tencent cloud

A high performing shard-enabled distributed database highly compatible with MySQL

TDSQL for MySQL (TDSQL) is a comprehensive distributed database solution presented by Tencent. It features strong consistency, high availability and performance, global deployment architecture, distributed horizontal scaling, and enterprise-grade security. It also comes with services such as intelligent DBA, automated operations, and monitoring and alarming. At present, it proudly offers database services in both public and private clouds to over 500 governmental and organizational customers in various fields such as banking, insurance, securities, internet finance, billing, third-party payment, IoT, Internet+, and government affairs. Thanks to its quality products and services, TDSQL has earned multiple international and national accreditations and recognition from customers and industries.

Automated Sharding

You can automatically split a large table horizontally (i.e. sharding) in the database by setting the shardkey when the table is created. The TDSQL system will automatically distribute the written data evenly to different physical shards based on the hash scheme, and queries will also be automatically aggregated to return results. The sharding process is imperceptible to users, they simply see the complete table and do not need to concern themselves with the backend workings.

High Compatibility with MySQL Syntax

TDSQL is compatible with frequently used MySQL syntax elements, including MySQL's language structures, character sets, time zones, data types, common functions, preprocessing protocols, sorts, joins (JOIN), indices, partitions, transactions, control commands as well as common DDL, DML, and DCL commands and database access APIs.

Leading Distributed Architecture

Due to the particularity of the distributed architecture, it is virtually impossible to balance both advanced functionality and high performance for databases. To address this issue, TDSQL provides three table creation solutions, featuring (distributed) transaction characteristics, globally unique numerical sequences, and JSON format support, effectively filling the distributed architecture gaps and enabling more flexible development solutions.

Elastic Scalability Without Downtime

At present, one single shard can sustain up to 6 TB of storage. If the performance or capacity is insufficient, you can easily scale up with just a few clicks in the console. You do not need to worry about data migration, balancing, and route switching within the distributed system during the migration process, the IP stays unchanged, and the service will be interrupted for just a few seconds upon automatic switch. You only need to make sure that your business has a reconnection mechanism.

Strong Synchronous Replication

TDSQL adopts a master-slave architecture by default, which ensures over 99.95% availability. It supports strong synchronous replication for strong data consistency where an application transaction is responded to only after the data written by the business system is synced to the slave, ensuring complete master-slave data consistency and eliminating the possibility of data loss or corruption. At present, the performance of strong synchronous replication is basically equal to that of asynchronous replication.

Ultra-high Performance

Based on deeply customized and optimized MySQL kernel, TDSQL greatly outperforms MySQL. It supports read-write separation in three schemes, effectively ensuring development flexibility while providing read extensibility. It boasts optimized thread pool scheduling algorithms with better heavy load performance. In addition, it is equipped with PCI-E SSDs that feature an IO throughput three times of SATA disks, making it easier to meet the performance needs of your business.

Convenient Managed Deployment

A production-ready TDSQL instance can be started and connected to in minutes with just a few clicks in the TDSQL console. The console comes with frequently used database OPS operations that facilitate refined management of your database. Moreover, it is capable of displaying common system monitoring data and performance analysis data to help you quickly identify and troubleshoot database issues.

JSON Support

TDSQL supports native JSON types. Specifically, it doesn't store JSON values as strings; instead, it uses an internal binary format that allows for quick reading of document elements, which will automatically validate JSON texts when they are inserted or updated in JSON columns. In other words, you can think of TDSQL as a NoSQL database compatible with the MySQL protocol.

RocksDB Support

RocksDB is a storage engine based on LSM tree. Its data compression rate is over 60% higher than that of the InnoDB engine. Generally, it only needs about 1 GB storage space for 10 million rows of data after compression, which greatly reduces the database usage costs. Plus, it features high write performance, making it suitable for space-sensitive business scenarios where there are more writes than reads, such as IoT and logging. RocksDB support is currently in beta.


High Compatibility with TDSQL

Enhanced Performance

High Availability

Enterprise-grade Security

Enterprise-grade Monitoring


Ease of Use

High Compatibility with TDSQL

Compatible with frequently used MySQL syntax elements

These include MySQL's language structures, character sets, time zones, data types, common functions, preprocessing protocols, sorts, joins (JOIN), stored procedures, indices, partitions, transactions, control commands as well as common DDL, DML, and DCL commands and database access APIs.

(Distributed) Transaction Support

TDSQL supports distributed transactions through two-phase commit, making it ideal for scenarios such as money transfer, billing, and payment. Its cross-node transaction performance is about 70% of a single node, which is roughly 56% higher than that of XA, an open-source distributed transaction protocol. Currently, this capability is exclusive to MySQL 5.7.

(Distributed) JOIN Support

TDSQL supports JOIN (joint query) operations across physical nodes, namely, distributed joins. If a join-related table has a shardkey equality condition, thanks to the consistency principle of sharding, this part of data will be automatically stored to the same physical node. In this case, it is equivalent to performing a standalone join which has the best performance. If cross-physical node data is involved, the proxy will first pull data from other nodes and cache it, in which case performance will be compromised due to network data transfer.

JSON Support

TDSQL supports storing JSON formatted data, making JSON processing more efficient and enabling early detection of errors. If you want to use JSON types and do not want to compromise on traditional databases capabilities such as data consistency, transactions, and joins, TDSQL will be a good choice. The JSON support of TDSQL is based on MySQL, which slightly differs from MongoDB in terms of usage. If interested, you can check out the JSON capability comparison between TDSQL and MongoDB.

Three Table Creation Solutions

Sharded table: a horizontally split table. This solution is usually applicable to large and rapidly growing tables storing more than 20 million rows of data (over 50 GB);

Broadcast table: all operations are broadcast to all logical shards, which means that each shard has the full data of the table. This solution is usually suitable for configuration tables or tables that require frequent joins with fewer data updates. A broadcast table can converge joint queries (joins) and transactions between two tables to a single node for improved performance;

Single table: a table that does not need to be sharded. This solution is usually ideal for database tables with a small amount of data. As a single table is not split, it is fully compatible with MySQL during use.

Globally Unique Numerical Sequence

This is similar to AUTO_INCREMENT. The auto-increment sequence provides a globally unique numerical ID service to ensure the global uniqueness of data entries such as unique keys and primary keys in a distributed environment.

Command Passthrough

SQL statements can be passed through to a specified target shard through annotation (hint) to improve performance and operating flexibility.

Secondary Partition

TDSQL also supports table partitioning on top of sharding, i.e., adding an additional layer of logical partition (aka secondary partition) to the horizontally sharded table. This feature can balance data distribution and access while improving query efficiency, and are ideal for business scenarios where historical data needs to be deleted regularly, such as game match scores and IoT sensor data.

Enhanced Performance

Read-write Separation (Read-only Slave)

TDSQL supports read-write separation by default. Each slave in the master-slave architecture can be read-only. If multiple slaves are configured, read requests will be automatically assigned to low-load slaves by TProxy to support the read traffic of large applications. There are three read-write separation schemes: read-only account, /*slave*/, and read-only instance.

Thread Pool

TDSQL supports thread pool by default. Tencent has optimized the scheduling algorithms of thread pools to address extreme situations where query and update requests are unevenly distributed among thread groups when the system is under heavy pressure. In addition, the optimized algorithms improve computing resource utilization by reducing unnecessary thread switching and accelerate request processing by shortening the wait time of requests in queue.

Premium Hardware Configuration

Based on PCI-E SSD, TDSQL features an IOPS three times higher than SATA. Its powerful IO performance guarantees the accessibility of the database. The storage devices adopt the NvMe protocol and are specifically designed for PCI-E SSD, bringing TDSQL's superior performance to full play with one single shard supporting up to 245,509 queries per second (QPS), 384 GB memory, and 6 TB storage.

Linear Growth in Concurrency Performance

In a distributed architecture, as the number of TDSQL shards increases, each shard undertakes a part of distributed tasks, which means that your database performance can be linearly scaled.

RocksDB Support

RocksDB is a storage engine recently made open source and used by a lot of companies, including Facebook. It is based on LSM tree with a data compression rate over 60% higher than that of the InnoDB engine. Specifically, 160 GB of InnoDB-compressed data takes up only 62 GB of storage space in RocksDB, i.e., only 1 GB of space is required for 10 million rows of data, which greatly reduces the database usage costs. In addition, RocksDB also features higher write performance over five times that of InnoDB in high-concurrency scenarios. Therefore, RocksDB is especially suitable for space-sensitive business scenarios where there are more writes than reads, such as IoT and logging.

High Availability

Distributed High Availability

A distributed architecture itself boasts a very high availability, that is, any failure of a single node does not affect the overall availability of the cluster. On this basis, TDSQL further configures master-slave redundancy for each shard to ensure constant high availability for your business.

Three Data Replication Methods

TDSQL supports strong synchronous (non-downgradable), strong synchronous (downgradable), and asynchronous replication. Tencent's proprietary multi-threaded asynchronous replication (MAR) technology guarantees the performance of strong synchronous data replication. Master-slave data consistency is ensured as the performance of strong synchronous replication is essentially equal to that of asynchronous replication.

Transparent Failove

All shards and underlying physical devices are monitored 24/7. In the event of a failure, TProxy will instantly switch from the failing node to a normal one. During master-slave switchover, the VIP remains unchanged, which means that the application layer can be hot backed up and switched with no modification required, ensuring that any failover does not affect your business at all.

Automatic Node Failure Recovery

When a physical node carrying shards fails, the scheduling system will automatically retry to recover the node. If the original node cannot be recovered, it will automatically apply for new resources within 30 minutes, rebuild the node from backups, and automatically add the node to the cluster to ensure long term functionality of the master-slave switchover of the shards.

Cross-AZ Deployment

The master and slave can be deployed in different availability zones in the same city where real-time data replication can be performed through Tencent Cloud Direct Connect. The local end is the master and the remote end is the slave. When data is accessed externally, the local instance will be accessed first, and if it fails or becomes unreachable, the remote instance will be accessed. This feature provides TDSQL with cross-availability zone disaster recovery capability and makes the master-slave switchover transparent to end users, eliminating single-IDC deployment operational risks.

Finance-grade Disaster Recovery

TDSQL can provide a 1-region-2-DC or 2-region-3-DC deployment architecture. When a failure occurs, the database can be restored to its normal condition in a matter of minutes.

Enterprise-grade Security

Compliant with Chinese, International, and Industry-specific Standards

TDSQL has earned many Chinese and international certifications for Tencent Cloud Database, including but not limited to ISO22301, ISO27001, ISO20000, ISO9001, Trusted Cloud, Information Security Protection Level (Level 3 or above), and CSA STAR.

Some of its functions have been developed and designed based on GBT 20273-2006: Information Security Technology - Security Techniques Requirement for Database Management System and JRT 0072-2012: Testing and Evaluation Guide for Classified Protection of Information System of Financial Industry. You can use TDSQL with complete peace of mind even if your business has extremely high database security requirements.

Security at the Database Kernel Level

TDSQL boasts a wide set of security optimizations to handle security risks such as SQL injections, path traversals, unauthorized privilege escalation, system table overwriting attacks, and plugin attacks. It also comes with a firewall embedded within the database cluster, increasing your business security level in both OPS and use.

VPC Support

TDSQL allows you to run database instances in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which enables you to isolate your instances and connect them to your existing IDC through IPsec-encrypted VPN or Direct Connect connection.

Database Firewall and Security Protection

TDSQL provides multiple layers of security protection for each database by default, which help defend against various attacking traffic and ensure business continuity when internet access-enabled database instances are under DDoS attack. It can efficiently block database attacks such as SQL injections and brute force attacks, notably reducing business interruption and loss caused by such attacks.

Granular Permission Control

Accessing the database as the root account is disabled by default to avoid security risks; access controls at the object levels such as tables, functions and storage processes are provided so that only designated accounts can access the permitted resources, keeping risks within a controllable range.

Physical Exclusivity Support

All the resources of a dedicated physical cluster (device) in Tencent Cloud's public cloud,can be used to deploy database instances, meaning that you can exclusively use the physical devices instead of sharing them with other tenants. Dedicated clusters can well meet your needs for resource exclusivity, physical security, and industry regulation. After a dedicated cluster is purchased, database instances can be flexibly created with various custom specs in the Tencent Cloud Console.

High Storage Reliability

TDSQL provides master-slave online data storage to ensure data security. Data is automatically backed up daily and can be rolled back to any point in time in the past three days based on the backup file. The daily cold data will also be backed up in multiple copies to facilitate data recovery in the event of a disaster. You can safely store your data in TDSQL without having to worry about data loss.

Enterprise-grade Monitoring

Comprehensive Daily Monitoring

TDSQL can monitor instance performance at a 60-second granularity with over 70 key metrics such as connection access, database load, query cache, and storage engine, enabling comprehensive monitoring of database running conditions. 15 core database performance metrics support real-time monitoring with accuracy to the second, helping you keep track of instance health and quickly locate performance issues. The custom alarming feature is available for resource thresholds to help generate early warnings on operational issues in the database and avoid data loss. It promptly notifies OPS personnel when triggered, enabling them to respond quickly to database problems. Slow log analysis reports and complete SQL running reports can be downloaded to help you understand the factors that affect database performance.

Custom Alarming

Custom alarms for resource thresholds help you stay on top of database operational issues. Notifications will be sent to OPS personnel when any issues are identified for quick response.

Performance Analysis Logs

Slow log analysis reports and complete SQL running reports can be downloaded to help you understand the factors that affect database performance.


Elastic Scalability

At present, one single shard can sustain up to 6 TB of storage. If the performance or capacity is insufficient, you can easily scale up with just a few clicks in the console. You do not need to worry about data migration, balancing, and route switching within the distributed system during the migration process, the IP stays unchanged, and the service will be interrupted for just a few seconds upon automatic switch. You only need to make sure that your business has a reconnection mechanism.

Auto Rebalance

When shards are added or upgraded, data will be automatically migrated to ensure even data distribution across nodes. Your business will not be interrupted during the migration process, and only a few shards will become read-only for just seconds. This helps improve the efficiency of large-scale businesses and minimize the risks with OPS incidents.

Ease of Use

Easy Management of Massive Databases

TDSQL can be managed using command line or via the console, simplifying the cumbersome task of managing massive database instances into a few simple clicks online, significantly reducing OPS workload.

Multiple Network Access Methods

TDSQL supports access from VPC and basic network. External access can also be configured. With these access methods, it can be accessed from Tencent Cloud, IDCs, private clouds, or clouds provided by other vendors, fully meeting your database access needs in a variety of environments.

API Support

TDSQL features a complete API system. It can be perfectly integrated into your internal monitoring and OPS systems through APIs, creating a business OPS system that automatically responds to business needs. For more information, see the API documentation.


Compatible with frequently used MySQL syntax elements

These include MySQL's language structures, character sets, time zones, data types, common functions, preprocessing protocols, sorts, joins (JOIN), stored procedures, indices, partitions, transactions, control commands as well as common DDL, DML, and DCL commands and database access APIs.

(Distributed) Transaction Support

TDSQL supports distributed transactions through two-phase commit, making it ideal for scenarios such as money transfer, billing, and payment. Its cross-node transaction performance is about 70% of a single node, which is roughly 56% higher than that of XA, an open-source distributed transaction protocol. Currently, this capability is exclusive to MySQL 5.7.

(Distributed) JOIN Support

TDSQL supports JOIN (joint query) operations across physical nodes, namely, distributed joins. If a join-related table has a shardkey equality condition, thanks to the consistency principle of sharding, this part of data will be automatically stored to the same physical node. In this case, it is equivalent to performing a standalone join which has the best performance. If cross-physical node data is involved, the proxy will first pull data from other nodes and cache it, in which case performance will be compromised due to network data transfer.

JSON Support

TDSQL supports storing JSON formatted data, making JSON processing more efficient and enabling early detection of errors. If you want to use JSON types and do not want to compromise on traditional databases capabilities such as data consistency, transactions, and joins, TDSQL will be a good choice. The JSON support of TDSQL is based on MySQL, which slightly differs from MongoDB in terms of usage. If interested, you can check out the JSON capability comparison between TDSQL and MongoDB.

Three Table Creation Solutions

Sharded table: a horizontally split table. This solution is usually applicable to large and rapidly growing tables storing more than 20 million rows of data (over 50 GB);

Broadcast table: all operations are broadcast to all logical shards, which means that each shard has the full data of the table. This solution is usually suitable for configuration tables or tables that require frequent joins with fewer data updates. A broadcast table can converge joint queries (joins) and transactions between two tables to a single node for improved performance;

Single table: a table that does not need to be sharded. This solution is usually ideal for database tables with a small amount of data. As a single table is not split, it is fully compatible with MySQL during use.

Globally Unique Numerical Sequence

This is similar to AUTO_INCREMENT. The auto-increment sequence provides a globally unique numerical ID service to ensure the global uniqueness of data entries such as unique keys and primary keys in a distributed environment.

Command Passthrough

SQL statements can be passed through to a specified target shard through annotation (hint) to improve performance and operating flexibility.

Secondary Partition

TDSQL also supports table partitioning on top of sharding, i.e., adding an additional layer of logical partition (aka secondary partition) to the horizontally sharded table. This feature can balance data distribution and access while improving query efficiency, and are ideal for business scenarios where historical data needs to be deleted regularly, such as game match scores and IoT sensor data.

Read-write Separation (Read-only Slave)

TDSQL supports read-write separation by default. Each slave in the master-slave architecture can be read-only. If multiple slaves are configured, read requests will be automatically assigned to low-load slaves by TProxy to support the read traffic of large applications. There are three read-write separation schemes: read-only account, /*slave*/, and read-only instance.

Thread Pool

TDSQL supports thread pool by default. Tencent has optimized the scheduling algorithms of thread pools to address extreme situations where query and update requests are unevenly distributed among thread groups when the system is under heavy pressure. In addition, the optimized algorithms improve computing resource utilization by reducing unnecessary thread switching and accelerate request processing by shortening the wait time of requests in queue.

Premium Hardware Configuration

Based on PCI-E SSD, TDSQL features an IOPS three times higher than SATA. Its powerful IO performance guarantees the accessibility of the database. The storage devices adopt the NvMe protocol and are specifically designed for PCI-E SSD, bringing TDSQL's superior performance to full play with one single shard supporting up to 245,509 queries per second (QPS), 384 GB memory, and 6 TB storage.

Linear Growth in Concurrency Performance

In a distributed architecture, as the number of TDSQL shards increases, each shard undertakes a part of distributed tasks, which means that your database performance can be linearly scaled.

RocksDB Support

RocksDB is a storage engine recently made open source and used by a lot of companies, including Facebook. It is based on LSM tree with a data compression rate over 60% higher than that of the InnoDB engine. Specifically, 160 GB of InnoDB-compressed data takes up only 62 GB of storage space in RocksDB, i.e., only 1 GB of space is required for 10 million rows of data, which greatly reduces the database usage costs. In addition, RocksDB also features higher write performance over five times that of InnoDB in high-concurrency scenarios. Therefore, RocksDB is especially suitable for space-sensitive business scenarios where there are more writes than reads, such as IoT and logging.

Distributed High Availability

A distributed architecture itself boasts a very high availability, that is, any failure of a single node does not affect the overall availability of the cluster. On this basis, TDSQL further configures master-slave redundancy for each shard to ensure constant high availability for your business.

Three Data Replication Methods

TDSQL supports strong synchronous (non-downgradable), strong synchronous (downgradable), and asynchronous replication. Tencent's proprietary multi-threaded asynchronous replication (MAR) technology guarantees the performance of strong synchronous data replication. Master-slave data consistency is ensured as the performance of strong synchronous replication is essentially equal to that of asynchronous replication.

Transparent Failove

All shards and underlying physical devices are monitored 24/7. In the event of a failure, TProxy will instantly switch from the failing node to a normal one. During master-slave switchover, the VIP remains unchanged, which means that the application layer can be hot backed up and switched with no modification required, ensuring that any failover does not affect your business at all.

Automatic Node Failure Recovery

When a physical node carrying shards fails, the scheduling system will automatically retry to recover the node. If the original node cannot be recovered, it will automatically apply for new resources within 30 minutes, rebuild the node from backups, and automatically add the node to the cluster to ensure long term functionality of the master-slave switchover of the shards.

Cross-AZ Deployment

The master and slave can be deployed in different availability zones in the same city where real-time data replication can be performed through Tencent Cloud Direct Connect. The local end is the master and the remote end is the slave. When data is accessed externally, the local instance will be accessed first, and if it fails or becomes unreachable, the remote instance will be accessed. This feature provides TDSQL with cross-availability zone disaster recovery capability and makes the master-slave switchover transparent to end users, eliminating single-IDC deployment operational risks.

Finance-grade Disaster Recovery

TDSQL can provide a 1-region-2-DC or 2-region-3-DC deployment architecture. When a failure occurs, the database can be restored to its normal condition in a matter of minutes.

Compliant with Chinese, International, and Industry-specific Standards

TDSQL has earned many Chinese and international certifications for Tencent Cloud Database, including but not limited to ISO22301, ISO27001, ISO20000, ISO9001, Trusted Cloud, Information Security Protection Level (Level 3 or above), and CSA STAR.

Some of its functions have been developed and designed based on GBT 20273-2006: Information Security Technology - Security Techniques Requirement for Database Management System and JRT 0072-2012: Testing and Evaluation Guide for Classified Protection of Information System of Financial Industry. You can use TDSQL with complete peace of mind even if your business has extremely high database security requirements.

Security at the Database Kernel Level

TDSQL boasts a wide set of security optimizations to handle security risks such as SQL injections, path traversals, unauthorized privilege escalation, system table overwriting attacks, and plugin attacks. It also comes with a firewall embedded within the database cluster, increasing your business security level in both OPS and use.

VPC Support

TDSQL allows you to run database instances in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which enables you to isolate your instances and connect them to your existing IDC through IPsec-encrypted VPN or Direct Connect connection.

Database Firewall and Security Protection

TDSQL provides multiple layers of security protection for each database by default, which help defend against various attacking traffic and ensure business continuity when internet access-enabled database instances are under DDoS attack. It can efficiently block database attacks such as SQL injections and brute force attacks, notably reducing business interruption and loss caused by such attacks.

Granular Permission Control

Accessing the database as the root account is disabled by default to avoid security risks; access controls at the object levels such as tables, functions and storage processes are provided so that only designated accounts can access the permitted resources, keeping risks within a controllable range.

Physical Exclusivity Support

All the resources of a dedicated physical cluster (device) in Tencent Cloud's public cloud,can be used to deploy database instances, meaning that you can exclusively use the physical devices instead of sharing them with other tenants. Dedicated clusters can well meet your needs for resource exclusivity, physical security, and industry regulation. After a dedicated cluster is purchased, database instances can be flexibly created with various custom specs in the Tencent Cloud Console.

High Storage Reliability

TDSQL provides master-slave online data storage to ensure data security. Data is automatically backed up daily and can be rolled back to any point in time in the past three days based on the backup file. The daily cold data will also be backed up in multiple copies to facilitate data recovery in the event of a disaster. You can safely store your data in TDSQL without having to worry about data loss.

Comprehensive Daily Monitoring

TDSQL can monitor instance performance at a 60-second granularity with over 70 key metrics such as connection access, database load, query cache, and storage engine, enabling comprehensive monitoring of database running conditions. 15 core database performance metrics support real-time monitoring with accuracy to the second, helping you keep track of instance health and quickly locate performance issues. The custom alarming feature is available for resource thresholds to help generate early warnings on operational issues in the database and avoid data loss. It promptly notifies OPS personnel when triggered, enabling them to respond quickly to database problems. Slow log analysis reports and complete SQL running reports can be downloaded to help you understand the factors that affect database performance.

Custom Alarming

Custom alarms for resource thresholds help you stay on top of database operational issues. Notifications will be sent to OPS personnel when any issues are identified for quick response.

Performance Analysis Logs

Slow log analysis reports and complete SQL running reports can be downloaded to help you understand the factors that affect database performance.

Elastic Scalability

At present, one single shard can sustain up to 6 TB of storage. If the performance or capacity is insufficient, you can easily scale up with just a few clicks in the console. You do not need to worry about data migration, balancing, and route switching within the distributed system during the migration process, the IP stays unchanged, and the service will be interrupted for just a few seconds upon automatic switch. You only need to make sure that your business has a reconnection mechanism.

Auto Rebalance

When shards are added or upgraded, data will be automatically migrated to ensure even data distribution across nodes. Your business will not be interrupted during the migration process, and only a few shards will become read-only for just seconds. This helps improve the efficiency of large-scale businesses and minimize the risks with OPS incidents.

Easy Management of Massive Databases

TDSQL can be managed using command line or via the console, simplifying the cumbersome task of managing massive database instances into a few simple clicks online, significantly reducing OPS workload.

Multiple Network Access Methods

TDSQL supports access from VPC and basic network. External access can also be configured. With these access methods, it can be accessed from Tencent Cloud, IDCs, private clouds, or clouds provided by other vendors, fully meeting your database access needs in a variety of environments.

API Support

TDSQL features a complete API system. It can be perfectly integrated into your internal monitoring and OPS systems through APIs, creating a business OPS system that automatically responds to business needs. For more information, see the API documentation.


TencentDB for TDSQL provides two billing options: monthly subscription and pay-as-you-go. Monthly subscription users opt to prepay for a fixed period of usage ranging from one to multiple months or years depending on their business needs. Pay-as-you-go users pay for what they use. No upfront payment is required, making this option suitable for business with fluctuating demands.

For more information, see Product Pricing.

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