tencent cloud


Configuring APIGW Connector

Last updated: 2024-07-23 15:08:07


    You can configure API Gateway to process events delivered through webhook so as to use a third-party webhook to receive events generated by other systems. An API Gateway connector is an ideal cross-terminal event receiving connector in HTTP scenarios.
    An API Gateway connector is implemented in the push pattern. API Gateway monitors requests, generates the corresponding call events, delivers them to the event bus, and routes them to relevant services through event rules.



    1. Log in to the EventBridge console and select Event Bus on the left sidebar.
    2. In the Event Bus list, select the event bus for which you want to configure an APIGW connector.
    3. On the Event Bus Details page, click Add in the connector configuration section.
    4. Enter the relevant information as prompted as shown below:
    Here, select API Gateway (APIGW) for Connector type.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Select Event Rule on the left sidebar.
    7. In the drop-down lists at the top of the Event Rule page, select the same connector information as that set during connector creation and click Create Event Rule as shown below:
    8. Enter the relevant information as prompted as shown below:
    9. Select API Gateway (APIGW) for Tencent Cloud service and configure the delivery target.
    10. Click OK.

    API Gateway connector data structure description

    "specversion": "1.0",
    "id": "13a3f42d-7258-4ada-da6d-023a333b4662",
    "type": "connector:apigw",
    "source": "apigw.cloud.tencent",
    "subject": "qcs::apigw:ap-guangzhou:uid1250000000/appidxxx:Serverid/Appid",
    "time": "1615430559146",
    "region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "datacontenttype": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
    "data": {
    "headers": {
    "Accept-Language": "en-US,en,cn",
    "Accept": "text/html,application/xml,application/json",
    "Host": "service-3ei3tii4-251000691.ap-guangzhou.apigateway.myqloud.com",
    "User-Agent": "User Agent String"
    "body": "{\\"test\\":\\"body\\"}",
    "stageVariables": {
    "stage": "release"
    "path": "/test/value",
    "queryString": {
    "foo": "bar",
    "bob": "alice"
    "httpMethod": "POST"
    The parameters are described as follows:
    Records the complete path of the actual request.
    Records the HTTP method of the actual request.
    Records the complete query content of the actual request.
    Records the content of the actual request after being converted into a String.
    Records the complete headers of the actual request.
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