tencent cloud


Mic Connect

Last updated: 2025-01-09 15:50:43
    This document mainly introduces how to use the RTC Room Engine SDK to implement the audience co-guest feature.
    RTC Room Engine supports the following seat management capabilities:


    Before using the RTC RoomEngine SDK, you need to call the SDK login to ensure the subsequent features work properly.

    User Guide

    When using seat management, you need to ensure that you have started broadcasting or entered the live room.

    Response Configuration for Taking Seat

    When you are the host, you can call the updateRoomSeatModeByAdmin API to achieve this by passing the seat mode parameter seatMode.
    seatMode is an enumeration of type TUISeatMode.
    Enumeration value types
    Request to speak does not require host approval and can be done directly.
    Request to speak requires host approval before speaking.
    When you are the host, you can call the updateRoomSeatModeByAdmin API to achieve this by passing the seat mode parameter seatMode.
    seatMode is an enumeration of type SeatMode.
    Enumeration value types
    Request to speak does not require host approval and can be done directly.
    Request to speak requires host approval before speaking.
    Taking the update of response configuration for taking seat as an example:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    let seatMode: TUISeatMode = .applyToTake // Here, choose the apply-to-take mode. If you need to choose the free-to-take mode, change it to .freeToTake
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().updateRoomSeatModeByAdmin(seatMode) {
    // Successfully set response configuration for speaking
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Failed to set response configuration for speaking
    TUIRoomDefine.SeatMode seatMode = TUIRoomDefine.SeatMode.APPLY_TO_TAKE; // Here, choose the apply-to-take mode. If you need to choose the free-to-take mode, change it to .freeToTake
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().updateRoomSeatModeByAdmin(seatMode, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Successfully set response configuration for speaking
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to set response configuration for speaking

    Get Seat List

    You can call the getSeatList API to get the current seat list information.
    import RTCRoomEngine
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getSeatList { seatList in
    // Successfully got the microphone position list
    } onError: { code, messagea in
    // Failed to get the microphone position list
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getSeatList(new TUIRoomDefine.GetSeatListCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(List<TUIRoomDefine.SeatInfo> list) {
    // Successfully got the microphone position list
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to get the microphone position list

    Get Seat Application List

    You can call the getSeatApplicationList API to get the current seat applications information.
    import RTCRoomEngine
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getSeatApplicationList { applications in
    // Successfully got the request to speak list
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Failed to get the request to speak list
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getSeatApplicationList(new TUIRoomDefine.RequestListCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(List<TUIRoomDefine.Request> list) {
    // Successfully got the request to speak list
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to get the request to speak list

    Take Seat

    When you are not on the seat, you can call the takeSeat API to request to take seat by passing two parameters: the index of the desired seat and the timeout duration.
    For example, to take seat on seat 1:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    let index = 1 // Please replace this with the seat number you want to apply for (context: code line content)
    let timeout = 30 // Please replace this with the timeout duration for your speaking request, in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks.
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().takeSeat(index, timeout: TimeInterval(timeout)) { requestId, userId in
    // Speaking request accepted
    } onRejected: { requestId, userId, message in
    // Speaking request rejected
    } onCancelled: { requestId, userId in
    // Speaking request canceled
    } onTimeout: { requestId, userId in
    // Speaking request timed out
    } onError: { requestId, userId, code, message in
    // Speaking request error
    int index = 1; // Please replace this with the seat number you want to apply for (context: code line content)
    int timeout = 30; // Replace this with the timeout duration for requesting to speak, in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().takeSeat(index, timeout, new TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback() {
    public void onAccepted(String requestId, String userId) {
    // Speaking request accepted
    public void onRejected(String requestId, String userId, String message) {
    // Speaking request rejected
    public void onCancelled(String requestId, String userId) {
    // Speaking request canceled
    public void onTimeout(String requestId, String userId) {
    // Speaking request timed out
    public void onError(String requestId, String userId, TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Speaking request error
    When you are the host, if you become an observer of the RTC Room Engine SDK through the addObserver API, you will receive the onRequestReceived callback when someone requests to speak. You can accept or reject the request through the responseRemoteRequest API.
    func onRequestReceived(request: TUIRequest) {
    if request.requestAction == .takeSeat {
    let agreeToTakeSeat = true // If you want to reject the speaking request, set this to false
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().responseRemoteRequest(request.requestId, agree: agreeToTakeSeat) {
    // Handle seat request successfully
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Handle seat request failed
    public void onRequestReceived(TUIRoomDefine.Request request) {
    if (TUIRoomDefine.RequestAction.REQUEST_TO_TAKE_SEAT == request.requestAction) {
    boolean agreeToTakeSeat = true; // If you want to reject the speaking request, set this to false
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().responseRemoteRequest(request.requestId, agreeToTakeSeat, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Handle seat request successfully
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Handle seat request failed

    Leave Seat

    When you are already on the seat, you can actively leave the seat by calling the leaveSeat API.
    import RTCRoomEngine
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().leaveSeat {
    // Left the seat successfully
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Failed to leave the seat
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().leaveSeat(new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Left the seat successfully
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to leave the seat

    Move Seat

    When you are already on a seat, you can move a seat by calling the moveToSeat API, passing the parameter: the index of the seat you want to move to.
    For example, to move to seat 2:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    let targetIndex = 2
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().moveToSeat(targetSeatIndex: targetIndex) {
    // Successfully moved the seat
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Failed to move the seat
    int targetIndex = 2;
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().moveToSeat(targetIndex, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Successfully moved the seat
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to move the seat

    Kick off seat

    When you are the host, you can remove a user from a seat by calling the kickUserOffSeatByAdmin API, passing the parameter: the user ID of the user you want to remove.
    For example, to remove the user with seat user ID 100001:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    let targetIndex = -1 // Please set this value to -1, other values are meaningless
    let userId = "100001" // Please replace it with the user you want to remove
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().kickUserOffSeatByAdmin(targetIndex, userId: userId) {
    // Successfully removed a speaker
    } onError: { code, messagae in
    // Failed to remove a speaker
    int targetIndex = -1; // Please set this value to -1, other values are meaningless
    String userId = "100001"; // Please replace it with the user you want to remove
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().kickUserOffSeatByAdmin(targetIndex, userId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Successfully removed a speaker
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to remove a speaker

    Invite to Take Seat

    When you are the host, you can call the takeUserOnSeatByAdmin API, passing three parameters: the mic seat index you want to operate, the user ID of the user you want to invite, and the timeout duration.
    For example, to invite the user with user ID 100002 to mic seat 4:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    let targetIndex = 4
    let timeout = 30 // Please replace this with the timeout duration for your speaking request, in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks.
    let targetUserId = "100002" // Please replace this with the user ID of the host you want to remove from the mic.
    userId: targetUserId,
    timeout: TimeInterval(timeout)) { requestId, userId in
    // Speaking invitation accepted
    } onRejected: { requestId, userId, message in
    // Speaking invitation rejected
    } onCancelled: { requestId, userId in
    // Seat-taking invitation timed out
    } onTimeout: { requestId, userId in
    // Speaking invitation canceled
    } onError: { requestId, userId, code, message in
    // Speaking invitation error
    int targetIndex = 4;
    int timeout = 30; // Replace this with the timeout duration for requesting to speak, in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks
    String targetUserId = "100002"; // Please replace this with the user ID of the host you want to remove from the mic.
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().takeUserOnSeatByAdmin(targetIndex, targetUserId, timeout, new TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback() {
    public void onAccepted(String requestId, String userId) {
    // Speaking invitation accepted
    public void onRejected(String requestId, String userId, String message) {
    // Speaking invitation rejected
    public void onCancelled(String requestId, String userId) {
    // Seat-taking invitation timed out
    public void onTimeout(String requestId, String userId) {
    // Speaking invitation canceled
    public void onError(String requestId, String userId, TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Speaking invitation error
    If you become an observer of the addObserver API in the RTC Room Engine SDK, you will receive the onRequestReceived callback when someone invites you to speak. You can call responseRemoteRequest to accept/reject the speaking invitation.
    func onRequestReceived(request: TUIRequest) {
    if request.requestAction == .remoteUserOnSeat {
    let agreeToTakeSeat = true // If you want to reject the speaking invitation, set this to false
    agree: agreeToTakeSeat) {
    // Handle seat invitation successfully
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Handle seat invitation failed
    public void onRequestReceived(TUIRoomDefine.Request request) {
    if (TUIRoomDefine.RequestAction.REQUEST_REMOTE_USER_ON_SEAT == request.requestAction) {
    boolean agreeToTakeSeat = true; // If you want to reject the seat invitation, set this to false
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().responseRemoteRequest(request.requestId, agreeToTakeSeat, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Handle seat invitation successfully
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Handle seat invitation failed

    Lock Seat

    When you are the host and want to lock the empty seat at position 5 to prevent others from speaking, or mute the speaker at position 6 and disable the video of the speaker at position 7, you can call the lockSeat API, passing two parameters: the index of the seat to be locked and the lock mode.
    The structure of the lock mode (TUISeatLockParams) is as follows:
    Property Name
    Field Description
    Additional Notes
    Data Type
    Lock Microphone Position
    Locking the corresponding seat prevents applications to take that seat.
    Boolean value
    True when the seat is locked.
    Lock the seat camera.
    Locking the corresponding seat camera will stop the seat from publishing video streams.
    Boolean value
    Lock the seat microphone.
    Locking the corresponding seat camera will stop the seat from publishing audio streams.
    Boolean value
    True when the seat microphone is locked.
    When you are the host and want to lock the empty seat at position 5 to prevent others from speaking, or mute the speaker at position 6 and disable the video of the speaker at position 7, you can call the lockSeat API, passing two parameters: the index of the seat to be locked and the lock mode.
    The structure of the lock mode (SeatLockParams) is as follows:
    Property Name
    Field Description
    Additional Notes
    Data Type
    Lock Microphone Position
    Locking the corresponding seat prevents applications to take that seat.
    Boolean value
    True when the seat is locked.
    Lock the seat camera.
    Locking the corresponding seat camera will stop the seat from publishing video streams.
    Boolean value
    Lock the seat microphone.
    Locking the corresponding seat camera will stop the seat from publishing audio streams.
    Boolean value
    True when the seat microphone is locked.
    You can achieve the above functions by calling the lockSeatByAdmin API:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    // Lock a seat.
    let lockSeatIndex = 5
    let lockSeatParam = TUISeatLockParams()
    lockSeatParam.lockSeat = true
    lockMode: lockSeatParam) {
    // Lock the seat successfully
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Failed to lock the seat
    // Lock the seat microphone
    let lockSeatAudioIndex = 6
    let lockSeatAudioParam = TUISeatLockParams()
    lockSeatAudioParam.lockAudio = true
    lockMode: lockSeatAudioParam) {
    // Lock the seat microphone successfully
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Failed to lock the seat microphone
    // Lock the seat camera
    let lockSeatVideoIndex = 7
    let lockSeatVideoParam = TUISeatLockParams()
    lockSeatAudioParam.lockVideo = true
    lockMode: lockSeatAudioParam) {
    // Lock seat camera successfully
    } onError: { code, message in
    // Lock seat camera failed
    // Lock a seat.
    int lockSeatIndex = 5;
    TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams lockSeatParam = new TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams();
    lockSeatParam.lockSeat = true;
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().lockSeatByAdmin(lockSeatIndex, lockSeatParam, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Lock the seat successfully
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to lock the seat
    // Lock the seat microphone
    int lockSeatAudioIndex = 6;
    TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams lockSeatAudioParam = new TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams();
    lockSeatAudioParam.lockAudio = true;
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().lockSeatByAdmin(lockSeatAudioIndex, lockSeatAudioParam, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Lock the seat microphone successfully
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Failed to lock the seat microphone
    // Lock the seat camera
    int lockSeatVideoIndex = 7;
    TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams lockSeatVideoParam = new TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams();
    lockSeatAudioParam.lockVideo = true;
    TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().lockSeatByAdmin(lockSeatVideoIndex, lockSeatAudioParam, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    // Lock seat camera successfully
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // Lock seat camera failed

    Listening to Callbacks

    You can become an observer of the RTC Room Engine SDK by calling addObserver to listen for seat-related callbacks.
    Take CoGuestController as an example to become an observer:
    import RTCRoomEngine
    class CoGuestController: NSObject, TUIRoomObserver { // Please replace it with your business class, this is just an example
    override init() {
    deinit {
    // Triggered when the room mic mode changes
    func onRoomSeatModeChanged(roomId: String, seatMode: TUISeatMode) {
    // Room seat mode changed, current mode: seatMode
    // Triggered when the mic list changes
    func onSeatListChanged(seatList: [TUISeatInfo], seated seatedList: [TUISeatInfo], left leftList: [TUISeatInfo]) {
    // Microphone position list changed, latest user list on mic: seatList, newly seated user list: seatedList, newly left user list: leftList
    // Triggered when a request from another user is received
    func onRequestReceived(request: TUIRequest) {
    switch request.requestAction {
    case .takeSeat:
    // Received a seat request from request.userName
    case .remoteUserOnSeat:
    // Received a seat invitation from request.userName
    // Triggered when another user cancels the request
    func onRequestCancelled(request: TUIRequest, operateUser: TUIUserInfo) {
    switch request.requestAction {
    case .takeSeat:
    // Seat request from request.userName was canceled
    case .remoteUserOnSeat:
    // Seat invitation from request.userName was canceled
    // Triggered when the request is handled by another admin/room owner
    func onRequestProcessed(request: TUIRequest, operateUser: TUIUserInfo) {
    switch request.requestAction {
    case .takeSeat:
    // Seat request from request.userName was handled by operateUser.userName
    case .remoteUserOnSeat:
    // Seat invitation from request.userName was handled by operateUser.userName
    You can become an observer of the RTC Room Engine SDK by calling addObserver to listen for seat-related callbacks.
    Take CoGuestObserver as an example to become an observer:
    class CoGuestObserver extends TUIRoomObserver { // Please replace it with your business class, this is just an example
    CoGuestObserver() {
    // Triggered when the room mic mode changes
    public void onRoomSeatModeChanged(String roomId, TUIRoomDefine.SeatMode seatMode) {
    // Room seat mode changed, current mode: seatMode
    // Triggered when the mic list changes
    public void onSeatListChanged(List<TUIRoomDefine.SeatInfo> seatList, List<TUIRoomDefine.SeatInfo> seatedList,
    List<TUIRoomDefine.SeatInfo> leftList) {
    // Microphone position list changed, latest user list on mic: seatList, newly seated user list: seatedList, newly left user list: leftList
    // Triggered when a request from another user is received
    public void onRequestReceived(TUIRoomDefine.Request request) {
    switch (request.requestAction) {
    // Received a seat request from request.userName
    // Received a seat invitation from request.userName
    // Triggered when another user cancels the request
    public void onRequestCancelled(TUIRoomDefine.Request request, TUIRoomDefine.UserInfo operateUser) {
    switch (request.requestAction) {
    // Seat request from request.userName was canceled
    // Seat invitation from request.userName was canceled
    // Triggered when the request is handled by another admin/room owner
    public void onRequestProcessed(TUIRoomDefine.Request request, TUIRoomDefine.UserInfo operateUser) {
    switch (request.requestAction) {
    // Seat request from request.userName was handled by operateUser.userName
    // Seat invitation from request.userName was handled by operateUser.userName
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