tencent cloud


SMS Reply

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-12-15 11:45:04

    API Description

    Feature description

    This API is used for Tencent Cloud SMS to notify the business of the SMS reply by calling back the service URL after a user receives an SMS message and replies to it.

    Sample URL

    POST http://example.com/sms/callback

    Request Parameters

    The following table lists the request parameters.

    Parameter Required Type Description
    extend No string Extended code of the channel, which is disabled by default (an null value must be entered)
    mobile Yes string Mobile number
    nationcode Yes string Country/Region code
    sign Yes string SMS signature
    text Yes string User reply
    time Yes number Unix timestamp in seconds

    Sample request:

      "extend": "Extended code",
      "mobile": "13xxxxxxxxx",
      "nationcode": "86",
      "sign": "SMS signature",
      "text": "User reply",
      "time": 1457336869

    Response Parameters

    The following table lists the response parameters.

    Parameter Required Type Description
    result Yes number Error code. 0: success; other values: failure
    errmsg Yes string When result is 0, it displays "OK", and when result is not 0, it displays a specific error message.

    Sample response:

      "result": 0,
      "errmsg": "OK"