tencent cloud



最后更新时间:2024-12-18 17:34:59
    TencentCloud API authenticates each access request, that is, each request must include signing information (Signature) in the common request parameters to verify the identity of the user. The signature is generated by the security credentials which consist of a SecretId and a SecretKey. If you do not have the security credentials yet, you can apply for them at Tencent Cloud's official website; otherwise, you cannot call TencentCloud API.

    Signature Algorithm Description

    CMQ allows clients to use two signature algorithms: SHA1 and SHA256, which can be specified in the SignatureMethod parameter. If the parameter value is HmacSHA256, SHA256 will be used for signature calculation; if this parameter is not specified or its value is not HmacSHA256, SHA1 will be used.

    1. Apply for security credentials

    Before using TencentCloud API for the first time, you need to apply for security credentials in the Tencent Cloud Console, which consists of SecretId and SecretKey. SecretId is used to identify the API requester, while SecretKey is a key used for signature string encryption and authentication by the server. Please keep your SecretKey private and do not disclose it to others.
    You can apply for security credentials as follows:
    1.1. Log in to the Tencent Cloud Console. 1.2. Click Tencent Cloud Services and select Access Key under Management and Audit to go to the TencentCloud API key management page. 1.3. On the TencentCloud API Access Key Management page, click Create to create a pair of SecretId/SecretKey. Each account can have up to two SecretId/SecretKey pairs.

    2. Generate a signature string

    With the SecretId and SecretKey, a signature string can be generated as described below:
    Suppose the SecretId and SecretKey are:
    SecretId: AKIDPcY*****CVYLn3zT
    SecretKey: pPgfLip*****aU7UbQyFFx
    This is just an example. To perform actual operations, use your own SecretId and SecretKey
    For example, if you call the SendMessage API to send a message, the request parameters may be as follows:
    Parameter Name
    Method name
    Key ID
    Current timestamp
    Signature algorithm
    Random positive integer
    Name of the queue sending message
    Client version
    Unique custom ID of client
    Delay time
    Message content to be sent
    As shown above, the request has only five common request parameters (Action, SecretId, Timestamp, Nonce, and SignatureMethod) instead of the six ones described in "common request parameters". Actually, the sixth parameter Signature (signature string) is generated by other parameters (including signaling request parameters) together in the following steps:

    2.1. Sort parameters

    First, sort all request parameters by their names in ascending lexicographical order, just like sorting words in a dictionary in ascending alphabetical or numerical order. That is to say, sort the parameters by their first letters, and then sort the parameters with the same first letter by their second letters and so on. You can do this with the aid of relevant sorting functions in the programming language, such as the ksort function in PHP. The sorting results of the above sample parameters are as follows:
    Any other programming languages can be used to sort these parameters as long as the same result is produced.

    2.2. Concatenate a request string

    This step generates a request string. Format the request parameters sorted in the previous step into the form of parameter=value. For example, for the Action parameter, its parameter is Action and its value is SendMessages; therefore, the parameter will be formatted into Action=SendMessage.
    The value is the original value instead of the URL-encoded value.
    If an input parameter contains an underscore, the underscore needs to be replaced with a ".".
    Then, concatenate the formatted parameters with &. The generated request string will be as follows:

    2.3. Generate an original signature string

    This step generates the original signature string. The original signature string consists of the following parameters:
    Request method: POST and GET methods are supported. GET is used here for the request. Please note that the method name should be in all capital letters.
    Request domain name: here, suppose the private domain name of the CMQ service in the Guangzhou region cmq-queue-gz.api.tencentyun.com is requested.
    Request path: the request path of TencentCloud API is always /v2/index.php.
    Request string: the request string generated in the previous step.
    The rule for concatenating the original string of the signature is request method + request server + request path + ? + request string.
    The concatenation result in the example is as follows:

    2.4. Generate a signature string

    This step generates a signature string. Use the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm to sign the original signature string obtained in the previous step, and then Base64-encode the generated signature to get the final signature.
    The specific code when PHP is used is as follows:
    $secretKey = 'pPgfLipfEXZ7VcRzhAMIyPaU7UbQyFFx';
    $srcStr = 'POSTcmq-queue-gz.api.tencentyun.com/v2/index.php?Action=SendMessage&Nonce=2889712707386595659&RequestClient=SDK_Python_1.3&SecretId=AKIDPcY*****CVYLn3zT&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA1&Timestamp=1534154812&clientRequestId=123***1231&delaySeconds=0&msgBody=msg&queueName=test1';
    $signStr = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $srcStr, $secretKey, true));
    echo $signStr;
    The obtained signature string is as follows:
    When any other programming language is used for development and the original signature in the example is verified, the same result as described above should be obtained.

    3. Encode a signature string

    The generated signature string cannot be directly used as a request parameter and needs to be URL-encoded.
    Parameters sent in GET requests have to be URL-encoded.
    For example, if the signature string generated in the previous step is C16WEtEXsD5v5tnaUMLAbZewXhI=, it will be encoded to C16WEtEXsD5v5tnaUMLAbZewXhI%3d, and the final value of the Signature request parameter will be C16WEtEXsD5v5tnaUMLAbZewXhI%3d, which will be used to generate the final request URL. The final request string is:




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