tencent cloud


Video Quality Scoring

Última atualização:2024-01-31 16:33:35


    The video quality scoring feature comprehensively analyzes the video clarity, signal-to-noise ratio, color, brightness, and other parameters and outputs a video quality score through no-reference image quality assessment.

    Use Cases

    End-to-end production quality monitoring

    It can be applied to the quality monitoring of the entire video production chain, and to evaluate the quality of a video after transcoding or super-resolution.

    Media processing parameter strategy

    Through video quality evaluation, you can output a video with both high cost performance (moderate bit rate and resolution) and desired image quality.

    How to Use

    You can use the video quality scoring feature through jobs.

    Through job

    You can create a video quality scoring job through the console or API for existing data stored in COS.
    API: You can create a video quality scoring job through API as instructed in Submitting Video Quality Scoring Job in the API documentation.
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