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TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) is available for purchase in many major regions, and the service price may change across regions depending on different promotional activities or pricing strategies.


Calculation Formula

Total fees = daily reported metric data volume (in million entries) x unit price + traffic fees (currently free of charge)

Billing Items

Billing Item
Average reported metric data volume
Tiered pricing based on the reported metric data volume
Public network traffic, which is currently free of charge

Free Metrics

Some metrics are free of charge in the pay-as-you-go mode. For details, see Free Metrics in Pay-as-You-Go Mode.

Instance Price

Unit Price for 15-Day Data Storage

Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Unit Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.19 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.12 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.06 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.05 per million

Unit Price for 30-Day Data Storage

Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Unit Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.22 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.16 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.11 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.08 per million

Unit Price for 45-Day Data Storage

Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Unit Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.25 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.2 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.12 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.09 per million
Storage for 90 days, 180 days, 1 year, and 2 years will be charged according to the instance region.

Unit Price for 90-Day Data Storage

Domestic non-financial areas, such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.22 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.19 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.17 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.16 per million
Finance zones in the Chinese mainland and outside the Chinese mainland (Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), Taiwan (China), and overseas), such as Hong Kong (China) and Singapore
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.43 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.37 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.34 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.31 per million

Unit Price for 180-Day Data Storage

Domestic non-financial areas, such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.36 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.33 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.31 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.30 per million
Finance zones in the Chinese mainland and outside the Chinese mainland (Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), Taiwan (China), and overseas), such as Hong Kong (China), and Singapore
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.71 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.65 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.62 per million
Above 1,500 million
$0.59 per million

Unit Price for One-Year Data Storage

Domestic non-financial areas, such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$0.83 per million
200 - 800 million
$0.79 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$0.75 per million
Above 1,500 million
¥0.74 per million
Finance zones in the Chinese mainland and outside the Chinese mainland (Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), Taiwan (China), and overseas), such as Hong Kong (China) and Singapore
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$1.65 per million
200 - 800 million
$1.57 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$1.49 per million
Above 1,500 million
$1.47 per million

Unit Price for Two-Year Data Storage

Domestic non-financial areas, such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$1.81 per million
200 - 800 million
$1.76 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$1.71 per million
Above 1,500 million
$1.70 per million
Finance zones in the Chinese mainland and outside the Chinese mainland (Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), Taiwan (China), and overseas), such as Hong Kong (China) and Singapore
Range of Average Reported Metric Data Volume (in million entries)
Price (USD)
0 - 200 million
$3.61 per million
200 - 800 million
$3.51 per million
800 - 1,500 million
$3.42 per million
Above 1,500 million
$3.4 per million

Billing items

The pay-as-you-go cost for Prometheus depends on the amount of data reported by users. The unit price per amount of reported data varies depending on the storage duration.
Definition of reported data amount: It is the total amount of metric data collected and reported. A single metric data includes the metric name, label set, sampling timestamp, and value. Metric data is logically organized in the timeline (Series) form.
Timeline (Series) Definition: It is composed of metric name and tag. The same metric name and tag constitute a unique timeline in the time series.
Suppose you need to collect and report 10 types of node-level metrics, and your cluster contains 200 nodes. This will generate 2000 timelines (Series). If the data collection interval is 15 seconds, the daily reported data volume is:
Reported Data Volume = 2000 × (60 seconds × 60 minutes × 24 hours) / 15 seconds = 11.52 million
11.5 million falls in the first price range (0-200 million). The unit price for data storage for 15 days is $0.19, so daily cost = 11.52 × 0.19 ≈ $2.18 (rounded to two decimal places).

Billing Examples

Example 1 (less than 200 million reported metric data entries)
Suppose 60 million entries of metric data are reported a day, and the data retention period is specified as 15 days, then the daily fees = 60 × 0.19 = 11.4 USD.
Note: “60” in the above formula indicates 60 million metric data entries.
Example 2 (more than 200 million reported metric data entries)
Suppose 900 million entries of metric data are reported a day, and the data retention period is specified as 30 days, then the daily fees are calculated in a tiered manner as follows: For the first 200 million metric data entries, the fees = 200 x 0.25 = 50 USD For the 200-800 million metric data entries, the fees = (800 - 200) x 0.2 =120 USD For the 800-900 million metric data entries, the fees = (900 -800) x 0.12 = 12 USD Therefore, the total fees = 50 + 120 + 12 = 182 USD
Note: “900” in the above formula indicates 900 million metric data entries.

Relevant Documentation

You can purchase TMP instances through the console. For more information, see Purchase Methods.
TMP sends alert messages to you before it expires and its resources are repossessed. For more information, see Payment Overdue.
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