tencent cloud


SDK for Python Connection Guide

Last updated: 2023-12-20 16:02:45

    Supported Environments

    Python 2.7 and 3.6–3.9.
    Endpoint: tms.tencentcloudapi.com
    The API supports access from either a nearby region (at tms.tencentcloudapi.com) or a specified region (at tms.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com for Guangzhou, for example).

    Installing SDK

    Method 1. Install through pip (recommended)

    You can install the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python into your project through pip by running the following command on the command line.
    pip install --upgrade tencentcloud-sdk-python
    If you haven't installed pip in your project environment yet, install it first as instructed in Installation.
    If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 environments, you need to use the pip3 command for installation. Users in the Chinese mainland can use a Tencent Cloud mirror source to speed up the download by running pip install -i https://mirrors.tencent.com/pypi/simple/ --upgrade tencentcloud-sdk-python for example.
    If you only want to use the package of a specific product, such as CVM, you can install it separately, but this method cannot work together with the full installation method.
    For more SDK supported Tencent Cloud products, see SDK.

    Method 2. Install through source package

    Go to the GitHub code hosting page to download the source code package, decompress it, and run the following command:
    $ cd tencentcloud-sdk-python
    $ python setup.py install

    Using SDK

    For the importing method, see the sample code below, which calls the TextModeration API. The region is configured as Guangzhou as an example and should be configured as needed.
    import json from tencentcloud.common
    import credential from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile
    import ClientProfile from tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile
    import HttpProfile from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception
    import TencentCloudSDKException from tencentcloud.tms.v20201229
    import tms_client, models
    try: cred = credential.Credential("SecretId", "SecretKey") httpProfile = HttpProfile() httpProfile.endpoint = "tms.tencentcloudapi.com"
    clientProfile = ClientProfile() clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile client = tms_client.TmsClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile) req = models.TextModerationRequest() params = {}
    req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params)) resp = client.TextModeration(req) print(resp.to_json_string()) except TencentCloudSDKException as err: print(err)
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