tencent cloud


API Category

最后更新时间:2023-07-06 17:00:15

Department and Member Management APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AddOrganizationNode Adds an organization node 20
CreateOrganizationMember Creates an organization member 20
DeleteOrganizationMembers Batch deletes organization members 20
DeleteOrganizationNodes Batch deletes organization nodes 20
DescribeOrganizationMembers Gets the list of organization members 20
DescribeOrganizationNodes Gets the list of organization nodes 20
MoveOrganizationNodeMembers Moves a member to the specified organization node 20
UpdateOrganizationNode Updates an organization node 20

Unified Member Login APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
BindOrganizationMemberAuthAccount Binds an organization member to a sub-account of the organization admin 20
CancelOrganizationMemberAuthAccount Unbinds an organization member from a sub-account of the organization admin 20
CreateOrganizationMemberPolicy Creates an organization member access policy 20
DescribeOrganizationMemberAuthAccounts Gets the list of sub-accounts bound to an organization member 20
DescribeOrganizationMemberAuthIdentities Gets the list of manageable identities of an organization member 20
DescribeOrganizationMemberPolicies Gets the list of authorization policies of an organization member 20
ListOrganizationIdentity Gets the list of access identities of an organization member 20

Organization Settings APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeOrganization Gets the organization information 40




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