tencent cloud



마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-11 19:57:50

    Peering connection

    A peering connection is a connection created between different VPCs to support cross-account and cross-region communication between the VPCs.

    Route table

    A route table contains a series of routing policies that are used to define the traffic direction of each subnet within a VPC. A subnet can be associated with only one route table, but a route table can be associated with multiple subnets in the same VPC.

    Routing policy

    A routing policy defines a path that network traffic goes through. Each routing policy comprises three parameters:
    1. Destination: describes the destination IP range. The destination cannot be the IP range of the VPC in which the route table resides.
    2. Next hop type: specifies the next hop type for a VPC, for example, Public Gateway, VPN Gateway, or Direct Connect Gateway. You must create such a gateway before you select the next hop type.
    3. Next hop: specifies the next hop gateway to which the traffic of a subnet associated with the route table will be directed.

    Virtual private cloud

    A virtual private cloud (VPC) builds a separate network space in Tencent Cloud, which is very similar to a traditional network running in your IDC, except that the services hosted in a VPC are your Tencent Cloud services such as Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM), Cloud Load Balancer (CLB), and TencentDB. You do not need to worry about the procurement and OPS of network devices. Instead, you only need to define IP ranges, IP addresses, routing policies, and other information through easy-to-use software programs. You can use EIPs, NAT gateways, and public gateways to flexibly access the Internet or interconnect a VPC with your IDC through a VPN or Direct Connect. In addition, a VPC Peering Connection can help you easily implement a unified server for global access and 2-region-3-DC disaster recovery, and the security group and network ACL features of VPCs ensure comprehensive network security.


    A subnet is a flexible way to segment a VPC into different IP ranges. Applications and services can be deployed in different subnets to securely and elastically host multi-layer web applications in a VPC.

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