tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2023-12-25 15:24:33
    OCR is pay-as-you-go service. You only need to pay for the API calls you've made. The bill will be settled on the first three days of next month.



    By default, all OCR services are billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.
    Billable API
    0 ≤ Calls < 10,000
    10,000 ≤ Calls < 100,000
    100,000 ≤ Calls < 1 Million
    Calls ≥ 1 Million
    General character recognition
    General print recognition
    General print recognition
    0.021 USD/call
    0.014 USD/call
    0.0085 USD/call
    0.0057 USD/call
    General print recognition (high-precision)
    General print recognition (high-precision)
    0.071 USD/call
    0.05 USD/call
    0.028 USD/call
    0.015 USD/call
    Table recognition
    0.2 USD/call
    0.18 USD/call
    0.14 USD/call
    Contact us
    Card recognition
    Bank card recognition
    Bank card recognition
    0.071 USD/call
    0.05 USD/call
    0.028 USD/call
    0.015 USD/call
    Hong Kong (China) ID card recognition
    General card recognition
    0.2 USD/call
    0.18 USD/call
    0.14 USD/call
    0.11 USD/call
    Malaysian ID card recognition
    International Passport recognition
    Indonesia ID Card recognition
    Philippines VoteID Card recognition
    Philippines Driving License Card recognition
    Philippines SssID card recognition
    Philippines TinID card recognition
    Philippines UMID Card recognition
    Thailand ID Card recognition
    Korean ID Card recognition
    Korean Driving License recognition
    Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao Card recognition
    Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents
    Resident Permit for HMT citizens Card recognition
    Chinese Mailand ID Card recognition
    Chinese Mailand ID Card recognition
    0.2 USD/call
    0.18 USD/call
    0.14 USD/call
    Contact us

    Billing and Payment

    If the number of monthly API calls reaches a tier, all calls will be billed at the unit price of the tier. The higher the tier, the lower the unit price. On the 1st to 3rd day of each month, the system will generate the bill for the previous month.

    Fee Calculation Examples

    Example 1

    If you call the general print recognition API 9,000 times in a month, you will be charged the following fees according to the tiered pricing method: 9,000 x 0.021 = 189 (USD)

    Example 2

    If you call the general print recognition API 90,000 times in a month, you will be charged the following fees according to the tiered pricing method: 90,000 x 0.014 = 1,260 (USD)

    Example 3

    If you call the general print recognition API 900,000 times in a month, you will be charged the following fees according to the tiered pricing method: 900,000 x 0.0085 = 7,650 (USD)
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    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

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