tencent cloud

VPN Connection
An Internet-based encrypted tunneling service that makes it easy to establish secure tunnels between Tencent Cloud and corporate IDCs

Tencent Cloud VPN Connection is a network-based tunneling technology that enables data transfer between customer local IDCs and Tencent Cloud resources and quick establishment of a secure, reliable and encrypted tunnel on the Internet. Featuring simple configuration, in-cloud configuration with immediate effect, high reliability and gateway availability of 99.95%, it ensures stable and uninterrupted business connections, helping you easily cope with complex business scenarios such as cross-regional disaster recovery and hybrid cloud deployment.


The VPN tunnel uses Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol and IPsec to encrypt the transmitted data and establish a secure and trusted data connection to the Internet, ensuring security during data transfers.

High Availability

The VPN gateway has a reliability of 99.95%. Its underlying layer adopts a master/slave hot backup architecture which can switch from a faulty instance to a healthy one in a matter of seconds. No tunnel reconstruction is required during switching, ensuring uninterrupted communication sessions and making the switching imperceptible to upper-layer applications.

Visual Management

VPN gateway features traffic control, graphic display of gateway performance status, multi-dimensional monitoring and advance alerting for faults, helping you quickly locate and solve problems as they occur.

Ease of Use

VPN Connection supports out-of-the-box use and in-cloud configuration with immediate effect. The local gateway automatically generates a configuration file which can be imported to the device for instant configuration and quick activation of the VPN service.

Optimal Cost

Both the VPN tunnel and the peer gateway can be used free of charge, with only minimal usage fees for VPN gateway and Internet. VPN Connection supports pay-per-use billing methods, allowing you to choose the most suitable option to reduce costs.

Service Integration

VPN Connection can be integrated with other Tencent Cloud services such as VPC and Direct Connect, helping you build a complete end-to-end solution for your in-cloud businesses.

VPN Gateway

VPN gateway is an egress gateway for creating a VPN connection with a VPC. Together with peer gateway (IPsec VPN service gateway for the IDC), it is mainly used to establish secure, reliable and encrypted network communication between the Tencent Cloud VPC and external IDC. Implemented through software virtualization, it adopts a master/slave hot backup architecture to enable automatic switching when one server fails, ensuring continuous and stable business operation.

Peer Gateway

Peer gateway is a logic object used to record the Internet IP address of the IPsec VPN gateway of the IDC that must be used together with Tencent Cloud VPN gateway. Encrypted VPN network tunnels can be established between one VPN gateway and multiple peer gateways.

VPN Tunnel

Once the VPN gateway and the peer gateway are connected, a VPN tunnel is established for encrypted communication between the VPC and the external IDC. VPN tunnel currently supports the IPsec encryption protocol which can meet the needs of most VPN connections.

Gateway Traffic Control

The traffic control feature of VPN gateway provides monitoring and control capabilities at the IP-gateway granularity, enabling refined gateway traffic visualization for straightforward insights into the traffic. In addition, the speed limiting capability helps block traffic with exceptions.

Traffic Alarming

Custom traffic alarms can be set up to enable advance alerting for risks, with alarm messages automatically sent through email and SMS when a metric exceeds a certain threshold. Monitoring and alarms can be used free of charge, enabling you to quickly locate problems as they occur.

Automatic Disaster Recovery

The VPN gateway has a reliability of 99.95%. Its underlying layer adopts a primary/secondary hot backup architecture that can switch from a faulty instance to a healthy one in a matter of seconds. No tunnel reconstruction is required during switching, ensuring uninterrupted communication sessions and making the switching imperceptible to upper-layer applications.

Flexible Billing

VPN gateway supports the pay-as-you-go billing method, meeting the needs of your different types of businesses and reducing your costs.


Tencent Cloud VPC provides a stable and secure VPN connection to help you interconnect your IDC and Tencent Cloud resources. For businesses with large fluctuations in resource usage, you can use Auto Scaling to deploy elastically scalable cloud service resources on demand, which not only reduces the costs of IT resources but also ensures stable business operations, making it easy to create an elastic hybrid cloud solution.

You can build an in-cloud disaster recovery center based on Tencent Cloud to protect the security of your local IDC, avoid the interruption of resource services caused by accidents and achieve backup of business resources. Data can be synced between the cloud and the local IDC through VPN Connection to ensure business data security.


The VPN connection only incurs VPN gateway fees and supports two billing modes: pay-as-you-go and monthly subscription. The pay-as-you-go billing method consists of gateway instance fees and public network fees. The gateway instance fees are settled hourly, while the public network fees are billed by traffic. The monthly subscription billing method consists of VPN gateway instance fees and public network fees. For more information, see Billing Overview.

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