Whiteboard application.
Used by actions: DescribeApplicationInfos.
Name | Type | Description |
SdkAppId | Integer | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
AppName | String | Application name. |
CreateTime | Timestamp | Creation time. |
TagList | Array of Tag | Tag list. |
Authentication parameters.
Used by actions: StartWhiteboardPush.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SdkAppId | Integer | Yes | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
UserId | String | Yes | User ID. |
UserSig | String | Yes | Signature corresponding to the user ID. |
Mixed stream canvas parameter
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LayoutParams | LayoutParams | Yes | Width and height of the mixed stream canvas |
BackgroundColor | String | No | Background color, which is black by default. Its format is RGB. for example, "#FF0000" for the red color. |
Real-time recording video splicing parameter
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Yes | Whether to enable the video splicing feature If the video splicing feature is enabled, the real-time recording service will splice multiple video clips resulting from the pause into one video. |
Image | String | No | Download address of the padding image used during video splicing. If it is not specified, a pure black image is used by default. |
Custom mixed stream layout parameter
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Canvas | Canvas | Yes | Mixed stream canvas parameter |
InputStreamList | Array of StreamLayout | Yes | Stream layout. The layout of each stream cannot exceed the canvas area. |
Chart data, including the time, values, and details.
Used by actions: DescribeApplicationUsage.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Time. The following formats are supported: yyyy-mm yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS |
Value | Integer | Values required for drawing charts. |
Details | Array of Detail | Details of the values. |
Detailed metric data with different tags in billable usage data.
Used by actions: DescribeApplicationUsage.
Name | Type | Description |
TagName | String | Usage metric. |
Weight | Float | Usage weight. |
Value | Float | Usage value. |
Number of video stream interruptions during real-time recording.
Used by actions: DescribeOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Count | Integer | Number of video stream interruptions. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Custom mixed stream layout parameter
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Width | Integer | Yes | Stream image width. Value range: [2,3000] |
Height | Integer | Yes | Stream image height. Value range: [2,3000] |
X | Integer | No | Offset of the top point in the upper-left corner of the current image to the X axis of the top point in the upper-left corner of the canvas. Default value: 0. Value range: [0,3000]. |
Y | Integer | No | Offset of the top point in the upper-left corner of the current image to the Y axis of the top point in the upper-left corner of the canvas. Default value: 0. Value range: [0,3000]. |
ZOrder | Integer | No | Z-axis position of the image. The default value is 0. The Z axis determines the overlap sequence of images. The image with the largest z-axis value is at the top layer. |
Stream mixing configuration
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Yes | Whether stream mixing is enabled |
DisableAudio | Boolean | No | Whether audio stream mixing is disabled |
ModelId | Integer | No | ID of the embedded mixed stream layout template. Valid values: 1 and 2. For more information on the differences of both values, see the sample embedded mixed stream layout template. If the Custom field is not specified, ModelId is required. |
TeacherId | String | No | ID of a teacher account This field is valid only when ModelId is specified. If you specify TeacherID for a user, the user's video stream will be displayed in the first image of the embedded template. |
Custom | CustomLayout | No | Custom mixed stream layout parameter If this parameter is available, the ModelId and TeacherId fields will be ignored. |
Duration to be ignored in the spliced video
Used by actions: DescribeOnlineRecord, DescribeRecordSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
VideoTime | Integer | Offset of the paused time in the spliced video, in milliseconds |
PauseTime | Integer | Recording pause timestamp, in milliseconds |
ResumeTime | Integer | Recording resumption timestamp, in milliseconds |
It specifies the global recording parameters and the recording parameters over a specific stream. For example, you can specify the streams you want to record and whether to record low-resolution videos only.
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether to enable RecordControl. Valid values: true (yes); false (no). |
DisableRecord | Boolean | No | A global parameter generally used in conjunction with StreamControls that specifies whether to disable recording. Valid values:true: no stream is recorded. false: all streams are recorded. Default value: false. The setting in this parameter is applied to all streams. However, if StreamControls is passed in, the parameters in StreamControls will take precedence. |
DisableAudio | Boolean | No | A global parameter generally used in conjunction with StreamControls that specifies whether to disable audio recording over all streams. Valid values:true: no audio recording of any streams. false: audio recording of all streams. Default value: false. The setting in this parameter is applied to all streams. However, if StreamControls is passed in, the parameters in StreamControls will take precedence. |
PullSmallVideo | Boolean | No | A global parameter generally used in conjunction with StreamControls that specifies whether to record low-resolution videos only. Valid values:true: only records low-resolution videos for all streams. Please ensure that the up-streaming end pushes the low-resolution videos. Otherwise, the recorded video may be black. false: high-resolution video recording of all streams. Default value: false. The setting in this parameter is applied to all streams. However, if StreamControls is passed in, the parameters in StreamControls will take precedence. |
StreamControls | Array of StreamControl | No | Parameters over specific streams, which take priority over global configurations. If it’s empty, all streams are recorded according to the global configurations. |
Real-time recording result.
Used by actions: DescribeRecordSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
FinishReason | String | AUTO : Recording automatically stops. USER_CALL : The API for stopping recording is called. |
ExceptionCnt | Integer | Number of exceptions. |
RoomId | Integer | Room ID. |
GroupId | String | Group ID. |
RecordStartTime | Integer | Actual recording start time. |
RecordStopTime | Integer | Recording end time. |
TotalTime | Integer | Recording duration. |
VideoInfos | Array of VideoInfo | List of video information. |
OmittedDurations | Array of OmittedDuration | Omitted video durations. |
Details | String | Details. |
ErrorCode | Integer | Task execution error code. |
ErrorMsg | String | Error message. |
Real-time recording task query results.
Used by actions: DescribeRecordSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
TaskId | String | Unique task ID. |
Status | String | Status of the real-time recording task. - PAUSED: Recording paused. - PREPARED: Recording in preparation. - RECORDING: Recording in progress. - STOPPED: Recording stopped. - FINISHED: Recording finished. |
RoomId | Integer | Room ID of the real-time recording task. |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Creation time of the task. |
SdkAppId | Integer | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
Result | RecordTaskResult | Real-time recording result. |
Whiteboard room data returned for log queries.
Used by actions: DescribeRoomList.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RoomId | String | Yes | Room ID. |
StartTime | Integer | Yes | The first time when the room ID appeared during the queried period, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. |
EndTime | Integer | Yes | The last time when the room ID appeared during the queried period, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. |
UserNumber | Integer | Yes | Number of users in the room. |
Usage information of the room.
Used by actions: DescribeTIWRoomDailyUsage.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Start date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. |
SdkAppId | Integer | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
SubProduct | String | Subproduct usage information, which is consistent with the corresponding request parameters. - sp_tiw_board: The duration of use of whiteboards. - sp_tiw_ric: The duration of real-time recording. |
Value | Float | Usage values. - The unit of sp_tiw_board and sp_tiw_ric is minutes. |
RoomID | Integer |
COS bucket parameters for storing whiteboard snapshots.
Used by actions: CreateSnapshotTask.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Uin | Integer | Yes | UIN of the Tencent Cloud account. |
Region | String | Yes | COS region. |
Bucket | String | Yes | COS bucket name. |
TargetDir | String | No | Root directory for storing whiteboard snapshots. |
Domain | String | No | CDN acceleration domain name. |
Result of the whiteboard snapshot task.
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshotTask.
Name | Type | Description |
ErrorCode | String | Task execution error code. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ErrorMessage | String | Task execution error message. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Total | Integer | Number of generated snapshot images. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Snapshots | Array of String | List of URLs of the snapshot images. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Whiteboard parameters of the whiteboard snapshot task, such as the width and height of the whiteboard.
Used by actions: CreateSnapshotTask.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Width | Integer | No | Whiteboard width. Valid range: [0,2560]. Default value: 1280. |
Height | Integer | No | Whiteboard height. Valid range: [0,2560]. Default value: 720. |
InitParams | String | No | Escaped JSON string of the whiteboard initial parameters, which is passed through to the Tencent Interactive Whiteboard SDK. |
A group of parameters for recording over specified streams. It specifies whether to disable the audio recording and whether to record high-resolution or low-resolution videos.
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
StreamId | String | Yes | Video stream ID Description of the possible video stream ID values: 1. tic_record_user : the whiteboard video stream2. tic_substream : the auxiliary video stream3. Specific user ID: the video stream of the specified user The actual recording uses the prefix match of the video stream ID. The real stream becomes the specified stream once its ID prefix matches with the stream ID. |
DisableRecord | Boolean | No | Whether to disable recording over the stream. true: does not record this stream. This stream will not be included in the final recording file. false: records this stream. This stream will be included in the final recording file. Default value: false |
DisableAudio | Boolean | No | Whether to disable the audio recording of the stream. true: does not record the audio of the stream. In the final recording file, this stream will be soundless. false: the stream has both video and audio recording. Default value: false |
PullSmallVideo | Boolean | No | Whether to only record low-resolution stream videos. true: records only low-resolution videos. In this case, please make sure that the client pushes low-resolution videos upstream. Otherwise, the recorded video may be black. false: records only high-resolution videos. Default value: false |
Stream layout parameter
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LayoutParams | LayoutParams | Yes | Stream layout configuration |
InputStreamId | String | No | Video stream ID Description of the possible video stream ID values: 1. tic_record_user: the current picture is used to display the whiteboard video stream. 2. tic_substream: the current picture is used to display the auxiliary video stream. 3. Specific user ID: the current picture is used to display the video stream of a specific user. 4.Left empty: the current picture is vacant for new video stream. |
BackgroundColor | String | No | Background color in RGB format, such as "#FF0000" for red. The default color is black. |
FillMode | Integer | No | Video filling mode. 0: self-adaption mode. Scales the video proportionally to completely display it in the specified area. In this mode, there may be black bars. 1: full-screen mode. Scales the video to make it fill the entire specified area. In this mode, no black bars will appear, but the video may not be displayed fully. |
Tag information.
Used by actions: CreateApplication, DescribeApplicationInfos.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key. |
TagValue | String | Yes | Tag value. |
Time series returned for the queried metric.
Used by actions: DescribeQualityMetrics.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | Integer | Unix timestamp in seconds. |
Value | Float | Current value of the queried metric. |
Transcoding task result.
Used by actions: DescribeTranscodeSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
ResultUrl | String | Transcoding result URL. |
Resolution | String | Target resolution. |
Title | String | Title (usually the document name). |
Pages | Integer | Number of transcoded pages. |
ThumbnailUrl | String | URL prefix of the thumbnail. If the URL prefix is http://example.com/g0jb42ps49vtebjshilb/ , the thumbnail URL for the first page of the dynamically transcoded PowerPoint file ishttp://example.com/g0jb42ps49vtebjshilb/1.jpg , and so on.If the document transcoding request carries the ThumbnailResolution parameter and the transcoding type is dynamic transcoding, this parameter is not null. In other cases, this parameter is null. |
ThumbnailResolution | String | Resolution of the thumbnail generated for dynamic transcoding |
CompressFileUrl | String | URL for downloading the transcoded and compressed file. If CompressFileType carried in the document transcoding request is null or is not a supported compression format, this parameter is null. |
ErrorCode | Integer | Task execution error code. |
ErrorMsg | String | Task execution error message. |
Transcoding task query results.
Used by actions: DescribeTranscodeSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Creation time of the task. |
TaskId | String | Unique task ID. |
Status | String | Current task status. - QUEUED: Queuing for transcoding. - PROCESSING: Transcoding in progress. - FINISHED: Transcoding finished. |
OriginalFilename | String | Original name of the transcoded document. |
SdkAppId | Integer | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
Result | TranscodeTaskResult | Transcoding task result. |
IsStatic | Boolean | Specifies whether the transcoding is static. |
Tencent Interactive Whiteboard usage information.
Used by actions: DescribeTIWDailyUsage.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Start date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. |
SdkAppId | Integer | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
SubProduct | String | Subproduct usage information, which is consistent with the corresponding request parameters. - sp_tiw_board: The duration of use of whiteboards. - sp_tiw_dt: The number of pages dynamically transcoded. - sp_tiw_st: The number of pages statically transcoded. - sp_tiw_ric: The duration of real-time recording. |
Value | Float | Usage values. - The unit of sp_tiw_dt and sp_tiw_st is pages. - The unit of sp_tiw_board and sp_tiw_ric is minutes. |
Whiteboard user data returned for log queries.
Used by actions: DescribeUserList.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
UserId | String | Yes | User ID in the room. |
StartTime | Integer | Yes | The first time when the user ID appeared during the queried period, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. |
EndTime | Integer | Yes | The last time when the user ID appeared during the queried period, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. |
Video information
Used by actions: DescribeOnlineRecord, DescribeRecordSearch, DescribeVideoGenerationTask.
Name | Type | Description |
VideoPlayTime | Integer | Video playback start time, in milliseconds |
VideoSize | Integer | Video size, in bytes |
VideoFormat | String | Video format |
VideoDuration | Integer | Video playback duration, in milliseconds |
VideoUrl | String | Video file URL |
VideoId | String | Video file ID |
VideoType | Integer | Video stream type - 0: camera video - 1: screen-sharing video - 2: whiteboard video - 3: mixed stream video - 4: audio-only (mp3) |
UserId | String | ID of the user to which the camera video or screen-sharing video belongs (whiteboard video: null, mixed stream video: tic_mixstream_ |
Width | Integer | Width of the video resolution. |
Height | Integer | Height of the video resolution. |
Real-time recording whiteboard parameter, such as the whiteboard width and height
Used by actions: CreateVideoGenerationTask, StartOnlineRecord, StartWhiteboardPush.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Width | Integer | No | Whiteboard video width in the real-time recording result. The value must be equal to or greater than 2. Default value: 1280. |
Height | Integer | No | Whiteboard video height in the real-time recording result. The value must be equal to or greater than 2. Default value: 960. |
InitParam | String | No | Whiteboard initialization parameter, which is passed through to the whiteboard SDK |
Whiteboard application configuration, including the resource bucket, domain name, callback URL, and callback key.
Used by actions: DescribeWhiteboardApplicationConfig, ModifyWhiteboardApplicationConfig.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TaskType | String | Yes | Task type. recording: Real-time recording. transcode: Document transcoding. |
BucketName | String | Yes | Bucket name. |
BucketLocation | String | Yes | Region of the bucket. |
BucketPrefix | String | Yes | Resource prefix of the bucket. |
ResultDomain | String | Yes | Destination CDN domain name. |
Callback | String | Yes | Callback URL. |
CallbackKey | String | Yes | Callback authentication key. |
SdkAppId | Integer | No | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
AdminUserId | String | No | IM admin user ID. |
AdminUserSig | String | No | IM admin user signature. |
Backup-related request parameters of the whiteboard push task.
Used by actions: StartWhiteboardPush.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PushUserId | String | Yes | User ID used by the whiteboard push service for entering a room, The ID must be an unused ID in the SDK. The whiteboard push service uses the user ID to enter the room for whiteboard push. If this ID is already used in the SDK, the SDK and recording service will conflict, affecting the pushing operation. |
PushUserSig | String | Yes | Signature corresponding to the PushUserId ID. |
Whiteboard push task result.
Used by actions: DescribeWhiteboardPushSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
FinishReason | String | AUTO : Pushing automatically stops. USER_CALL : The API for stopping pushing is called. |
ExceptionCnt | Integer | Number of exceptions. |
RoomId | Integer | Room ID. |
GroupId | String | IM group ID. |
PushStartTime | Integer | Actual push start time. |
PushStopTime | Integer | Push end time. |
IMSyncTime | Integer | IM timestamp corresponding to the first frame of the whiteboard push video. The timestamp is used for time synchronization between IM messages and the whiteboard push video during playback. |
ErrorCode | Integer | Task execution error code. |
ErrorMsg | String | Error message. |
Real-time recording task query results.
Used by actions: DescribeWhiteboardPushSearch.
Name | Type | Description |
TaskId | String | Unique task ID. |
Status | String | Status of the whiteboard push task. - PREPARED: Push in preparation. - PUSHING: Pushing in progress. - STOPPED: Pushing stopped. |
RoomId | Integer | Room ID of the whiteboard push task. |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Creation time of the task. |
SdkAppId | Integer | SdkAppId of the whiteboard application. |
Result | WhiteboardPushResult | Whiteboard push result. |
PushUserId | String | User ID of the whiteboard push task. |