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Tencent Cloud Command Line Interface

Using Advanced Features

Last updated: 2020-03-04 15:22:38

Operation Scenarios

This document describes how to use the advanced features of TCCLI International Version, including multi-version API access, nearest access point specifying, and return result filtering.


Multi-version API access

Some products may have multiple versions of APIs, and TCCLI accesses the latest version by default. If you want to access a specific legacy version, you can do so in the following way (with CVM as an example).
# Set the default version of the CVM product: 2017-03-12
tccli configure set cvm.version 2017-03-12

# Specify the version number in real time when using
tccli cvm help --version 2017-03-12
tccli cvm DescribeZones help --version 2017-03-12
tccli cvm DescribeZones --version 2017-03-12

Specify the nearest access point (Endpoint)

By default, TCCLI requests the nearest endpoint for accessing a service. You can also specify your own endpoint for a product (with CVM as an example).
# Set the default endpoint of the CVM product
tccli configure set cvm.endpoint cvm.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com

# Specify in real time when calling
tccli cvm DescribeZones --endpoint cvm.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com

Filtering return results

1. Output without any filtering (with the return result of CVM DescribeZones API as an example):
[root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones
"TotalCount": 4,
"ZoneSet": [
"ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
"ZoneId": "100001",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-1",
"ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 1"
"ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
"ZoneId": "100002",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2",
"ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 2"
"ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
"ZoneId": "100003",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-3",
"ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 3"
"ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
"ZoneId": "100004",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-4",
"ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 4"
"RequestId": "4fd313a6-155f-4c7a-bf86-898c02fcae02"
2. View a specified field:
[root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter TotalCount
3. View the information of the Nth sub-object of a specified object in array type.
[root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter ZoneSet[0]
"ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
"ZoneId": "100001",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-1",
"ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 1"
4. View a certain field of all the sub-objects with a certain name under the specified object in array type.
[root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter ZoneSet[*].ZoneName [ "Guangzhou Zone 1", "Guangzhou Zone 2", "Guangzhou Zone 3", "Guangzhou Zone 4" ]
5. Filter the sub-objects in the array and then present them under a new name:
[root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter 'ZoneSet[*].{name:ZoneName, id:ZoneId}'
"name": "Guangzhou Zone 1",
"id": "100001"
"name": "Guangzhou Zone 2",
"id": "100002"
"name": "Guangzhou Zone 3",
"id": "100003"
"name": "Guangzhou Zone 4",
"id": "100004"

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