tencent cloud


CLB Service Level Agreement

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-07-16 15:19:49
    In order to use the Tencent Cloud Load Balancer ("CLB") service (the "Service"), you should read and observe this Cloud Load Balancer Service Level Agreement (this "Agreement", or this "SLA") and the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement. This Agreement contains, among others, the terms and definitions of the Service, Service availability and Service uptime metrics, compensation plan and disclaimer of liabilities. Please carefully read and fully understand each and every provision hereof, and the provisions restricting or disclaiming certain liabilities, or otherwise related to your material rights and interests, may be in bold font or underlined or otherwise brought to your special attention. Please do not purchase the Service unless and until you have fully read, and completely understood and accepted all the terms hereof. By clicking "Agree"/ "Next", or by purchasing or using the Service, or by otherwise accepting this Agreement, whether express or implied, you are deemed to have read, and agreed to be bound by, this Agreement. This Agreement shall then have legal effect on both you and Tencent Cloud, constituting a binding legal document on both parties.

    1. Terms and Definitions

    1.1 Cloud Load Balancer (CLB): means a traffic distribution service provided by Tencent Cloud to expand the system's service capacity and to eliminate single node malfunction by load balancer. For details, please refer to the Service you purchase, and the contents of the Service provided by Tencent Cloud. 1.2 Single Instance: means one (1) CLB instance. The Service Availability will be calculated on a Single Instance basis. 1.3 Total Time of a Single Instance within a Service Month: equals to the total number of days of the Service Month × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes). 1.4 Instance Unavailability: If all the attempted connection with a CLB instance with incoming and outgoing permission rules fails, and such status lasts for more than one (1) minute, it will be deemed that the CLB instance is unavailable within such one (1) minute. 1.5 Single Instance Service Downtime Calculated in Minutes: Single Instance Service Downtime Calculated in Minutes = the time when the Instance Unavailability is fixed -- the time when the Instance Unavailability starts. Such downtime will be calculated in minutes, and when the downtime, or a portion thereof, is less than sixty (60) seconds, it will be rounded up to one (1) minute. For example, if the actual downtime of a Single Instance is one (1) minute and one (1) second, the Single Instance Service Downtime Calculated in Minutes would be two (2) minutes. However, when the Instance Unavailability is fixed within one (1) minute, which means that the actual downtime of the Service is less than one (1) minute, such downtime will not be counted in the Service downtime defined herein. 1.6 Single Instance Service Downtime within a Service Month: means the sum of the Single Instance Service Downtime Calculated in Minutes within a Service Month. 1.7 Service Month(s): means the calendar month(s) within the term of the Service purchased by you. For example, if you purchase the Service for a term of three months starting from March 17, there will be four (4) Service Months (the first Service Month from March 17 to March 31, the second from April 1 to April 30, the third from May 1 to May 31, and the fourth from June 1 to June 16). The availability of the Service will be calculated independently for each Service Month. 1.8. Monthly Service Fee: means the aggregate service fees paid by you for a Single CLB Instance within one (1) Service Month, excluding the portion paid yet to be consumed, and the portion deducted by a voucher or promotional voucher, due to discounted service fee or otherwise deducted.

    2. Service Availability

    2.1 Calculation of Service Availability Service Availability = (total time of a Single Instance within a Service Month calculated in minutes - Single Instance Service Downtime within a Service Month) / total time of a Single Instance within a Service Month calculated in minutes × 100% 2.2 Service Availability Domain Name-Based CLB The Service Availability of the Service of Domain Name-Based Public Network CLB (“Domain Name-Based CLB”) provided by Tencent Cloud will be no less than 99.99%. You are entitled to the compensation as set forth in Section 3 below if the Service Availability fails to meet the aforementioned standard, other than in any circumstance as provided for in the disclaimer of liabilities provisions below. If a Service Month has thirty (30) days, the total available time of a Single Instance in such month would be 30 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) × 99.99% = 43195.68minutes; that is, the Service downtime of the instance in such month will be 43200 - 43195.68 = 4.32 minutes. Other CLB The Service Availability of the Service other than the Domain Name-Based CLB (“Other CLB”) provided by Tencent Cloud will be no less than 99.95%. You are entitled to the compensation as set forth in Section 3 below if the Service Availability fails to meet the aforementioned standard, other than in any circumstance as provided for in the disclaimer of liabilities provisions below. If a Service Month has thirty (30) days, the total available time of a Single Instance in such month would be 30 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) × 99.95% = 43178.4 minutes; that is, the Service downtime of the instance in such month will be 43200 -- 43178.4 = 21.6 minutes.

    3. Service Compensation

    In respect of this Service, if the Service Availability fails to meet the abovementioned standard, you will be entitled to compensations in accordance with the following terms: 3.1 Standards of Compensation (1) Compensations will be made in the form of voucher by Tencent Cloud, and you should follow the rules for using the voucher (including the valid term; for details, please refer to the rules of vouchers published on Tencent Cloud's official website). You cannot redeem such voucher for cash or request to issue an invoice for such voucher. Such voucher can only be used to purchase the Service by using your Tencent Cloud account. You cannot use the voucher to purchase other services of Tencent Cloud, nor should you give the voucher to a third party for consideration or for free. (2) If the Service Availability for a Service Month fails to meet the standard, the amount of compensation will be calculated for such month independently, and the aggregate amount shall be no more than the applicable Monthly Service Fee paid by you for such month (the Monthly Service Fee referred to herein shall exclude the portion deducted by a voucher or promotional credit, due to discounted service fee or otherwise deducted). Domain Name-Based CLB
    Service Availability (Av) for a Service Month
    Value of Compensation Voucher
    99.99% > Av ≥ 99%
    10% of the Monthly Service Fee
    99% > Av ≥ 95%
    25% of the Monthly Service Fee
    95% < Av
    100% of the Monthly Service Fee
    Other CLB
    Service Availability (Av) for a Service Month
    Value of Compensation Voucher
    99.95% > Av ≥ 99%
    10% of the Monthly Service Fee
    99% > Av ≥ 95%
    25% of the Monthly Service Fee
    95% > Av
    100% of the Monthly Service Fee
    3.2 Time Limit for Compensation Application (1) If the Service Availability for a Service Month fails to meet the abovementioned Service Availability standard, you may apply for compensation through (and only through) the support ticket system under your relevant account after the fifth (5th) business day of the month immediately following such Service Month. Tencent Cloud will verify and ascertain your application upon receipt of such application. If there is any dispute over the calculation of the Service Availability for a Service Month, both parties agree that the back-end record of Tencent Cloud will prevail. (2) You should apply for such compensation no later than sixty (60) calendar days following the expiry of the applicable Service Month in which the Service Availability fails to meet the standard. If you fail to make any application within such period, or make the application after such period, or make the application by any means other than that agreed herein, it shall be deemed that you have voluntarily waived your right to apply for such compensation and any other rights you may have against Tencent Cloud, in which case Tencent Cloud has the right to reject your application for compensation and not to make any compensation to you.

    4. Disclaimer of Liabilities

    If the Service is unavailable due to any of the following reasons, the corresponding Service downtime shall not be counted towards Service unavailability period, and is not eligible for compensation by Tencent Cloud, and Tencent Cloud will not be held liable to you: 4.1 any malfunction or configuration adjustment of any network or equipment that is not Tencent Cloud facility; 4.2 any hacker attack on a user's application; 4.3 any loss or leak of data, passcode or password due to improper maintenance or improper confidentiality measures of a user; 4.4 any negligence of or operation authorized by a user; 4.5 any failure by a user to configure a back-end server, or any anomaly of a back-end server; 4.6 any failure of a user to abide by user guide or suggestions for using Tencent Cloud products; 4.7 any event of force majeure including without limitation natural disasters such as earthquake, flood and plague, social events such as war, riot and government action, technology incidents such as disconnection of telecommunication trunk circuits, hacker attack, network congestion, technological adjustment by telecommunication authorities, and government regulation and control; 4.8 any suspension or termination of servers resulting from any violation by a user of the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, including without limitation the suspension of service or release of a CLB instance due to a user's delay in payment; 4.9 any temporary downtime of the Service due to normal maintenance or upgrade of CLB by Tencent Cloud as described in the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement; 4.10 any Service unavailability or failure of the Service to meet the availability standard due to any reason not attributable to Tencent Cloud; 4.11 any other circumstances in which Tencent Cloud will be exempted or released from its liabilities (for compensation or otherwise) according to relevant laws, regulations, agreements or rules, or any rules or guidelines published by Tencent Cloud separately.

    5. Miscellaneous

    5.1 The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that, for any losses incurred by you during the course of using the Service due to any breach by Tencent Cloud, the aggregate compensation amount payable by Tencent Cloud shall under no circumstance exceed the total service fees you have paid for the relevant Service which is not performed. 5.2 Tencent Cloud has the right to amend the terms of this Agreement as appropriate or necessary in light of changes in due course. You may review the most updated version of relevant Agreement terms on the official website of Tencent Cloud. If you disagree with such revisions made by Tencent Cloud to this Agreement, you have the right to cease using the Service; by continuing to use the Service, you shall be deemed to have accepted the Agreement as amended. 5.3 As an ancillary agreement to the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, this Agreement is of the same legal effect as the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement. In respect of any matter not agreed herein, you shall comply with relevant terms under the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement. In case of any conflict or discrepancy between this Agreement and the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, this Agreement prevails to the extent of such conflict or discrepancy. (End of Document)

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