def handle_response(response, retry_count=3, retry_interval=5):
if "Error" in response["Response"]:
error = response["Response"]["Error"]
code = error["Code"]
message = error["Message"]
request_id = response["Response"]["RequestId"]
logging.error(f"Request failed. Error code: {code}, error message: {message}, request ID: {request_id}")
if code == "InternalError":
# For internal errors, you may need to retry the request
print("An internal error occurred, retrying the request...")
for i in range(retry_count):
print(f"Retry count: {i+1}")
# Wait for a while
# Code for retrying the request...
# If the retry is successful, return the result and exit the function
# If the retry fails, continue the loop
# If all retries fail, return the default value
return 'pass' elif code == "other error code":
# Perform disaster recovery based on the actual situation
print("An unknown error occurred")
return 'pass'
# If no error occurs, process the response normally
# Code to process the response...
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