Compliance with National, International, and Industry-specific Standards
TencentDB for MariaDB has received many national and international certifications, including but not limited to ISO22301, ISO27001, ISO20000, ISO9001, Trusted Cloud, Cybersecurity Classified Protection Certification (Level 3 or above), and CSA STAR.
Some features of TencentDB for MariaDB are developed and designed based on GBT 20273-2006: Information Security Technology - Security Techniques Requirement for Database Management System, and JRT 0072-2012: Testing and Evaluation Guide for Classified Protection of Information System of Financial Industry. Thus, you can use TencentDB for MariaDB even if your business has extremely high requirements for database security.
VPC Support
TencentDB for MariaDB allows you to run database instances in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can isolate your instances and connect them to your existing IDC via IPsec VPN or Direct Connect.
Database Firewall and Security Protection
TencentDB for MariaDB provides multi-layer security protection for each database by default. It helps users defend attacking traffic and ensures business continuity when database instances with external network access are under DDoS attack. It can also efficiently block database attacks such as SQL injections and brute force attacks, significantly reducing users’ business interruption and loss.
Granular Permission Control
Accessing the database as the root account is disabled by default to avoid security risks. Permission controls are provided at the object level, such as tables, functions, and stored procedures. Designated accounts can only access authorized resources, keeping risks under control.
Physical Exclusivity Support
You can deploy database instances using resources of a dedicated physical cluster (device) in Tencent Cloud's public cloud. You can use the physical devices exclusively instead of sharing them with other tenants. Dedicated clusters meet your needs for resource exclusivity, physical security, and regulatory compliance. After purchasing dedicated clusters, you can flexibly create database instances with custom specifications in the Tencent Cloud Console.
High Storage Reliability
TencentDB for MariaDB provides master/slave data storage to ensure online data security. Data is automatically backed up daily and can be rolled back to any points in time in the past several days based on backup files. The daily cold data will be backed up in multiple copies to facilitate data recovery in the event of a disaster. You can securely store your data in TencentDB for MariaDB without worrying about data loss.