Error Message | Solution |
ERROR: permission denied for external protocol cos | GRANT ALL ON PROTOCOL cos TO {backup_user} |
ERROR: permission denied for schema {schame_name} | GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA {schame_name} to {backup_user} |
ERROR: permission denied for relation {table_name} | GRANT SELECT ON {table_name} to {backup_user} |
script to back up all data in the Tencent Cloud TCHouse-P cluster and scale the cluster as needed to complete regular cold backups with crontab. You can also download and use!/bin/bashset -e# Tencent Cloud TCHouse-P connection parameters that need to be enteredPWD='' # RequiredHOST='' # RequiredUSER='' # RequiredDEFAULT_DB='postgres'# Backup parameters that need to be enteredSECRET_ID='' # RequiredSECRET_KEY='' # RequiredCOS_URL='' # Required, such as ``COMPRESS_TYPE='gzip' # Whether the files in COS are in compressed format. Valid values, gzip, noneecho -e "\\n`date "+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"` backup task start\\n"# Step 1. Get the list of databasesdb_list=`PGPASSWORD=${PWD} psql -t -h ${HOST} -p 5436 -d ${DEFAULT_DB} -U ${USER} -c "select datname from pg_database"`# Step 2. Traverse the databases that need to be backed upfor db in $db_listdo# `template0`, `template1`, and `gpperfmon` are templates and system database and do not need to be backed upif [ "$db" = "template0" -o $db = "template1" -o $db = "gpperfmon" ];thencontinuefiecho -e "\\n************************************************"echo -e "backup database:{$db} start"db_start=`date +%s`# Step 3. Get the current date# Use the date as part of the COS path to distinguish between data backed up on different datescur_date=`date +%Y%m%d`# Step 4. Get the list of tables that need to be backed up# External, virtual, temporary, and replicated tables (not supported currently) are excluded. For partitioned tables, only child tables are backed uptable_list=`PGPASSWORD=${PWD} psql -t -h ${HOST} -p 5436 -d ${db} -U ${USER} -c "SELECT t.schemaname||'.'||t.tablename FROM pg_class c join (SELECT a.schemaname,a.tablename,b.oid FROM pg_tables a join pg_namespace b on a.schemaname = b.nspname WHERE a.tableowner != 'gpadmincloud') as t on c.relnamespace = t.oid and c.relname = t.tablename join gp_distribution_policy d on c.oid = d.localoid WHERE c.relstorage not in('v','x') and c.relpersistence != 't' and c.relhassubclass != 't' and d.policytype != 'r'"`# Step 5. Create a COS extensionPGPASSWORD=${PWD} psql -h ${HOST} -p 5436 -d ${db} -U ${USER} -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS cos_ext SCHEMA public"# Step 6. Traverse the list and perform backups in sequencefor table in $table_listdosleep 1table_start=`date +%s`echo -e "backup ${table} start"# Here, a name suffix must be added in the format of `{schema}.{table}`backup_table="${table}_cdw_backup_cos"# Step 7. Create COS backup tablesPGPASSWORD=${PWD} psql -h ${HOST} -p 5436 -d ${db} -U ${USER} -c "CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE ${backup_table} (like ${table}) LOCATION('cos://${COS_URL}/backup/${cur_date}/${db}/${table}/ secretKey=${SECRET_KEY} secretId=${SECRET_ID} compressType=${COMPRESS_TYPE}') FORMAT 'csv'"# Step 8. Import the data of original tables to backup tablesPGPASSWORD=${PWD} psql -h ${HOST} -p 5436 -d ${db} -U ${USER} -c "INSERT INTO ${backup_table} SELECT * FROM ${table}"# Step 9. Delete the backup external tables# Note: Deleting an external table will not delete the corresponding data in COSPGPASSWORD=${PWD} psql -h ${HOST} -p 5436 -d ${db} -U ${USER} -c "DROP EXTERNAL TABLE ${backup_table}"table_end=`date +%s`echo -e "backup ${table} done, cost $[table_end - table_start]s\\n"donedb_end=`date +%s`echo -e "backup database:{$db} done, cost $[db_end - db_start]s"echo -e "************************************************\\n"done
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