tencent cloud


Trigger Configuration

Last updated: 2024-01-03 11:57:06
    This document describes the trigger configuration of a deployment pipeline in CODING Continuous Deployment (CODING-CD).


    You must activate the CODING DevOps service for your Tencent Cloud account before you can use CODING Project Management (CODING-PM).

    Open Project

    1. Log in to the CODING Console and click Use Now to go to CODING page.
    2. On the Workspace homepage, click
    on the left to go to the CODING-CD Console.

    Function Overview

    CODING-CD Console supports various auto trigger conditions to match the pipelines in CODING, including Docker Repository Trigger, TCR Personal Repository Trigger, TCR Enterprise Repository Trigger, and Git Repository Trigger.

    Docker Repository Trigger

    Docker Repository Trigger can be configured to listen on the updates of artifact repositories. Any image updates will trigger the CD pipeline automatically.

    Git Repository Trigger

    Three types of Git repositories are supported: CODING-CR, GitHub, and GitLab.
    Repository Type
    Three types of Git repositories are supported: CODING-CR, GitHub, and GitLab.
    Lists all the projects that the logged-in account joins
    Lists all the code repositories in the project
    Branch or Tag Rule
    Regular expressions are supported. Null or .* indicates no restrictions on branches or tags.

    CODING Code Repositories

    Configure the "cd-demo" code repository in the "cd-demo" project as a trigger. The branch or tag rule "release.*" means that the deployment pipeline is triggered only for branches or tags prefixed with "release" in their name.


    To support a GitHub code repository, follow the steps below to associate the repository in the project settings:
    1. Go to the project overview page,Click Repository.
    2. Click the Associated Code Warehouse button in the upper right corner.
    3. Use OAuth to jump to the GitHub associated account and select the code repository under the name.
    4. After the connection completed, Return to Basic configuration > Execution Options,Choose GitHub Repository Type。


    After you associate your GitLab account (see GitHub for specific steps), click Basic Configurations > Execution Options to select the GitLab repository type.

    Webhook trigger

    If you select the webhook trigger, a globally unique trigger URL will be generated. Payload Constraints defines the parameters that the payload request must provide. Regular expressions are supported. Null or .* indicates no restrictions on the key value.
    Payload Constraints: If you need to use a specific payload to trigger a webhook, you can add a key/value pair in the Payload Constraints section. When a pipeline receives a webhook request, the payload content will be validated. The value supports regular expressions.
    Sample scenario: A pipeline's webhook URL is accessible from the public network, but the pipeline can be triggered only if correct authentication credentials are provided.
    The pipeline will be triggered for the following payload request:
    curl --location --request POST 'http://codingcorp.coding.com/api/cd/webhooks/webhook/ba2e9f00-6445-11ea-88b5-a9bc004f5e0f' \\
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
    --data-raw '{"secret": "faiM4&KqJTTuEy8J"}'

    Scheduled Trigger

    For example, to trigger a pipeline at 8:00 pm every day:
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