tencent cloud


Import and Export Issues

Last updated: 2023-12-26 18:02:33
    This document describes how to import and export issues in CODING Project Management.

    Open Project

    1. Log in to the CODING Console and click Use Now to go to CODING page.
    2. Click
    in the upper-right corner to open the project list page and click a project icon to open the project.
    3. Click Project Collaboration in the menu on the left.

    Feature Overview

    Epics, requirements, tasks, and bugs (collectively referred to as issues) can be imported and exported in bulk. You can select Import Issues, Export the Current Filtered Issues, and Export All Issues in the menu in the upper-right corner of the issue list page, and then follow the CODING templates shown. The following shows how to import and export requirements.

    Import Issues

    1. Select Import Requirements in the menu in the upper-right corner of the issue list page.
    2. Click Download Template and fill in the information as required as shown below.
    3. The template includes title (required), description, assignee, status, priority and due time. After you fill in the template, upload an Excel/CSV file.
    Issue fields are used to describe the current status, due date, assignee, priority, and other information of this issue. If required fields are preset in the project, this rule is ignored during the issue import; if default values are preset for the fields in the project, they are auto-filled during the issue import. For more information, see Custom Issue Fields.
    4. Check the import result. After the import is complete, you will be notified by a prompt message on the import page or system notification. If the import fails, download the error log as instructed, and import again after changes.

    Export Issues

    1. Export all requirements or filtered requirements in the menu in the upper-right corner of the issue list page.
    This does not export any subtasks under the requirements.
    2. After export, click Download File and check the export result.
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