tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-06-05 18:03:51
    A program is the smallest unit of operation for a channel. The channel outputs live streaming according to programs configured by the user. There are two types of programs:
    Relative: Plays relative to other programs. Only programs that use a VOD source can be set to this type.
    Absolute: Specifies an absolute time to start the program. Only linear-type channels support absolute programs. If the program uses a live source, it can only be specified as an absolute type.

    Create Program

    1. For a channel, in the Schedule tag page click Add program.
    2. Enter the Name in the Program details module, select the Source type, and choose the Source location and Source.
    3. In the Playback configuration module, select the corresponding type.
    If you select Relative, choose the relative program and the relative relationship.
    If you select Absolute, select the scheduling time for the program.
    1. If the duration of the previous program exceeds the scheduling time of this program, StreamPackage will stop the previous program at the time boundary and immediately start this program.
    2. If there are gaps between scheduling programs, StreamPackage will cyclically use the channel's specified Slate Source to fill these gaps.
    If the program specifies a VOD type source, in the Clip range option, you can select Use entire VOD source to play the entire VOD file; if you select Specify a clip range, it means playing the VOD file from 0 seconds to the specified duration.
    If the program specifies a live type Source, please enter the program Duration (60-86400 seconds), and the Scheduled start time.
    4. If the Program specifies a VOD Source, then you can add an Ad break (programs using a Live source cannot add ad breaks).
    Click Add ad breaks, select the Slate source location and VOD source for the ad break, set the time the ad break appears in the program, choose Splice insert or Time signal type, and fill in the corresponding parameters according to the SCTE-35 standard.
    If you need more ad breaks, click Add ad breaks again and repeat the above steps. A single program can support up to 5 ad breaks. A channel can add up to 100 programs.
    5. After entering the information, click Save to save the program.
    The following situations will cause the addition of the program to fail:
    1. The VOD source used by the program has compatibility issues.
    2. The program is incompatible with other programs under the channel.
    3. Insert before the currently running program.
    4. The start time of an absolute type program is within the next 1 minute.
    5. The current program will end within 10 seconds.
    If the program has errors, you can view the specific information on the channel's Alert page.

    Delete Program

    Delete a single program
    Select a channel, in the Schedule tab page, and click Delete to delete a single program.
    Batch delete programs
    Select the programs to delete and click Delete to batch delete multiple programs.
    Filler slate is an auto-filled program and cannot be deleted. Programs that are running cannot be deleted.

    Edit Program

    Select a channel, in the Schedule tab page, and click Edit to enter the edit page.
    For loop type channels, programs cannot be edited. You can delete it and then add a new program.
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