tencent cloud


Quick Integration of SDK for Unreal Engine

Last updated: 2024-01-18 11:53:35

    This document provides a detailed description that makes it easy for Unreal Engine project developers to debug and integrate the APIs for Game Multimedia Engine (GME).

    This document only provides the main APIs to help you get started with GME to debug and integrate the APIs.

    Key Considerations for Using GME

    GME provides two services: voice chat service and voice message and speech-to-text service, both of which rely on key APIs such as Init and Poll.

    Note on Init API

    If you need to use voice chat and voice message services at the same time, you only need to call Init API once.

    API call flowchart



    Integrating SDK

    Refer to Integrating SDK to integrate the SDK into the project.

    Key APIs

    Initializing GMEAPI: Init
    Calling Poll periodically to trigger event callbacksAPI: Poll
    Listening on room entry/exit notificationListener: QAVEnterRoomComplete

    Voice Chat

    Voice Message

    Uninitializing GMEAPI: UnInit

    Key API Access

    1. Downloading the SDK

    On the SDK download guide page, download the appropriate client SDKDownLoad.

    2. Importing the header file

    #include "tmg_sdk.h"
    class UEDEMO1_API AUEDemoLevelScriptActor : public ALevelScriptActor, public ITMGDelegate

    3. Setting the singleton

    You need to get ITMGContext first before you can call the EnterRoom function, because all calls begin with ITMGContext and callbacks are passed to the application through ITMGDelegate.

    Sample code

    ITMGContext* context = ITMGContextGetInstance();

    4. Initializing SDK

    • This API is used to initialize the GME service. It is recommended to call it when initializing the application.
    • The openID uniquely identifies a user with the rules stipulated by the application developer and unique in the application (currently, only INT64 is supported).
    • If the user switches the login account, they need to call Uninit and then call Init again with the new OpenId.

    Function prototype

    //class ITMGContext
    ITMGContext virtual int Init(const char* sdkAppId, const char* openId)
    Parameter Type Description
    sdkAppId const char* AppId provided by the GME service from the Tencent Cloud console
    OpenId const char* OpenId can only be in Int64 type, which is passed after being converted to a string.

    Sample code

    std::string appid = TCHAR_TO_UTF8(CurrentWidget->editAppID->GetText().ToString().operator*());
    std::string userId = TCHAR_TO_UTF8(CurrentWidget->editUserID->GetText().ToString().operator*());
    ITMGContextGetInstance()->Init(appid.c_str(), userId.c_str());

    5. Triggering event callback

    Event callbacks can be triggered by periodically calling the Poll API in update. The Poll API should be called periodically for GME to trigger event callbacks; otherwise, the entire SDK service will run exceptionally.
    Refer to the UEDemoLevelScriptActor.cpp file in the demo.

    Sample code

    // Declaration in the header file
    virtual void Tick(float DeltaSeconds);
    void AUEDemoLevelScriptActor::Tick(float DeltaSeconds) {

    6. Setting the callback

    The API class uses the Delegate method to send callback notifications to the application. ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE indicates the message type. The data on Windows is in json string format. For the key-value pairs, please see the relevant documentation.

    Sample code

    // Function implementation:
    class UEDEMO1_API AUEDemoLevelScriptActor : public ALevelScriptActor, public SetTMGDelegate
      void OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char* data);
    void AUEDemoLevelScriptActor::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char* data){
      // Identify and manipulate `eventType` here

    7. Authentication

    Generate AuthBuffer for encryption and authentication of relevant features.
    To get authentication for voice message and speech-to-text, the room ID parameter must be set to null.

    Function prototype

    int  QAVSDK_AuthBuffer_GenAuthBuffer(unsigned int dwSdkAppID, const char* strRoomID, const char* strOpenID,
      const char* strKey, unsigned char* strAuthBuffer, unsigned int bufferLength);
    Parameter Type Description
    dwSdkAppID int AppId from the Tencent Cloud console.
    strRoomID char* Room ID, which can contain up to 127 characters.
    strOpenID char* User ID, which is the same as openID during initialization.
    strKey char* Permission key from the Tencent Cloud console.
    strAuthBuffer char* Returned authbuff
    bufferLength int Length of the authbuff passed in. 500 is recommended.

    Sample code

    unsigned int bufferLen = 512;
    unsigned char retAuthBuff[512] = {0};
    QAVSDK_AuthBuffer_GenAuthBuffer(atoi(SDKAPPID3RD), roomId, "10001", AUTHKEY,retAuthBuff,bufferLen);

    Voice Chat Access

    1. Entering a room

    This API is used to enter a room with the generated authentication information. The mic and speaker are not enabled by default after room entry. The returned value of 0 indicates successful API call but not successful room entry.

    For more information on how to choose a room audio type, please see Sound Quality Selection.

    Function prototype

    ITMGContext virtual int EnterRoom(const char*  roomID, ITMG_ROOM_TYPE roomType, const char* authBuff, int buffLen)
    Parameter Type Description
    roomId char* Room ID, which can contain up to 127 characters
    roomType ITMG_ROOM_TYPE Room audio type
    authBuffer char* Authentication key
    buffLen int Authentication key length

    Sample code

    ITMGContext* context = ITMGContextGetInstance();
    context->EnterRoom(roomID, ITMG_ROOM_TYPE_FLUENCY, (char*)retAuthBuff,bufferLen);

    Callback for room entry

    After the user enters the room, a room entry notification will be received and identified in the listener function for processing. A successful callback (err = 0) means that the room entry is successful, and the billing starts. If the total call duration on the day is below 700 minutes, no fees will be incurred.

    • Sample code
      Sample code for processing the callback:

      void UBaseViewController::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char *data) {
      FString jsonData = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data));
      TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject;
      TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data)));
      FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonObject);

    if (eventType == ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM) {
    int32 result = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result"));
    FString error_info = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("error_info"));
    if (result == 0) {
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 20.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Enter room success."));
    else {
    FString msg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Enter room failed. result=%d, info = %ls"), result, *error_info);
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 20.0f, FColor::Yellow, *msg);
    onEnterRoomCompleted(result, error_info);

    • Error code
      Error Code Value Cause and Suggested Solution
      7006 Authentication failed. Possible causes:
      • The `AppID` does not exist or is incorrect.
      • An error occurred while authenticating the `authbuff`.
      • Authentication expired.
      • The `openId` does not meet the specification.
      7007 Already in another room.
      1001 The user was already in the process of entering a room but repeated this operation. It is recommended not to call the room entering API until the room entry callback is returned.
      1003 The user was already in the room and called the room entering API again.
      1101 Make sure that the SDK is initialized, `openId` complies with the rules, the APIs are called in the same thread, and the `Poll` API is called normally.

    2. Enabling or disabling the microphone

    This API is used to enable/disable the mic. Mic and speaker are not enabled by default after room entry.

    Sample code

    void UBaseViewController::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char *data) {
      FString jsonData = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data));
      TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject;
      TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data)));
      FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonObject);
      if (eventType == ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM) {
        int32 result = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result"));
        FString error_info = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("error_info"));
        if (result == 0) {
          GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 20.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Enter room success."));
          // Enable mic
        else {
          FString msg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Enter room failed. result=%d, info = %ls"), result, *error_info);
          GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 20.0f, FColor::Yellow, *msg);
        onEnterRoomCompleted(result, error_info);

    3. Enabling or disabling the speaker

    This API is used to enable/disable the speaker.

    Sample code

    void UBaseViewController::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char *data) {
      FString jsonData = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data));
      TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject;
      TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data)));
      FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonObject);
      if (eventType == ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM) {
        int32 result = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result"));
        FString error_info = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("error_info"));
        if (result == 0) {
          GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 20.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Enter room success."));
          // Enable the speaker
        else {
          FString msg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Enter room failed. result=%d, info = %ls"), result, *error_info);
          GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 20.0f, FColor::Yellow, *msg);
        onEnterRoomCompleted(result, error_info);

    4. Exiting the room

    This API is called to exit the current room. It needs to wait for and process the callback for exit.

    Sample code

    ITMGContext* context = ITMGContextGetInstance();

    Callback for room exit

    After the user exits a room, a callback will be returned. The sample code is as shown below:

    void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){
      switch (eventType) {
                case ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_EXIT_ROOM:
        // Process

    Voice Message Access

    1. Initializing authentication

    Call authentication initialization after initializing the SDK. For more information on how to get the authBuffer, please see genAuthBuffer (the voice chat authentication information API).

    Function prototype

    ITMGPTT virtual int ApplyPTTAuthbuffer(const char* authBuffer, int authBufferLen)
    Parameter Type Description
    authBuffer char* Authentication
    authBufferLen int Authentication length

    Sample code


    2. Starting streaming speech recognition

    This API is used to start streaming speech recognition. Text obtained from speech-to-text conversion will be returned in real time in its callback. It can specify a language for recognition or translate the information recognized in speech into a specified language and return the translation. To stop recording, call StopRecording. The callback will be returned after the recording is stopped.

    Function prototype

    ITMGPTT virtual int StartRecordingWithStreamingRecognition(const char* filePath) 
    ITMGPTT virtual int StartRecordingWithStreamingRecognition(const char* filePath,const char* translateLanguage,const char* translateLanguage) 
    Parameter Type Description
    filePath char* Path of stored audio file
    speechLanguage char* The language in which the audio file is to be converted to text. For parameters, please see Language Parameter Reference List
    translateLanguage char* The language into which the audio file will be translated. For parameters, please see Language Parameter Reference List (This parameter is currently unavailable. Enter the same value as that of speechLanguage)

    Sample code


    Callback for streaming speech recognition

    After streaming speech recognition is started, you need to listen for callback messages in the callback function onEvent. The event message is ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_STREAMINGRECOGNITION_COMPLETE, namely returns text after the recording is stopped and the recognition is completed, which is equivalent to returning the recognized text after a paragraph of speech.

    The event message will be identified in the OnEvent function based on the actual needs. The passed parameters include the following four messages.

    Message Name Description
    result A return code for judging whether the streaming speech recognition is successful.
    text Text converted from speech
    file_path Local path of stored recording file
    file_id Backend URL address of recording file, which will be retained for 90 days
    • Sample code

      void UBaseViewController::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char *data) {
      FString jsonData = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data));
      TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject;
      TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data)));
      FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonObject);
            int32 nResult = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result"));
            FString text = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("text"));
            FString fileid = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("file_id"));
            FString file_path = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("file_path"));
            onPttStreamRecognitionCompleted(nResult,file_path, fileid, text);
            int32 nResult = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result"));
            FString text = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("text"));
            FString file_path = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("file_path"));
            onPttStreamRecognitionisRunning(nResult,file_path, fileid, text);
    • Error code
      Error Code Description Suggested Solution
      32775 Streaming speech-to-text conversion failed, but recording succeeded. Call the `UploadRecordedFile` API to upload the recording file and then call the `SpeechToText` API to perform speech-to-text conversion.
      32777 Streaming speech-to-text converting failed, but recording and upload succeeded The message returned contains a backend URL after successful upload. Call the `SpeechToText` API to perform speech-to-text conversion.
      32786 Streaming speech-to-text conversion failed. During streaming recording, wait for the execution result of the streaming recording API to return.

    3. Stopping recording

    This API is used to stop recording. It is async, and a callback for recording completion will be returned after recording stops. A recording file will be available only after recording succeeds.

    Function prototype

    ITMGPTT virtual int StopRecording()

    Sample code

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