srcaddr dstregionid dstport start dstaddr version packets ccnid protocol srcregionid bytes action region-id srcport end log-status
Field | Data Type | Description |
srcaddr | text | Source IP. |
dstregionid | text | Traffic destination region. |
dstport | long | Traffic destination port. This field will take effect only for UDP/TCP protocols and will be displayed as "-" for other protocols. |
start | long | The timestamp when the first packet is received in the current capture window. If there are no packets in the capture window, it will be displayed as the start time of the capture window in Unix seconds. |
dstaddr | text | Destination IP. |
version | text | Flow log version. |
packets | long | Number of packets transferred in the capture window. This field will be displayed as "-" when log-status is NODATA . |
ccn-id | text | |
protocol | long | |
srcregionid | text | Traffic source region. |
bytes | long | Number of bytes transferred in the capture window. This field will be displayed as "-" when log-status is NODATA . |
action | text | Operation associated with the traffic: ACCEPT: Cross-region traffic normally forwarded over CCN. REJECT: Cross-region traffic prevented from being forwarded due to traffic throttling. |
region-id | text | Region where logs are recorded. |
srcport | text | Traffic source port. This field will take effect only for UDP/TCP protocols and will be displayed as "-" for other protocols. |
end | long | The timestamp when the last packet is received in the current capture window. If there are no packets in the capture window, it will be displayed as the end time of the capture window in Unix seconds. |
log-status | text | Logging status of the flow log. Valid values: OK: Data is normally logged to the specified destination. NODATA: There was no inbound or outbound network flow in the capture window, in which case both the packets and bytes fields will be displayed as -1 . |
version account-id interface-id srcaddr dstaddr srcport dstport protocol packets bytes start end action log-status
Field | Description |
version | FL version. |
account-id | AppID of the FL account. |
interface-id | ENI ID. |
srcaddr | Source IP. |
dstaddr | Destination IP. |
srcport | Source port of the traffic. This field indicates the ICMP ID for ICMP traffic. |
dstport | Destination port of the traffic. This field indicates a combination of ICMP type (bits 0-7) and code (bits 8-15) for ICMP traffic. |
protocol | IANA protocol number of the traffic. For more information, see the Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers. |
packets | Number of packets transferred in the capture window. |
bytes | Number of bytes transferred in the capture window. |
start | Start time of the capture window in Unix seconds. |
end | End time of the capture window in Unix seconds. |
action | Traffic-related action. Valid values: <br/>ACCEPT: the traffic allowed by the security group or network ACL. <br/>REJECT: the traffic rejected by the security group or network ACL. |
log-status | Logging status of the flow log. Valid values:<br>OK: data is logging normally to the specified destination.<br/>NODATA: there was no incoming or outgoing network flow in the capture window. In this case, both packets and bytes fields are displayed as -1 .<br/>SKIPDATA: some flow log records were skipped in the capture window. This may be caused by an internal capacity constraint or an internal error. |
under the account 1251762227
was accepted:2 1251762227 eni-lq6mkcis 20641 22 6 20 4249 1418530010 1418530070 ACCEPT OK
under the account 1251762227
was rejected:2 1251762227 eni-lq6mkcis 49761 3389 6 20 4249 1418530010 1418530070 REJECT OK
V1 1251762227 eni-lq6mkcis - - - - - - - 1431280876 1431280934 - NODATA
V1 1251762227 eni-lq6mkcis - - - - - - - 1431280876 1431280934 - SKIPDATA
V1 1251762227 eni-lq6mkcis 0 0 1 4 336 1432917027 1432917142 ACCEPT OK
V1 1251762227 eni-lq6mkcis 0 0 1 4 336 1432917094 1432917142 REJECT OK