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Cloud Access Management

Cloud Object Storage

Last updated: 2024-11-26 09:52:51

Fundamental information

Product Abbreviation in CAM Console Authorization by Tag Authorization Granularity IP Restriction
COS cos Supported Supported Resource level Supported


The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.

  • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service. For the authorization granularity of cloud products at service level, the authorization of specific APIs are not supported.
  • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
  • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

API authorization granularity

Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.

  • Resource level: It supports the authorization of a specific resource.
  • Operation level: It does not support the authorization of a specific resource. If the policy syntax restricts a specific resource during authorization, CAM will determine that this API is not within the scope of authorization, and deem it as unauthorized.

Read operations

API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
AbortMultipartUpload Abort multipart upload Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
DescribeAutoBackup Describe auto backup for lhcos. Operation level * Supported
DescribeBackupTask Describe backup task for lhcos Operation level * Supported
DescribeGsPkgConfig get gs config Operation level * Supported
DescribeJob Describe a specified COS Batch job information Operation level * Supported
DescribeStatCosPackage get user\'s package ingo Operation level * Supported
GetBucket List the objects in the bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetBucketACL Get bucket ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketAccelerate Get bucket accelerate configuration. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketAccessMonitor Get bucket access monitor Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketBandwidthQuota GET Bucket Bandwidth Quota Operation level * Supported
GetBucketCORS Query the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) access control configuration of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketDomain Get bucket domain configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketDomainCertificate get domain certificate status Resource level * Supported
GetBucketEncryption Get Bucket encryption configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketIntelligentTiering Obtain storage bucket intelligent tiered storage configuration information Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketInventory Get bucket inventory configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketLifecycle Query the lifecycle configuration of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketLocation Get bucket location information Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketLogging Query the logging configuration of the bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketLoggingAnalysis Get bucket logging analysis configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketNotification Query the notification configuration of the bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketObjectLock Get bucket object lock configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketObjectVersions List historical versions of objects in the bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetBucketOrigin Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketOrigin Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketOrigin Get bucket origin configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketPolicy Read the permission policy of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketReferer Get bucket referer Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketReplication Query the cross-bucket replication configuration of a bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketTagging Query the existing bucket tags of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketVersionAcl Get bucket version Acl Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketVersioning Get the versioning information of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetBucketWebsite Query the configuration of static websites associated with a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetLiveChannel get the channel\'s param、status or histroy logs Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetObject Get object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetObject Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetObjectACL Get object ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetObjectLegalHold Get object legal hold status. Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/* Supported
GetObjectRetention Get object retention Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetObjectTagging Get object tagging Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetObjectVersionAcl Get object version ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetService List buckets Operation level * Supported
GetSymlink Get Symlink Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
GetVodPlayList get the vod playlis in specified time Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
HeadBucket Get basic information about the bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
HeadObject Get basic information about the object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
ListJobs List COS Batch jobs of CAM user Operation level * Supported
ListMultipartUploads List multipart upload tasks Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
ListParts List uploaded parts Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
OptionsObject Preflight request for CORS Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported

Write operations

API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
AppendObject Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
AppendObject append object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
CompleteMultipartUpload Complete multipart upload task Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
CreateAutoBackup Create auto backup for lhcos Operation level * Supported
CreateInstantBackup Create instant backup for lhcos. Operation level * Supported
CreateJob Create a COS Batch job Operation level * Supported
DeleteBucket Delete bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketCORS Delete the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) access control configuration from a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketDomain Delete bucket domain configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketDomainCertificate delete domain certificate Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketEncryption Delete bucket encryption configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketInventory Delete bucket inventory configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketLifecycle Delete the lifecycle configuration of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketOrigin Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketOrigin Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketOrigin Delete bucket origin configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketPolicy Delete a permission policy of a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketReferer Delete bucket referer Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketReplication Delete the cross-bucket replication configuration from a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketTagging Delete the existing bucket tags from a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteBucketWebsite Delete the static website configuration from a bucket. Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteJob Delete COS Batch Job configuration Operation level * Supported
DeleteLiveChannel delete a specified channel Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteMultipleObjects Delete objects in bulk Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
DeleteObject Delete object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
DeleteObjectTagging Delete object tagging Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
InitiateMultipartUpload Initiate multipart upload task Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PostBucketInventory initiate instant inventory Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PostObject Post object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PostObjectRestore Restore an archive object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PostVodPlayList create a vod playlis in specified time and upload it into the bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PushStream push audio/video streaming data into bucket by created channel Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucket Put bucket Operation level * Supported
PutBucketACL Put bucket ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketAccelerate Put bucket accelerate configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketAccessMonitor put bucket access monitor Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketBandwidthQuota PUT Bucket Bandwidth Quota Operation level * Supported
PutBucketCORS Configure bucket cross-domain resource sharing Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketDomain Put bucket domain configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketDomainCertificate bind domain certificate Resource level * Supported
PutBucketEncryption Put bucket encryption configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketIntelligentTiering Enable intelligent tiered storage for buckets Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketInventory Put bucket inventory configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketLifecycle Put bucket lifecycle configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketLogging Put bucket logging configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketLoggingAnalysis Put bucket logging analysis configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/
PutBucketNotification Put bucket notification configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketObjectLock Put bucket object lock configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketOrigin Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketOrigin Put bucket origin configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketPolicy Put bucket policy Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketReferer Put bucket referer Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketReplication Put bucket replication configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketTagging Put bucket tagging Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketVersionAcl Put bucket version ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketVersioning Put bucket versioning configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutBucketWebsite Put bucket website configuration Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutLiveChannel create a channel which can be used to push stream, modify a channel\'s switch Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutObject Put object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PutObjectACL Put object ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PutObjectCopy Copy object Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PutObjectLegalHold Put object legal hold control Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:{bucket-appid}/* Supported
PutObjectRetention Put object retention Resource level qcs::cos:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket-appid/* Supported
PutObjectTagging Put object tagging Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PutObjectVersionAcl Put object version ACL Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
PutSymlink Create Symlink Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
RenameObject rename object, supported by ofs only Resource level * Supported
RenewBucketBandwidthQuota RENEW Bucket Bandwidth Quota Operation level * Supported
TruncateObject truncate object, supported by ofs only Resource level * Supported
UpdateJobPriority Update a COS Batch job priority Operation level * Supported
UpdateJobStatus Update a COS Batch job status Operation level * Supported
UpgradeBucketBandwidthQuota UPGRADE Bucket Bandwidth Quota Operation level * Supported
UploadPart Upload part Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported
UploadPartCopy Copy upload parts Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/${resource_path} Supported

List Operations

API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
DescribeGsUinOverview DescribeGsUinOverview Operation level * Supported
DescribeGsUser get user regist ingo Operation level * Supported
DescribePkgList get pkg list for console Operation level * Supported
DescribePkgUsedDetail get pkg deduct info Operation level * Supported
DescribeUinDayAmountByTime DescribeUinDayAmountByTime Operation level * Supported
ListLiveChannels list the created channels in a bucket Resource level qcs::cos:${Region}:uid/${uid}:${bucket-appid}/* Supported
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