tencent cloud


Common Errors and Solutions

Last updated: 2024-12-02 19:46:29
Common errors and solutions:
Error Code
The value of FunctionName is invalid. Please modify it as instructed in API documentation and try again.
The requests API does not exist. Please modify it as instructed in API documentation and try again.
The value of CosBucketRegion is invalid. Please modify it as instructed in COS Regions and Access Endpoints and try again.
The value of DeadLetterConfig is invalid. The value of Type should be CMQ-TOPIC, CMQ-QUEUE, topic or queue, and Name cannot be left empty.
The value of Enable is invalid. It should be OPEN or CLOSE.
The value of Memory is invalid. The function runtime memory defaults to 128M. You can set it to 64M, or 128M - 3072M (in increments of 128M).
The value of OrderBy is invalid. Please modify it as instructed in the API documentation and try again.
The value of RoutingConfig is invalid. Please refer to API documentation.

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