tencent cloud


API Category

最后更新时间:2024-11-25 10:16:27

Target Group APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateTargetGroup Creates a target group 20
DeleteTargetGroups Deletes a target group 20
DescribeTargetGroups Queries target group information 20
DescribeTargetGroupList Obtains a target group list. 20
ModifyTargetGroupAttribute Modifies target group attributes 20
AssociateTargetGroups Associates a CLB with a target group 20
DisassociateTargetGroups Disassociates a CLB from a target group 20
RegisterTargetGroupInstances Adds instances to the target group 20
DeregisterTargetGroupInstances Unbinds instances in the target group 20
DescribeTargetGroupInstances Obtains the list of instances bound to the target group 20
ModifyTargetGroupInstancesWeight Modifies the server weight of a target group 20
DescribeTargetGroupInstanceStatus Queries the backend service status of a target group 20


API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateGatewayLoadBalancer Purchases a GWLB Instance 20
DeleteGatewayLoadBalancer Deletes a GWLB instance 20
DescribeGatewayLoadBalancers Queries the list of GWLB instances 20
ModifyGatewayLoadBalancerAttribute Modifies the attributes of a GWLB instance 20
InquirePriceCreateGatewayLoadBalancer Queries the price for purchasing a GWLB 20

Other APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeTaskStatus Queries the status of an async task 20




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