This document describes how to delete one or multiple collaborators. After deletion, the collaborators will no longer have management permissions for the root account.
Log in to the CAM Console and go to the User List management page. Directions
Deleting a single collaborator
1. In the User List management page, locate the collaborator that you want to delete.
2. Click More > Delete in the operations column on the right.
3. A Delete User window will pop up. Confirm that the collaborator’s API key has already been disabled and deleted. For more information, see Access Key. 4. Click Delete to delete the collaborator.
Deleting multiple collaborators
1. In the User List management page, select the collaborators that you want to delete.
2. Click More on the top left and select Delete from the dropdown menu.
3. A Delete User window will pop up. Confirm that the selected collaborators’ API keys have already been disabled and deleted. For more information, see Access Key. 4. Click Delete to delete the selected collaborators.