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Key Management Service
API Category
Last updated: 2024-07-22 16:01:09
API Category
Last updated: 2024-07-22 16:01:09

Asymmetric Key APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AsymmetricRsaDecrypt Decrypts data with an RSA asymmetric key 200
AsymmetricSm2Decrypt Decrypts data with an SM2 asymmetric key 200
GetPublicKey Gets the information of the public key that is encrypted with the asymmetric cryptographic algorithm 100
PostQuantumCryptoSign Signs with PQCDecrypts with PQC 20
PostQuantumCryptoVerify Verifies a signature with PQC 20
SignByAsymmetricKey Generates a signature 100
VerifyByAsymmetricKey Verifies a signature 100

White-Box Key APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateWhiteBoxKey Creates a white-box key 100
DeleteWhiteBoxKey Deletes a white-box key 200
DescribeWhiteBoxDecryptKey Gets a white-box decryption key 200
DescribeWhiteBoxDeviceFingerprints Gets the device fingerprint list of a specified key 100
DescribeWhiteBoxKey Displays white-box key information 200
DescribeWhiteBoxKeyDetails Gets the white-box key list 100
DescribeWhiteBoxServiceStatus Gets the white-box key service status 200
DisableWhiteBoxKey Disables a white-box key 200
DisableWhiteBoxKeys Disables white-box keys in batches 200
EnableWhiteBoxKey Enables a white-box key 200
EnableWhiteBoxKeys Enables white-box keys in batches 200
EncryptByWhiteBox Encrypts data with a white-box key 100
OverwriteWhiteBoxDeviceFingerprints Overwrites the device fingerprint information of a specified key 100

Key APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
ArchiveKey Archives keys 100
BindCloudResource Binds a key with a Tencent Cloud resource 100
CancelKeyArchive Unarchives keys 100
CancelKeyDeletion Cancel CMK plan delete operation 100
CreateKey Create master key 100
Decrypt Decrypt 300
DeleteImportedKeyMaterial Deletes imported key material 100
DescribeKey Gets CMK attributes 100
DescribeKeys Gets attributes of multiple CMKs 100
DisableKey Disable master key 100
DisableKeyRotation Disable key rotation 100
DisableKeys Disable master keys in bulk 100
EnableKey Enable master key 100
EnableKeyRotation Turn on key rotation 100
EnableKeys Batch start master key 100
Encrypt encryption 300
GenerateDataKey Generate data key 100
GenerateRandom Generates a random number 150
GetKeyRotationStatus Query key rotation status 100
GetParametersForImport Gets the parameters of the material to be imported into a CMK 100
GetRegions Return all regions support KMS service 100
GetServiceStatus Query service status 100
ImportKeyMaterial Imports key material 100
ListAlgorithms Lists encryption methods supported in the current region 100
ListKeyDetail Get master key list details 100
ListKeys Get master key list 100
PostQuantumCryptoDecrypt Decrypts with PQC 20
PostQuantumCryptoEncrypt Encrypts with PQC 20
ReEncrypt Ciphertext refresh 100
ScheduleKeyDeletion CMK plan delete API 100
UnbindCloudResource Unbinds a CMK with a Tencent Cloud resource 100
UpdateAlias Modify alias 100
UpdateKeyDescription Modify master key description 100
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