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Serverless Cloud Function
Request Structure
Last updated: 2024-11-28 14:50:29
Request Structure
Last updated: 2024-11-28 14:50:29

1. Service Address

The API supports access from either a nearby region (at scf.intl.tencentcloudapi.com) or a specified region (at scf.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com for Guangzhou, for example).

We recommend using the domain name to access the nearest server. When you call an API, the request is automatically resolved to a server in the region nearest to the location where the API is initiated. For example, when you initiate an API request in Guangzhou, this domain name is automatically resolved to a Guangzhou server, the result is the same as that of specifying the region in the domain like "scf.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com".

Note: For latency-sensitive businesses, we recommend that you specify the region in the domain name.

Tencent Cloud currently supports the following regions:

Hosted region Domain name
Local access region (recommended, only for non-financial availability zones) scf.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
South China (Guangzhou) scf.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com
East China (Shanghai) scf.ap-shanghai.tencentcloudapi.com
North China (Beijing) scf.ap-beijing.tencentcloudapi.com
Southwest China (Chengdu) scf.ap-chengdu.tencentcloudapi.com
Southwest China (Chongqing) scf.ap-chongqing.tencentcloudapi.com
Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan (Hong Kong, China) scf.ap-hongkong.tencentcloudapi.com
Southeast Asia (Singapore) scf.ap-singapore.tencentcloudapi.com
Southeast Asia (Bangkok) scf.ap-bangkok.tencentcloudapi.com
South Asia (Mumbai) scf.ap-mumbai.tencentcloudapi.com
Northeast Asia (Seoul) scf.ap-seoul.tencentcloudapi.com
Northeast Asia (Tokyo) scf.ap-tokyo.tencentcloudapi.com
U.S. East Coast (Virginia) scf.na-ashburn.tencentcloudapi.com
U.S. West Coast (Silicon Valley) scf.na-siliconvalley.tencentcloudapi.com
Europe (Frankfurt) scf.eu-frankfurt.tencentcloudapi.com

Note: As financial availability zones and non-financial availability zones are isolated, when accessing the services in a financial availability zone (with the common parameter Region specifying a financial availability zone), it is necessary to specify a domain name of the financial availability zone, preferably in the same region as specified in Region.

Access region for financial availability zone Domain name for financial availability zone
East China (Shanghai Finance) scf.ap-shanghai-fsi.tencentcloudapi.com
South China (Shenzhen Finance) scf.ap-shenzhen-fsi.tencentcloudapi.com

2. Communications Protocol

All the Tencent Cloud APIs communicate via HTTPS, providing highly secure communication tunnels.

3. Request Methods

Supported HTTP request methods:

  • POST (recommended)
  • GET

The Content-Type types supported by POST requests:

  • application/json (recommended). The TC3-HMAC-SHA256 signature algorithm must be used.
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The HmacSHA1 or HmacSHA256 signature algorithm must be used.
  • multipart/form-data (only supported by certain APIs). You must use TC3-HMAC-SHA256 to calculate the signature.

The size of a GET request packet is up to 32 KB. The size of a POST request is up to 1 MB when the HmacSHA1 or HmacSHA256 signature algorithm is used, and up to 10 MB when TC3-HMAC-SHA256 is used.

4. Character Encoding

Only UTF-8 encoding is used.

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