tencent cloud


Performance of Tencent Distributed Cloud or Edge Cloud Solutions Under Disconnection Mode

Last updated: 2024-07-04 17:26:02

    Tencent Distributed Cloud Solutions Support Disconnection Mode

    Tencent distributed cloud has two different types of distributed cloud products: fully privatized products and extension products of the public cloud.
    Fully privatized products TCE and TCS have a complete and independent control module and management panel locally. They can run independently in the customer's environment without any network connection to the public cloud, and disconnection has minimal impact on these products.
    For extension products of the public cloud, CDC/CDZ, they can temporarily lose connection with the public cloud (with an official SLA of 4 hours, though there is experience of running up to 5 days).
    In disconnection mode, all resources, such as VMs, block storage, file storage, databases, VPCs, and LBs, can be used normally. However, after disconnection, these resources cannot be managed to create, delete, and modify configurations.
    Due to the different architectural designs of various products, the high availability of certain services may be affected after disconnection, such as the automatic migration of VMs. However, the high availability of products like block storage, file storage, DBs, and VPCs is not affected.

    Tencent Edge Cloud Solutions Support Disconnection Mode

    Tencent Cloud Edge Zones (TEZs) are built upon the technological foundation of CDCs, so the two solutions have the same capabilities for supporting disconnection mode.
    Compared with distributed cloud, TEZ primarily serves in network-stable environments. Disconnection mode is more about addressing temporary anomalies like regional public network failures rather than providing regular services for customers.
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