tencent cloud

Partner Introduction

TK101 GLOBAL KOREA provides global digital marketing services, offering comprehensive solutions for clients looking to expand internationally, from market research and product strategy development for overseas entry to integrated operations covering distribution, marketing, and e-commerce management.

In 2023, we have been selected as a Tencent Cloud partner, consulting on the setup and operation of cloud solutions for clients operating global services.

Partner Solutions

TK101 GLOBAL KOREA offers digital business strategies utilizing Tencent Cloud for clients seeking global business expansion. We provide support for service workload configuration and architecture design, along with technical assistance from domestic and international development teams, ensuring clients can seamlessly adopt the Tencent Cloud environment.

Utilizing our expertise, particularly in WeChat Mini Program development, we combine Tencent Cloud's IaaS and PaaS products to build a WeChat ecosystem. This support enables clients to enhance their services' competitiveness in the global market. 

Partner Benefits

1. We provide support to facilitate service adoption at reasonable costs.

2. We offer cloud solution architecture design services.

3. We ensure swift customer response services with our in-house technical support from Korean and Chinese development teams.

4. We offer solutions for launching global services through WeChat Mini Program development integrated with Tencent Cloud products.

Joint Customer Success Stories

TK101 GLOBAL KOREA has clients in various sectors, including internet education platforms, the largest domestic department store e-commerce platform, as well as government agencies and global blockchain exchanges.

Contact Us

Contact our sales team or business advisors to help your business.

Technical Support

Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

7x24 Phone Support
Hong Kong, China
+852 800 906 020 (Toll Free)
United States
+1 844 606 0804 (Toll Free)
United Kingdom
+44 808 196 4551 (Toll Free)
+1 888 605 7930 (Toll Free)
+61 1300 986 386 (Toll Free)
+82 18773248 (Monday-Friday, local time 9:00-18:00)
+81 368979302(Monday-Friday, local time 9:00-18:00)
EdgeOne hotline
+852 300 80699
More local hotlines coming soon