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Serverless Cloud Function
Release Notes
Last updated: 2024-12-02 20:27:11
Release Notes
Last updated: 2024-12-02 20:27:11

April 2022

Release Date
Added support for processing multiple concurrent requests by a single instance for HTTP-triggered functions
In web applications, typical business scenarios are I/O-intensive, and access to downstream services such as database or other system APIs in the function takes a long time to wait for the downstream services to respond. Generally, such waits are iowait and don't consume the CPU resources. In this case, if the multiple concurrent requests feature is enabled, one instance can process multiple requests to better utilize the CPU resources of the single instance.

February 2022

Release Date
Added support for GPU computing power
SCF provides T4 GPU Computing and T4 GPU Rendering computing power to support the serverless implementation of various use cases, such as audio/video transcoding, AI inference, high-performance graphic processing, and 3D rendering.
Added the dynamic provisioned concurrency metric feature
SCF provides the dynamic provisioned concurrency metric feature, so that the function provisioned concurrency can be closer to the actual resource usage, thereby reducing the idle provisioned concurrency fees.

November 2021

Release Date
Added support for provisioned concurrency
SCF supports configuring the provisioned concurrency to prepare computing resources in advance and reduce the duration for cold start and initialization of runtime environment and business code.

July 2021

Release Date
Added support for deployment of multiple web frameworks
SCF allows you to deploy a local project to the cloud through an HTTP-triggered function.

June 2021

Release Date
Added support for container image delivery of SCF
SCF supports container image delivery, richer repository types, non-intrusive log collection and aggregation, image pull based on image digest, and custom image, so that you don't need to modify the code or recompile binary dependencies, which accelerates the serverless transformation of your applications.
New HTTP-triggered functions
SCF supports creating HTTP-triggered functions that can accept and process native HTTP requests.

January 2021

Release Date
Added retry capability for async SCF invocation
Added support for modifying the configurations of retry and maximum retention for async invocations. You can control the retry capabilities of function resources through relevant configurations.
Updated the function overrun retry policy, eliminating your need to concern over data retry failures caused by overrun. Functions will make special retries for overrun errors by default.

December 2020

Release Date
Upgraded the function creation process
Simplified the function creation process for quicker creation.
Added support for configurations for template-based function creation.
Added support for trigger configurations for function creation.
Interconnected with Serverless Cloud Framework for creating applications in the SCF console.
Interconnected with CODING for deploying functions and applications through CI.
Released the async function execution feature
SCF provides the async function execution mode to extend the execution timeout period and solve the problems with existing execution mechanisms.
Released SCF Serverless Web IDE
SCF and CODING jointly released Serverless Web IDE to provide a development experience closer to local IDE, which supports:
Complete function development, deployment, and testing capabilities.
Terminal capabilities. Common development tools such as pip and npm and programming language development environments already supported by SCF are pre-configured in it.
The basic capabilities of a complete IDE, such as smart prompt and code autocomplete.
User-defined IDE configuration, which ensures a consistent IDE user experience for the development of different functions.
Supported MPS triggers
The combination of SCF and MPS enables you to quickly process and manipulate callback events generated by MPS.
Added support for data sync between SCF API Gateway trigger and API Gateway
Creating, deleting, and updating serverless APIs on the API Gateway side are completely synced with creating, deleting, and updating API Gateway triggers on the SCF side. Changes on one side will be automatically synced to the other side.

November 2020

Release Date
Released the online debugging feature
With the online debugging feature of SCF, you can complete checkpoint debugging, use the console, and view the runtime memory and CPU status, so that you can quickly locate problems in the console.
Added support for CLS triggers
You can use SCF to process the logs collected in the CLS service. By passing the collected logs as a parameter, the function can be invoked, where the function code can process and analyze the data or dump it to other Tencent Cloud services.

Added support for CKafka message dump to ES
SCF is connected with CKafka to allow you to dump messages to Elasticsearch Service (ES) for consumption and management, making it easier to store and search massive amounts of data and analyze logs in real time.

August 2020

Release Date
Released the CKafka-to-CKafka dump feature based on SCF
You can use SCF to dump messages from one CKafka topic cluster to another.
Message Dump to CKafka
Released the Custom Runtime feature
SCF provides Custom Runtime to customize the runtime environment. By enabling custom implementation for the function runtime, you can use any version of any programming language to write functions as needed.

July 2020

Release Date
Started the beta test of the provisioned concurrency feature
The provisioned concurrency feature can start concurrent instances in advance according to the configuration.
Added support for CFS file systems
SCF supports mounting CFS file systems to have a larger disk space. It allows different functions to write into the same file system.
Released the SCF-based CDN cache purge feature
You can quickly configure an SCF-based CDN purge scheme in the COS console.

June 2020

Release Date
Released the ICP filing feature
If your website is hosted in Tencent Cloud's Serverless service in the Chinese mainland, and the organizer and domain name of the website have never obtained an ICP filing, then you need to perform the initial ICP filing operation in the Tencent Cloud ICP filing system first before activating the Serverless service and using SCF for HTTP access to the custom domain name.
ICP Filing
Released the SCF VS Code plugin
The SCF VS Code plugin was upgraded to v2.0:The specification used by the plugin was adjusted to the Tencent-SCF Component specification in Serverless Cloud Framework.The original TCSAM-compatible specification can be converted to the Serverless Cloud Framework Tencent-SCF Component specification.Node.js 10.15 and Node.js 12.16 runtime environments were added.Node.js 10 and later runtime environments were added for cloud debugging.
SCF VS Code Plugin Usage
Added the Node.js 12.16 runtime environment
The Node.js 12.16 runtime environment was added for SCF. You can choose to use Node.js 12.16 as the runtime environment when creating a function. The upgrade of the Node.js version brings new features and performance improvements and, mostly importantly, speeds up launches.

May 2020

Release Date
Added support for providing a fixed outbound IP on the public network
When the public network is enabled for a function, a fixed outbound IP on the public network can be enabled to get a randomly assigned EIP. The traffic generated by the function accessing the public network will be forwarded based on the EIP.
When both public network access and private network access are enabled for the function, the traffic generated by accessing the public network will be forwarded based on the EIP, while that generated by accessing the private network will be forwarded based on the VPC.

Added support for installing dependencies online for the Node.js runtime
If "Online install dependency" is enabled in the function configuration, each time the code is uploaded, the SCF backend will check the `package.json` file in the root directory of the code package and try using npm to install the dependent package based on the dependencies in `package.json`. Currently, you can install dependencies online for the Node.js runtime, and each time the code is updated, the SCF backend will automatically install dependencies.

April 2020

Release Date
Added support for enabling both the public network and VPC
SCF now supports enabling both the public network and VPC, and the code can access resources in the VPC and public network, lowering the configuration complexity. Both or either of the VPC and public network can be enabled.
Released the grayscale release feature
SCF allows you to configure aliases, versions, and traffic routing to switch traffic between multiple versions.
Two versions can be configured for an alias, and a rule can be configured to switch traffic between the two versions.
Traffic can be routed based on weight or request attribute.
A trigger can be configured for an alias.
You can view logs and monitoring data by alias or version.
Released the layer feature
SCF allows you to use layers to manage dependent libraries and common code files.

March 2020

Release Date
Released the SCF-based COS file decompression feature
The file decompression feature is a data processing solution provided by COS based on SCF. After it is enabled, when a compressed file is uploaded to COS, the function pre-configured by COS will be automatically triggered to decompress the file to the specified bucket and directory.

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