API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AsymmetricRsaDecrypt | Decrypts data with an RSA asymmetric key | 200 |
AsymmetricSm2Decrypt | Decrypts data with an SM2 asymmetric key | 200 |
GetPublicKey | Gets the information of the public key that is encrypted with the asymmetric cryptographic algorithm | 100 |
PostQuantumCryptoSign | Signs with PQCDecrypts with PQC | 20 |
PostQuantumCryptoVerify | Verifies a signature with PQC | 20 |
SignByAsymmetricKey | Generates a signature | 100 |
VerifyByAsymmetricKey | Verifies a signature | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateWhiteBoxKey | Creates a white-box key | 100 |
DeleteWhiteBoxKey | Deletes a white-box key | 200 |
DescribeWhiteBoxDecryptKey | Gets a white-box decryption key | 200 |
DescribeWhiteBoxDeviceFingerprints | Gets the device fingerprint list of a specified key | 100 |
DescribeWhiteBoxKey | Displays white-box key information | 200 |
DescribeWhiteBoxKeyDetails | Gets the white-box key list | 100 |
DescribeWhiteBoxServiceStatus | Gets the white-box key service status | 200 |
DisableWhiteBoxKey | Disables a white-box key | 200 |
DisableWhiteBoxKeys | Disables white-box keys in batches | 200 |
EnableWhiteBoxKey | Enables a white-box key | 200 |
EnableWhiteBoxKeys | Enables white-box keys in batches | 200 |
EncryptByWhiteBox | Encrypts data with a white-box key | 100 |
OverwriteWhiteBoxDeviceFingerprints | Overwrites the device fingerprint information of a specified key | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ArchiveKey | Archives keys | 100 |
BindCloudResource | Binds a key with a Tencent Cloud resource | 100 |
CancelKeyArchive | Unarchives keys | 100 |
CancelKeyDeletion | Cancel CMK plan delete operation | 100 |
CreateKey | Create master key | 100 |
Decrypt | Decrypt | 300 |
DeleteImportedKeyMaterial | Deletes imported key material | 100 |
DescribeKey | Gets CMK attributes | 100 |
DescribeKeys | Gets attributes of multiple CMKs | 100 |
DisableKey | Disable master key | 100 |
DisableKeyRotation | Disable key rotation | 100 |
DisableKeys | Disable master keys in bulk | 100 |
EnableKey | Enable master key | 100 |
EnableKeyRotation | Turn on key rotation | 100 |
EnableKeys | Batch start master key | 100 |
Encrypt | encryption | 300 |
GenerateDataKey | Generate data key | 100 |
GenerateRandom | Generates a random number | 150 |
GetKeyRotationStatus | Query key rotation status | 100 |
GetParametersForImport | Gets the parameters of the material to be imported into a CMK | 100 |
GetRegions | Return all regions support KMS service | 100 |
GetServiceStatus | Query service status | 100 |
ImportKeyMaterial | Imports key material | 100 |
ListAlgorithms | Lists encryption methods supported in the current region | 100 |
ListKeyDetail | Get master key list details | 100 |
ListKeys | Get master key list | 100 |
PostQuantumCryptoDecrypt | Decrypts with PQC | 20 |
PostQuantumCryptoEncrypt | Encrypts with PQC | 20 |
ReEncrypt | Ciphertext refresh | 100 |
ScheduleKeyDeletion | CMK plan delete API | 100 |
UnbindCloudResource | Unbinds a CMK with a Tencent Cloud resource | 100 |
UpdateAlias | Modify alias | 100 |
UpdateKeyDescription | Modify master key description | 100 |