to a relative time period, the cost report will be updated automatically.
    Tencent Cloud provides three preset cost reports that can be viewed in the Cost Report page: Daily costs by service, Daily costs report, and Monthly costs by service. These preset reports cannot be modified or deleted.
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