API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeOrganization | Gets the organization information | 40 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddOrganizationNode | Adds an organization node | 20 |
UpdateOrganizationNode | Updates an organization node | 20 |
DeleteOrganizationNodes | Batch deletes organization nodes | 20 |
DescribeOrganizationNodes | Gets the list of organization nodes | 20 |
CreateOrganizationMember | Creates an organization member | 20 |
DeleteOrganizationMembers | Batch removes organization members | 20 |
DescribeOrganizationMembers | Gets the list of organization members | - |
MoveOrganizationNodeMembers | Moves a member to the specified organization node | 20 |
InviteOrganizationMember | Invites a member | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ListOrganizationIdentity | Gets the list of access identities of an organization member | 20 |
DescribeOrganizationMemberAuthIdentities | Obtains the list of organization member access authorization | 20 |
DescribeOrganizationMemberPolicies | Gets the list of authorization policies of an organization member | 20 |
BindOrganizationMemberAuthAccount | Binds an organization member to a sub-account of the organization admin | 20 |
CancelOrganizationMemberAuthAccount | Unbinds an organization member from a sub-account of the organization admin | 20 |
DescribeOrganizationMemberAuthAccounts | Gets the list of sub-accounts bound to an organization member | 20 |
CreateOrganizationMemberPolicy | Creates an organization member access policy | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateOrgServiceAssign | Adds a delegated admin of the organization service | 20 |
DeleteOrgServiceAssign | Deletes a delegated admin of the organization service | 20 |
ListOrgServiceAssignMember | Obtains the list of delegated admins of the organization service | 20 |
ListOrganizationService | Obtains the list of organization service settings | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
OpenIdentityCenter | Activates the CAM Identity Center service | 20 |
DescribeIdentityCenter | Obtains the user's CAM Identity Center service information | 20 |
UpdateZone | Modifies the space name | 20 |
GetZoneStatistics | Queries space statistics | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateUser | Creates a user | 20 |
ListUsers | Queries the user list | 20 |
GetUser | Queries the user information | 20 |
UpdateUser | Modifies the user information | 20 |
UpdateUserStatus | Modifies the user status | 20 |
DeleteUser | Deletes a user | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateGroup | Creates user groups | 20 |
DeleteGroup | Deletes user groups | 20 |
AddUserToGroup | Adds users to a user group | 20 |
ListGroupMembers | Queries the user list of the user group | 20 |
ListJoinedGroupsForUser | Queries the user group joined by users | 20 |
RemoveUserFromGroup | Removes users from a user group | 20 |
UpdateGroup | Modifies the user group information | 20 |
GetGroup | Queries the user group information | 20 |
ListGroups | Queries the user group list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddExternalSAMLIdPCertificate | Adds SAML signing certificates | 20 |
ClearExternalSAMLIdentityProvider | Clears the SAML identity provider configuration information | 20 |
GetExternalSAMLIdentityProvider | Queries the SAML identity provider configuration information | 20 |
GetZoneSAMLServiceProviderInfo | Queries the SAML service provider information | 20 |
ListExternalSAMLIdPCertificates | Queries the SAML signing certificate list | 20 |
RemoveExternalSAMLIdPCertificate | Removes SAML signing certificates | 20 |
SetExternalSAMLIdentityProvider | Configures the SAML identity provider information | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ListRoleConfigurationProvisionings | Queries the permission configuration deployment list | 20 |
CreateRoleConfiguration | Creates permission configurations | 20 |
ListRoleConfigurations | Queries the permission configuration list | 20 |
ListPermissionPoliciesInRoleConfiguration | Obtains the policy list in permission configurations | 20 |
GetRoleConfiguration | Queries the permission configuration information | 20 |
RemovePermissionPolicyFromRoleConfiguration | Removes policies from permission configurations | 20 |
UpdateRoleConfiguration | Modifies the permission configuration information | 20 |
AddPermissionPolicyToRoleConfiguration | Adds policies to permission configurations | 20 |
DeleteRoleConfiguration | Deletes the permission configuration information | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateRoleAssignment | Grants authorizations on member accounts | 20 |
DeleteRoleAssignment | Removes authorizations on member accounts | 20 |
DismantleRoleConfiguration | Undeploys access configurations on member accounts | 20 |
ProvisionRoleConfiguration | Deploys access configurations on member accounts | 20 |
ListRoleAssignments | Queries the authorization list | 20 |
ListTasks | Queries the async task list | 20 |
GetTaskStatus | Queries the status of async tasks | 220 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ListUserSyncProvisionings | Queries the CAM user synchronization list | 20 |
CreateUserSyncProvisioning | Creates sub-user synchronization tasks | 20 |
DeleteUserSyncProvisioning | Deletes the CAM user synchronization | 20 |
GetProvisioningTaskStatus | Queries the status of async tasks of user synchronization | 220 |
GetUserSyncProvisioning | Queries the CAM user synchronization | 20 |
UpdateUserSyncProvisioning | Updates the CAM user synchronization | 20 |