tencent cloud


Data Types

最后更新时间:2023-06-26 16:48:07


Permission group

Used by actions: CreateAccessGroup, DescribeAccessGroup, DescribeAccessGroups.

Name Type Description
AccessGroupId String Permission group ID
AccessGroupName String Permission group name
Description String Permission group description
CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time
VpcType Integer VPC type (1: CVM; 2: BM 1.0)
VpcId String VPC ID


Permission rule

Used by actions: CreateAccessRules, DescribeAccessRules, ModifyAccessRules.

Name Type Required Description
AccessRuleId Integer No Permission rule ID
Address String No Permission rule address (IP range or IP)
AccessMode Integer No Permission rule access mode (1: read-only; 2: read-write)
Priority Integer No Priority (value range: 1–100. The smaller the value, the higher the priority)
CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Creation time


File system

Used by actions: CreateFileSystem, DescribeFileSystem, DescribeFileSystems.

Name Type Description
AppId Integer Resource owner AppId
FileSystemName String File system name
Description String File system description
Region String Region
FileSystemId String File system ID
CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time
BlockSize Integer File system block size (in bytes)
CapacityQuota Integer File system capacity (in bytes)
Status Integer File system status (1: creating; 2: created successfully; 3: failed to create)
SuperUsers Array of String List of superuser names
PosixAcl Boolean POSIX permission control
EnableRanger Boolean Whether to enable verification of Ranger service addresses
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
RangerServiceAddresses Array of String List of Ranger service addresses
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


Lifecycle rule

Used by actions: CreateLifeCycleRules, DescribeLifeCycleRules, ModifyLifeCycleRules.

Name Type Required Description
LifeCycleRuleId Integer No Lifecycle rule ID
LifeCycleRuleName String No Lifecycle rule name
Path String No Lifecycle rule path (directory or file)
Transitions Array of Transition No List of lifecycle rule transitions
Status Integer No Lifecycle rule status (1: enabled; 2: disabled)
CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Creation time
Summary Summary No Detailed storage usage of the current lifecycle rule path
LastSummaryTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Update time of Summary


Mount point

Used by actions: CreateMountPoint, DescribeMountPoint, DescribeMountPoints.

Name Type Description
MountPointId String Mount point ID
MountPointName String Mount point name
FileSystemId String File system ID
Status Integer Mount point status (1: enabled; 2: disabled)
CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time
AccessGroupIds Array of String List of IDs of the bound permission groups


Restoration task

Used by actions: CreateRestoreTasks, DescribeRestoreTasks.

Name Type Required Description
RestoreTaskId Integer No Restoration task ID
FilePath String No Restoration task file path
Type Integer No Restoration task type (1: standard; 2: expedited; 3: bulk, with only the expedited type available currently)
Days Integer No Validity period (in days) of the temporary copy generated during restoration
Status Integer No Restoration task status (1: binding file; 2: file binding completed; 3: restoring file; 4: file restoration completed)
CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Creation time


Details about the storage usage of the current lifecycle rule path

Used by actions: CreateLifeCycleRules, DescribeLifeCycleRules, ModifyLifeCycleRules.

Name Type Description
CapacityUsed Integer Capacity usage in bytes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
StandardCapacityUsed Integer COS STANDARD storage usage in bytes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DegradeCapacityUsed Integer COS STANDARD_IA storage usage in bytes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ArchiveCapacityUsed Integer COS ARCHIVE storage usage in bytes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DeepArchiveCapacityUsed Integer COS DEEP ARCHIVE storage usage in bytes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IntelligentCapacityUsed Integer COS INTELLIGENT TIERING storage usage in bytes
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Resource tag.

Used by actions: CreateFileSystem, DescribeResourceTags, ModifyResourceTags.

Name Type Required Description
Key String Yes Tag key
Value String Yes Tag value


Lifecycle rule transition attribute

Used by actions: CreateLifeCycleRules, DescribeLifeCycleRules, ModifyLifeCycleRules.

Name Type Required Description
Days Integer Yes Trigger time (in days)
Type Integer Yes Transition type (1: ARCHIVE; 2: Delete; 3: STANDARD_IA; 4: DEEP ARCHIVE; 5: INTELLIGENT TIERING)




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