tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2024-11-26 17:16:48


    Key-Value pair filter for conditional filtering queries, such as filtering ID, name, status, etc.

    · If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is AND.
    · If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is OR.

    Used by actions: DescribeProjects.

    Name Type Required Description
    Values Array of String No One or more filter values.
    Name String No Filter name.


    Project API restriction type

    Used by actions: DescribeProjectLimits.

    Name Type Required Description
    ProjectInterface String Yes API
    ReportRate Integer Yes Reporting rate
    ReportType Integer Yes Reporting type. 1: reporting rate; 2: reporting count limit
    ID Integer No Primary key ID
    ProjectID Integer No Project ID


    Release file list (sourcemap)

    Used by actions: CreateReleaseFile, DescribeReleaseFiles.

    Name Type Description
    Version String File version
    FileKey String Unique file key
    FileName String Filename
    FileHash String File hash
    ID Integer File ID
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    RUM region information

    Used by actions: DescribeTawAreas.

    Name Type Description
    AreaId Integer Region ID
    AreaStatus Integer Region status (1: valid; 2: invalid)
    AreaName String Region name
    AreaKey String Region key
    AreaRegionID String Region ID.
    AreaRegionCode String Region code, such as “ap-xxx” (xxx is the region name).
    AreaAbbr String Region abbreviation.


    RUM project information

    Used by actions: DescribeProjects.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Project name
    Creator String Creator ID
    InstanceID String Instance ID
    Type String Project type
    CreateTime Timestamp Creation time
    Repo String Project repository address
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    URL String Project URL
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Rate String Project sample rate
    Key String Unique project key (12 characters)
    EnableURLGroup Integer Whether to enable URL aggregation
    InstanceName String Instance name
    ID Integer Project ID
    InstanceKey String Instance key
    Desc String Project description
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IsStar Integer Starred status. 1: yes; 0: no
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProjectStatus Integer Project status (1: Creating; 2: Running; 3: Abnormal; 4: Restarting; 5: Stopping; 6: Stopped; 7: Terminating; 8: Terminated)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AccessPoint String Log access point, which can be ignored.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    RUM log object

    Used by actions: DescribePvList.

    Name Type Description
    ProjectId Integer Project ID
    Pv String Number of PVs
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime String Time


    Number of RUM UVs

    Used by actions: DescribeUvList.

    Name Type Description
    ProjectId Integer Project ID
    Uv String Number of UVs
    CreateTime String Creation time


    Project score entity

    Used by actions: DescribeScores.

    Name Type Description
    StaticDuration String duration
    PagePv String pv
    ApiFail String Failure
    ApiNum String Request
    StaticFail String fail
    ProjectID Integer Project ID
    PageUv String uv
    ApiDuration String Number of requests
    Score String Score
    PageError String error
    StaticNum String num
    RecordNum Integer num
    PageDuration String Duration
    CreateTime String Time
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.



    Used by actions: CreateTawInstance.

    Name Type Required Description
    Key String Yes Tag key
    Value String Yes Tag value



    Used by actions: DescribeWhitelists.

    Name Type Description
    Remark String Remarks
    InstanceID String Instance ID
    Ttl String End time
    ID String Auto-Increment allowlist ID
    WhitelistUin String Unique business identifier
    CreateUser String Creator ID
    Aid String aid
    CreateTime String Creation time
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